Enabling support for Liberty optimized local adapters in CICS

You must enable your Customer Information Control System (CICS®) environment to receive inbound and outbound requests using WebSphere® optimized local adapters (WOLA).

Before you begin

Enable your Liberty server environment to use optimized local adapters. For more information, see Enabling the Liberty server environment to use optimized local adapters.


  1. Add the CICS resource definitions for the optimized local adapters to the primary CICS system definition (CSD) file, DFHCSD.
    You can either manually add the definitions in CICS or download and run the CSUPDAT sample.
    • In CICS, use the CEDA transaction or an equivalent transaction to add the definitions to the DFHCSD. See Optimized local adapter definitions for CICS for the required definitions.
    • Use the CICS offline CSD update program, DFHCSDUP, to add the definitions to the DFHCSD. For more information about the DFHCSDUP program, see the documentation for your version of CICS. See Optimized local adapter definitions for CICS for the required definitions.
    • Update the definitions by running the CSDUPDAT.jclsamp sample job.
      1. Download the optimized local adapter samples. For more information about downloading and installing the samples, see Optimized local adapters samples for Liberty.
      2. Copy the samples and CSDUPDAT member to a data set.
      3. Customize the CSDUPDAT.jclsamp sample job for your environment. For example, in the sample job, enter the name of the dataset where the CSD is located.
      4. Run the CSDUPDAT.jclsamp sample job.
  2. Copy the load modules and DLL files that are required for CICS from the Liberty server hierarchical file system (HFS) or zSeries file system (zFS) to a partitioned data set for use under CICS.
    The following example shows how to copy load modules into the $DSNAME data set:
    cp -Xv wlp/clients/zos/* "//'$DSNAME'" 
  3. Place the data set in the CICS DFHRPL concatenation.
  4. Set up the Liberty message catalog in the CICS region.
    The optimized local adapters programs issue messages from a message catalog that ships with Liberty. For the programs to issue messages, the NLSPATH environment variable in the CICS region must point to the directory that contains the message catalog. This directory is wlp/lib/native/zos/s390x/nls/%N.cat, where wlp is the directory in which the Liberty server is installed.

    To set the environment variable, use the Language Environment ENVAR option, which you can set by editing the CEEROPT CSECT that the CICS region uses. After you edit the CSECT, you can build, compile, link, and copy the CSECT into the DFHRPL data set. For more information about other ways to set Language Environment options, see the documentation for your version of CICS.

    Note: Ways of setting Language Environment options that involve editing the application source code or relinking the application are not supported because the optimized local adapter programs cannot be recompiled or relinked.
    The following example shows a CEEROPT CSECT that defines the NLSPATH environment variable for a Liberty server that is installed in /u/MSTONE1/wlp. Note that the definition spans two lines and includes a continuation character, X, in column 72.
    * Utility: CEEROPT
    * Purpose: Set default LE runtime options for CICS region.
            CEEXOPT ENVAR=(('NLSPATH=/u/MSTONE1/wlp/lib/native/zos/s390x/nlX
  5. Secure your optimized local adapter connections by performing the following actions:
    • Create SERVER profiles for z/OS.
    • If you have CBIND enabled in System Authorization Facility (SAF), grant access to the clients that will use optimized local adapters.

    For more information, see Securing optimized local adapters for inbound support on Liberty for z/OS.

  6. Start the optimized local adapters task-related user exit (TRUE) program.

    You can start the TRUE program with BBOC, an optimized local adapters transaction for CICS. You can use this transaction to start, stop, enable, and disable tracing for the TRUE module. The TRUE program name is BBOATRUE, which you activate using the BBOC transaction with the START_TRUE parameter.

    When CICS security is enabled, the user ID where the BBOC START_TRUE and STOP_TRUE parameters run must have authority to issue the EXEC CICS ENABLE PROGRAM(BBOATRUE) and DISABLE PROGRAM(BBOATRUE) EXITALL commands. Messages that are issued by the Liberty server under CICS are routed to the BBOQ extra partition transient data queue (TDQ) that is allocated under DD BBOOUT in the CICS region.

    For more information, see Liberty server transactions for CICS: BBOC, BBO$, and BBO#.

  7. Optional: If you want to use the CICS link server, start the optimized local adapters CICS link server task by issuing the BBOC_START_SRVR command on a CICS workstation.

What to do next

If you want to create a connection, begin by registering the external address space to the Liberty server. For more information, see Registering an external address space with a local Liberty server using optimized local adapters.