IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version 2.5

[Optional] Configuring security groups

You can configure security groups to allow ssh and ping commands to access virtual machines that are deployed in your OpenStack environment. You can also configure security groups to enable RDP ports for Windows virtual machine instances.

Before you begin

This task is optional. Consider whether you want to allow such access. For more information, see the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack documentation.


  1. Log on to the OpenStack Controller as a root user.
  2. If you want to configure security groups to allow access by ssh and ping commands, run the following commands:
    nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1
    nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22
  3. If you want to enable RDP ports for Windows virtual machine instances, run the following commands:
    nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 3389 3389
    nova secgroup-add-rule default udp 3389 3389