IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version 2.5

Resource types

IBM® Cloud Orchestrator supports several types of resources, including domains, virtual machines, and volumes. Resources types are also known as instance types (for example, in the Core Services REST API).

IBM Cloud Orchestrator provides the following resource types:
An action is an instance that can be applied to other instances. An action always includes a Business Process Manager process that can be run on the associated instance.
A category is a container for self-service offerings that are displayed in the Self-Service Catalog. You can organize your offerings inside the catalog.
A domain is the highest entity in the identity model. It is a container and namespace for projects and users of a customer.
Heat template
A Heat template represents an OpenStack Heat Orchestration Template (HOT).
Heat stack (also called Stack)
A Heat stack represents a combined set of resources, for example, virtual machines, created through the deployment of a Heat template in OpenStack.
An offering is an IBM Cloud Orchestrator process made available in the Self-Service Catalog. IBM Cloud Orchestrator provides a set of offerings out of the box. However, you can create your own offerings with IBM Process Designer.
An instance of type openstackvms represents a single OpenStack virtual server.
A project is a container that owns resources such as virtual machines, stacks, and images.
A user represents the account of a person. You can log in to IBM Cloud Orchestrator with a user account. A user must always be member of at least one project.
The volumes instance type is the disk space resource that can be attached to a virtual server.