What's new

Ongoing development ensures that Operational Decision Manager on Cloud continues to meet your needs for creating and implementing business rule applications.

This page lists the new features and other changes in the latest release, which is based on Operational Decision Manager 9.0. To view the documentation for the previous release, see Previous documentation.

Important: Operational Decision Manager on Cloud uses IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation as a Service as a subscription entry point. It provides permission management, metrics, and REST API. The design is different, but the functionality remains the same.


Updated software requirements
The following third-party software is supported:
  • Java 17
  • Eclipse 4.30
  • Java Servlet 4.0.1

For information about software requirements, check IBM Operational Decision Manager on Cloud - Detailed System Requirements.

Deprecated or removed features
The following features are deprecated or removed in this release. The deprecated features are still supported, but they are no longer developed.
  • Decision model services (removed)
  • Legacy ruleflow editor (deprecated)
  • Intermediate code generation in the decision engine (deprecated)

For more information, see Deprecated and removed features.

Trial version removal
The trial version of Operational Decision Manager on Cloud is no longer available. A trial version of IBM Operational Decision Manager in a software-as-a-service environment is available for IBM® Cloud Pak for Business Automation as a Service. New information Learn more...

Rule Designer

IBM Watson Machine Learning integration
Machine Learning extracts key characteristics, patterns, and anomalies from your historical data to create predictive models. These models can be used to apply insights from your data in decision services. New information Learn more...
New Java and Eclipse
Rule Designer now uses Java 17 and Eclipse 4.30. You must install these versions of Java and Eclipse before you install the latest version of Rule Designer. New information Learn more...
New ruleflow editor
A new ruleflow editor brings improved functionality to Rule Designer. The legacy editor is also included in the component. You can choose between the two editors. New information Learn more...

Decision Center

Ruleflows and variable sets in the timeline
The timeline now shows ruleflows and variables among other decision artifacts such as action rules and decision tables. You can compare older versions with newer ones, and restore them. New information Learn more...
Improved branch merge in the Business console
The branch merge function in Decision Center now handles changes to decision service properties such as categories, queries referenced in decision operations, dynamic XOM (schemas), and the engine mode. New information Learn more...
Pagination in the Library page
The Library tab is now paginated to avoid performance issues when listing many decision services. You can choose to see 10, 50 or all the decision services on one page. You can browse quickly through the pages with arrow buttons, and use the filter to search for specific decision services. The number of pages displayed is saved across sessions for each user. The maximum number of decision services that can be displayed on a single page is 500. If there are more than 500 decision services, then the pagination is forced to 500.
Enabling distributed caching
A distributed cache is available to reduce the amount of information retrieved from the Decision Center database. The cache is provided by using Infinispan libraries, and it is shared by all the Decision Center modules that are connected to the schema of the database. Contact your cloud support team for this feature. New information Learn more...
Long-running deletion without timing out
Deleting a branch or a full decision service can take a while and have timeout issues. The deletion process now runs in background mode. A single request is sent to initiate the deletion, and then a background process does the actual deletion. This deletion process applies to decision services and branches (regular branches, change activities, and releases). New information Learn more...
REST API for generating rule reports
You can generate reports based on decision services, projects, or queries. These reports show the content and properties of deployed project elements. New information Learn more...