Each row represents a parameter, an aggregation state variable, or the result of a routine defined in SYSCAT.ROUTINES.

Column Name Data Type Nullable Description
ROUTINESCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema name of the routine if ROUTINEMODULEID is null; otherwise schema name of the module to which the routine belongs.
ROUTINEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the routine belongs. The null value if not a module routine.
ROUTINENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the routine.
ROUTINEMODULEID INTEGER Y Identifier for the module to which the routine belongs. The null value if not a module routine.
SPECIFICNAME VARCHAR (128) Y Name of the routine instance (might be system-generated).
PARMNAME VARCHAR (128) Y Name of the parameter, result column, or aggregation state variable; the null value if no name exists.
  • B = Both input and output parameter
  • C = Result after casting
  • O = Output parameter
  • P = Input parameter
  • R = Result before casting
  • S = Aggregation state variable
ORDINAL SMALLINT Y If ROWTYPE = B, O, or P, numerical position of the parameter within the routine signature, starting with 1; if ROWTYPE = R and the routine returns a table, numerical position of a named column in the result table, starting with 1; if ROWTYPE = S, numerical position of an aggregation state variable within the routine definition, starting with 1; 0 otherwise.
TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema name of the data type if TYPEMODULEID is null; otherwise schema name of the module to which the data type belongs.
TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the data type of the parameter or result belongs. The null value if not a module data type.
TYPENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the data type.
  • N = Paramater or result is not passed in the form of a locator
  • Y = Paramater or result is passed in the form of a locator
LENGTH1 INTEGER Y Length of the data type; 0 for a user-defined data type; -1 if length attribute of data type is specified as ANY.
SCALE1 SMALLINT Y Scale if the data type is DECIMAL; the number of digits of fractional seconds if the data type is TIMESTAMP; 0 otherwise.
TYPESTRINGUNITS VARCHAR (11) Y In a Unicode database, the string units that apply to a character string or graphic string data type. Otherwise, the null value.
STRINGUNITSLENGTH INTEGER Y In a Unicode database, the declared number of string units for a character string or graphic string data type. Otherwise, the null value.
CODEPAGE SMALLINT Y Code page associated with the data type; 0 denotes either not applicable, or a character data type declared with the FOR BIT DATA attribute.
COLLATIONSCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y For string types, the schema name of the collation for the parameter; the null value otherwise.
COLLATIONNAME VARCHAR (128) Y For string types, the unqualified name of the collation for the parameter; the null value otherwise.
CAST_FUNCSCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema name of the function used to cast an argument or a result. Applies to sourced and external functions; the null value otherwise.
CAST_FUNCSPECIFIC VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the function used to cast an argument or a result. Applies to sourced and external functions; the null value otherwise.
TARGET_TYPESCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema name of the target type if the type of the parameter or result is REFERENCE. Null value if the type of the parameter or result is not REFERENCE.
TARGET_TYPEMODULENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the target type belongs if the type of the parameter or result is REFERENCE. The null value if the type of the parameter or result is not REFERENCE or if the target type is not a module data type.
TARGET_TYPENAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the module to which the target type belongs if the type of the parameter or result is REFERENCE. The null value if the type of the parameter or result is not REFERENCE or if the target type is not a module data type.
SCOPE_TABSCHEMA VARCHAR (128) Y Schema name of the scope (target table) if the parameter type is REFERENCE; null value otherwise.
SCOPE_TABNAME VARCHAR (128) Y Unqualified name of the scope (target table) if the parameter type is REFERENCE; null value otherwise.
TRANSFORMGRPNAME VARCHAR (128) Y Name of the transform group for a structured type parameter or result.
DEFAULT CLOB (64K) Y Expression used to calculate the default value of the parameter. The null value if DEFAULT clause was not specified for the parameter.
REMARKS VARCHAR (254) Y User-provided comments, or the null value.
Note: LENGTH and SCALE are set to 0 for sourced functions (functions defined with a reference to another function), because they inherit the length and scale of parameters from their source.