Each row represents a named external table.

Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
TABLENAME VARCHAR(128) No Name of the external table.
FILENAME CLOB(4K) No Fully-qualified name of the file that contains the data for this external table.
FIELDDELIMITER CHAR(1) Yes Character that indicates the end of a field.
RECORDDELIMITER CHAR(4) Yes Character string that indicates the end of a record.
DECIMALDELIMITER CHAR(1) No Character to represent the decimal delimiter.
DATEDELIMITER CHAR(1) No Character to separate date components.
TIMEDELIMITER CHAR(1) No Character to separate time components.
DATESTYLE CHAR(12) No Format that determines how a date is represented.
TIMESTYLE CHAR(6) No Time format. Possible values are '24HOUR' and '12HOUR'
BOOLEANSTYLE CHAR(32) No Boolean style. Possible values are '1_0', 'TRUE_FALSE', and 'YES_NO'.
NULLVALUE CHAR(8) No String that is used to indicate a null value. The default is 'NULL'.
QUOTEDVALUE CHAR(12) Yes Type of quotation marks that are to be stripped away from data values that are enclosed by them. Possible values are 'YES' or 'SINGLE' (for single quotation marks), 'DOUBLE' (for double quotation marks), and 'NO' (if no quotation marks are to be stripped).
REQUIREQUOTES CHAR(5) Yes Whether all data values are enclosed in quotation marks. Possible values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. If REQUIREQUOTES is set to 'TRUE', QUOTEDVALUE must be set to 'YES', 'SINGLE', or 'DOUBLE'.
RECORDLENGTH INTEGER Yes Length of each record of a fixed-format file.
MAXERRORS BIGINT No Maximum number of errors before an external table operation is rolled back.
MAXROWS BIGINT No Maximum number of rows to load. If this value is exceeded, the load operation fails.
Y2BASE SMALLINT No The hundreds component of a year that is specified as only 2 digits. For example, 19 if the 2-digit year 15 represents 1915; 20 if it represents 2015.
FORMAT CHAR(8) No A character string that indicates the data format. Possible values are 'TEXT', 'INTERNAL', 'FIXED', 'BINARY', 'GENERIC', 'NZ_REPL', 'DB2Z_BRF' and 'DB2Z_RRF'.
ENCODING CHAR(20) Yes Code set of the external data file.
REMOTESOURCE CHAR(10) Yes Remote source type. Possible values are: 'ODBC', 'JDBC', 'LOCAL', 'OLEDB', or 'NZ_REPLSRV'.
SOCKETBUFFERSIZE BIGINT No Chunk size, in bytes, at which data is read from the source file.
SKIPROWS DECFLOAT No When reading a table, the number of rows from the top that are to be skipped.
ISFILLRECORD CHAR(5) Yes Whether all fields must be specified. Possible values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
ISESCAPE CHAR(1) Yes A character in the range ASCII 32 to ASCII 127 that is interpreted as an escape character.
ISCRINSTRING CHAR(5) No Whether a carriage return character is to be regarded as part of string. Possible values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
ISTRUNCSTRING CHAR(5) Yes Whether to truncate a string if it exceeds the size of the column of the external table into which it is to be loaded. Possible values are: 'TRUE' (a string that is too large to fit in a column is truncated) or 'FALSE' (a string that is too large terminates and rolls back the load operation).
ISCONTROLCHARACTERS CHAR(5) No Whether ASCII characters 1 to 31 are to be allowed in a string. Possible values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
ISIGNOREZERO CHAR(5) Yes Whether all occurrences of ASCII character 0 in a string are to be discarded. Possible values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
ISTIMEROUNDNANOS CHAR(5) Yes Whether time values are to be rounded to the nearest microsecond. Possible values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
ISCOMPRESS CHAR(5) Yes Whether data that is being read from an external table is compressed, and data being written to an external table is to be compressed. Possible values are: 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'.
ISINCLUDEHEADER CHAR(5) No Whether column names are to be included during an unload operation ('TRUE') or ignored ('FALSE').
ISINCLUDEZEROSECONDS CHAR(5) Yes During an unload operation, whether values of 00 seconds are to be unloaded ('TRUE') or ignored ('FALSE').
LOGFILEPATH CLOB(4K) No Name of the file in which to log external table operations.