Each row represents a column that participates in an index.

Table 1. SYSCAT.INDEXCOLUSE Catalog View
Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
INDSCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   Schema name of the index.
INDNAME VARCHAR (128)   Unqualified name of the index.
COLNAME VARCHAR (128)   Name of the column.
COLSEQ SMALLINT   Numeric position of the column in the index (initial position is 1).
COLORDER CHAR (1)   Order of the values in this index column. Possible values are:
  • A = Ascending
  • D = Descending
  • I = INCLUDE column (ordering ignored)
  • R = Random
COLLATIONSCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y For string types, the schema name of the collation for the column; the null value otherwise.
COLLATIONNAME VARCHAR (128) Y For string types, the unqualified name of the collation for the column; the null value otherwise.
  • N = Column exists in the table on which this index is defined.
  • S = Virtual index column found in statistical view associated with the index. The expression for this part of the index key is stored in the TEXT column.
  • Y = Virtual index column that does not exist in the table on which this index is defined.
TEXT CLOB (64K) Y The expression text for this part of the index key. The null value if this part of the index key is not based on an expression.