Configuring IBM Business Monitor V8.5.6

After you install IBM® Business Monitor V8.5.6, create the IBM Business Monitor profiles. Then, use the monConfig script to configure the deployment environment.

The target deployment environment uses the same databases as the source environment, unless you cloned your databases in the previous step.

Figure 1. Sample environment after V8.5.6 is configured on the target. The source environment is not running. The target is not running but contains a deployment environment. The deployment environment has three clusters and is configured across two nodes.
The details of the diagram are provided in the figure caption.


  1. To create profiles, follow the instructions in Creating and augmenting profiles. When you are creating the deployment manager, use the information from your source environment in the database configuration page of
    Note: By default, the IBM Business Monitor Business Space tables are created in the MONITOR database. These tables use the IBMBUSSP schema name to easily identify the Business Space specific data. To use a different Business Space database and schema name in a network deployment topology, complete the following steps before you run the script:
    1. On the deployment manager, edit the deployment_manager_profile_root/config.wbm/ file.
    2. Find the two lines near the end of the file that begin with:
      • BusinessSpaceDatabaseName =
      • BusinessSpaceDatabaseSchema =
    3. Change the current values to your preferred values and save the changes. For DB2 for z/OS databases, set the value of BusinessSpaceDatabaseName to the DB2 for z/OS subsystem name.
    When the script is run against the updated deployment manager, the Business Space configuration uses the new Business Space database and schema names.
  2. Start the deployment manager and the custom nodes.
  3. To configure the target deployment environment, follow the instructions in Creating a deployment environment by using the monConfig script.
  4. In the administrative console, check that the virtual host used by IBM Cognos® Business Intelligence defines the server ports where IBM Cognos BI is running. By default, IBM Cognos BI uses the default_host virtual host, which must have the port numbers defined in the server ports named WC_defaulthost and WC_defaulthost_secure.
  5. Stop the target deployment environment.