Converting profiles created with ismbatch to ismconfig operations

You can convert XML monitor profiles created using ismbatch to Internet Service Monitoring Configuration command-line interface (ismconfig) commands using the xml2cli application.

Using xml2cli, you create a text file which saves the monitor profiles created with ismbatch as a set of operations. You can then run those operations as a sequence using Internet Service Monitoring Configuration command-line interface. In this way profiles originally created with ismbatch can be sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server, distributed across your enterprise, or used with the Internet Service Monitoring Configuration command-line or user interfaces as required.

xml2cli syntax

The xml2cli application uses the following command syntax:
xml2cli [PARAMETER] ... 
The parameter can be one of the following:
  • -m monitor, specify a monitor name for conversion
  • -p profile, specify a profile for conversion
  • -f output, specify an output file

Running xml2cli

The xml2cli application is installed to the same directory as ismbatch. To use the xml2cli command, run it directly from the command-line with the required parameter.

To run xml2cli on UNIX systems and convert all XML monitor profiles in the default location to standard screen output, enter the following command:

To run xml2cli on Windows systems and convert all XML monitor profiles in the default location to standard screen output, use the command:
To display help information for the xml2cli command, run the following command:
./xml2cli -help


To convert the profile IBM on UNIX systems, run the following command:
./xml2cli -p IBM
To convert all HTTP monitor profiles on UNIX systems, run the following command:
./xml2cli -m HTTP
To convert the HTTP IBM profile on UNIX systems, run the following command:
./xml2cli -m HTTP -p IBM
To convert all XML monitor profiles to the file output.txt on UNIX systems, run the following command:
./xml2cli -f output.txt

Alternatively, you can run ./xml2cli > output.txt.

To convert all XML monitor profiles to the file output.txt, and then run the operations using Internet Service Monitoring Configuration command-line interface, run the following commands:
$ISMHOME/bin/xml2cli -f output.txt
CANDLE_HOME/arch/cj/lib/ -config -file output.txt
Tip: Use the -u parameter to specify the user name in each ismconfig command:
$CANDLE_HOME/arch/cj/lib/ [-u username] -command[parameter=value ...]
Tip: On Windows systems, if ismconfig fails to process the path name, ensure that the argument -file for the input file name does not contain any spaces in the file path or file name. Also try using double backslashes (\\) instead of single backslashes (\).
Tip: You can use this approach to migrate Internet Service Monitoring tables to a newly migrated Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server database. Copy the output.txt file generated by the xml2cli command to the new Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server before you run the ismconfig command to recreate the Internet Service Monitoring profile table content. Ensure you then resynchronize the agents so that the existing profiles are updated.