IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions, Version

Service Statistics workspace

The Service Statistics workspace provides service level information for all Internet services currently being monitored.

Using this workspace

The Service Statistics workspace displays a chart and a table that summarize the most recent service level classification results returned by all profiles deployed on the system:
  • Service Levels by Monitor

    The Service Levels by Monitor chart shows the current service levels for each monitored service. Each bar displays the service level classifications for one monitored Internet service as a percentage of the total number of tests performed on that service.

  • Services

    The Services table summarizes the results for each Internet service monitored. It lists individual totals for each service level classification, and shows those values as a percentage of the total number of tests performed on that service. Each row in the table contains summary data for one Internet service.

Figure 1. The Service Statistics workspace

The Service Statistics workspace

Use the workspace to view the service level data across all profile elements deployed on the system, broken down by service type.

Accessing this workspace

  1. In the Navigator Physical view, expand the operating system node for the machine on which the Internet service monitoring agent is located.
  2. Expand the node for the machine on which the Internet service monitoring agent is located.
  3. Expand the Internet Service Monitors node.
  4. Click Service Statistics.

Links to other workspaces

Not applicable

Last updated: September 2014