This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

Using the "-clean" option when starting IBM Integration Designer

The -clean option can be used on IBM® Integration Designer startup and it performs several functions.

About this task

IBM Integration Designer is based on the Eclipse Platform which caches all plugin.xml files into a single repository for quicker loading. If you used IBM Integration Designer before installing a new plug-in, you should start IBM Integration Designer once with the -clean option.


  1. From a command line, change to the package group installation directory where you installed IBM Integration Designer.
  2. Run the command to start IBM Integration Designer with the -clean option.
    • For Windows operating systemwid.exe -clean
    • For Linux operating system./wid.bin -clean

What to do next

This -clean option forces IBM Integration Designer to rebuild the Eclipse repository. This applies to anything that is installed into Eclipse by extracting it into its plugins folder. The option also
  • removes and regenerates manifest files.
  • removes cached binary files and regenerates them from the newly created manifest files.
  • removes and regenerates JXE information.
  • removes and regenerates the runtime plug-in registry.
Beyond this it is up to each plug-in that is listed in the configuration directory to handle what it does when -clean is used.

It is a good practice to start IBM Integration Designer using the -clean option after applying any Interim Fixes. This will ensure that the plug-in registry is regenerated to reflect any changes from the applied fixes. This only needs to be done once after applying any Interim Fix, as running with -clean takes considerable time in regenerating the plug-in registry.