IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Transactions, Version

Monitor Status workspace

The Monitor Status workspace indicates which Internet service monitors are currently running service tests.

Using this workspace

The workspace contains the Services table. Each row in this table shows the status of one Internet service monitor.

Using this workspace, you can determine which of Internet service monitors are currently running tests, and drill down to more detailed information about those tests.

Note: This workspace is currently not translated into other languages.
Figure 1. The Monitor Status workspace

The Monitor Status workspace

Accessing this workspace

  1. In the Navigator Physical view, expand the operating system node for the machine on which the Internet service monitoring agent is located.
  2. Expand the node for the machine on which the Internet service monitoring agent is located.
  3. Expand the Internet Service Monitors node.
  4. Click Monitor Status.

Links to other workspaces

You can link to the Monitor workspaces by right-clicking the link beside a service type in the Services table.

Last updated: September 2014