Each row represents an attribute that is defined for a user-defined structured data type. Includes inherited attributes of subtypes.

Table 1. SYSCAT.ATTRIBUTES Catalog View
Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   Schema name of the structured data type that includes the attribute.
TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the structured data type belongs. The null value if not a module structured data type.
TYPENAME VARCHAR (128)   Unqualified name of the structured data type that includes the attribute.
ATTR_NAME VARCHAR (128)   Attribute name.
ATTR_TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   Schema name of the data type of an attribute.
ATTR_TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the data type of an attribute belongs. The null value if not a module attribute.
ATTR_TYPENAME VARCHAR (128)   Unqualified name of the data type of an attribute.
TARGET_TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema name of the target row type. Applies to reference types only; null value otherwise.
TARGET_TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the target row type belongs. The null value if not a module row type. Applies to reference types only; null value otherwise.
TARGET_TYPENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the target row type. Applies to reference types only; null value otherwise.
SOURCE_TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128)   For inherited attributes, the schema name of the data type with which the attribute was first defined. For non-inherited attributes, this column is the same as TYPESCHEMA.
SOURCE_TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y For inherited attributes, the unqualified name of the module to which the data type with which the attribute was first defined belongs. For non-inherited attributes, this column is the same as TYPEMODULEID. The null value if not a module data type.
SOURCE_TYPENAME VARCHAR (128)   For inherited attributes, the unqualified name of the data type with which the attribute was first defined. For non-inherited attributes, this column is the same as TYPENAME.
ORDINAL SMALLINT   Position of the attribute in the definition of the structured data type, starting with 0.
LENGTH INTEGER   Length of the attribute data type. 0 if the attribute is a user-defined type.
SCALE SMALLINT   Scale if the attribute data type is DECIMAL or distinct type based on DECIMAL; the number of digits of fractional seconds if the attribute data type is TIMESTAMP or distinct type based on TIMESTAMP; 0 otherwise.
TYPESTRINGUNITS VARCHAR (11) Y In a Unicode database, the string units that apply to a character string or graphic string data type. Otherwise, the null value.
STRINGUNITSLENGTH INTEGER Y In a Unicode database, the declared number of string units for a character string or graphic string data type. Otherwise, the null value.
CODEPAGE SMALLINT   For string types, denotes the code page; 0 indicates FOR BIT DATA; 0 for non-string types.
COLLATIONSCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y For string types, the schema name of the collation for the attribute; the null value otherwise.
COLLATIONNAME VARCHAR (128) Y For string types, the unqualified name of the collation for the attribute; the null value otherwise.
LOGGED CHAR (1)   Applies to LOB types only; blank otherwise.
  • N = Changes are not logged
  • Y = Changes are logged
COMPACT CHAR (1)   Applies to LOB types only; blank otherwise.
  • N = Stored in non-compact format
  • Y = Stored in compact format
DL_FEATURES CHAR (10)   This column is no longer used and will be removed in a future release.
JAVA_FIELDNAME VARCHAR (256) Y Reserved for future use.
ENVSTRINGUNITS VARCHAR (11)   Default string units when the object was created.