IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version 2.5

Starting all the OpenStack services and restarting Keystone

After the configuration is done, you must start all the OpenStack services. You must also restart the Keystone service.

You must start the services on all the OpenStack servers.

For information about managing services in IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack, see Managing IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack services.

You can then individually start all the services by logging on to the servers and running the following command:
systemctl start <service>
In IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack, the OpenStack services are all the services that begin with neutron-, openstack- or httpd, which is the Horizon service.
IBM® Cloud Orchestrator provides a sample script named to easily start the services for IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack. Review the script, adapt it to your environment if needed, and run the following commands:
./ -o restart -k
./ -o
Note: You must run the first command on the OpenStack server where the Keystone service is installed, and you must run the second command on all the servers.