Each row represents a user, group, or role that has been granted EXECUTE privilege on either a particular routine (function, method, or procedure) in the database that is not defined in a module or all routines in a particular schema in the database that are not defined in a module.

Table 1. SYSCAT.ROUTINEAUTH Catalog View
Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
GRANTOR VARCHAR (128)   Grantor of the privilege. SYSIBM if the privilege was granted by the system.
  • S = Grantor is the system
  • U = Grantor is an individual user
GRANTEE VARCHAR (128)   Holder of the privilege.
  • G = Grantee is a group
  • R = Grantee is a role
  • U = Grantee is an individual user
SCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   Schema name of the routine.
SPECIFICNAME VARCHAR (128) Y Specific name of the routine. If SPECIFICNAME is the null value and ROUTINETYPE is not M, the privilege applies to all routines of the type specified in ROUTINETYPE in the schema specified in SCHEMA. If SPECIFICNAME is the null value and ROUTINETYPE is M, the privilege applies to all methods for the subject type specified by TYPENAME in the schema specified by TYPESCHEMA. If SPECIFICNAME is the null value, ROUTINETYPE is M, and both TYPENAME and TYPESCHEMA are null values, the privilege applies to all methods for all types in the schema.
TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema name of the type for the method. The null value if ROUTINETYPE is not M.
TYPENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the type for the method. The null value if ROUTINETYPE is not M. If TYPENAME is the null value and ROUTINETYPE is M, the privilege applies to all methods for any subject type if they are in the schema specified by SCHEMA.
ROUTINETYPE CHAR (1)   Type of the routine.
  • F = Function
  • M = Method
  • P = Procedure
EXECUTEAUTH CHAR (1)   Privilege to execute the routine.
  • G = Held and grantable
  • N = Not held
  • Y = Held
GRANT_TIME TIMESTAMP   Time at which the privilege was granted.