Using the REST event emitter to emit events

The REST event emitter is a public API that you use to synchronously publish events for IBM® Business Monitor to process.

For IBM Business Monitor V8.5.5, two versions of the REST event emitter are available.

  • When you are creating events for IBM Business Monitor V8.5.5, use the REST event emitter that sends the events in XML format to the monitor model application.
  • If you are using events that were created for earlier versions of IBM Business Monitor, you can use the REST event emitter that wraps the event XML in a Common Base Event envelope. This event emitter places the event XML into the xs:any slot of the Common Base Event. The REST event emitter then submits the Common Base Event to the common event infrastructure (CEI) server, which forwards the event to the monitor model application.

For information about the REST event emitter interface, see the related reference.

For information about emitting events to the REST event emitter in an ND topology, see the related reference.