IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version 2.5

Downloading the required image files

Before you install IBM® Cloud Orchestrator, download the required image files from the IBM Passport Advantage® site.

About this task

Download the required image files to a temporary download directory on the IBM Cloud Orchestrator Server.

In this procedure, the example download directory is /opt/ico_download and the example installation directory is /opt/ico_install/V2500. Replace these values with the appropriate values for your installation.


  1. Log on to the IBM Cloud Orchestrator Server as a root user.
  2. Create a temporary download directory:
    mkdir /opt/ico_download
  3. Download the following IBM Cloud Orchestrator image files to the /opt/ico_download directory:
  4. Download the following IBM Business Process Manager packages to the /opt/ico_download directory:
  5. Download the following IBM HTTP Server packages to the /opt/ico_download directory:
  6. Create a temporary installation directory:
    mkdir -p /opt/ico_install/V2500
  7. Extract the contents of the IBM Cloud Orchestrator package files from the temporary download directory (/opt/ico_download) to the temporary installation directory (/opt/ico_install/V2500), by running the following commands:
    tar -xvf /opt/ico_download/ICO_V250_1of3.tar -C /opt/ico_install/V2500
    tar -xvf /opt/ico_download/ICO_V250_2of3.tar -C /opt/ico_install/V2500
    tar -xvf /opt/ico_download/ICO_V250_3of3.tar -C /opt/ico_install/V2500
  8. Change directory to the installation subdirectory where the extracted contents are located:
    cd /opt/ico_install/V2500
  9. Copy the IBM Business Process Manager files from the temporary download directory to the specified subdirectory:
    cp /opt/ico_download/BPM_Std_V856_Linux_x86*.tar.gz ./data/orchestrator-chef-repo/packages/bpm_binaries
  10. Copy the IBM HTTP Server files from the temporary download directory to the specified subdirectory:
    cp /opt/ico_download/WAS_V8.5.5_SUPPL_*.zip ./data/orchestrator-chef-repo/packages/ihs_binaries