IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version

[Optional] Installing the NSX plug-in

The NSX plug-in can be installed and configured with IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack V4.3 Fix Pack 7 or later.

Before you begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are installed and configured:
  • VMware vSphere
  • VMware NSX versions 6.2.2, 6.2.4, or 6.3.1
    Note: vSphere 6.5.0 version is not supported with VMware NSX 6.3.1. You must use vSphere versions 6.5a or later.
  • IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack V4.3 Fix Pack 7 or later deployment server

About this task

The NSX plug-in can be used for an IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack deployment with a single or multiple VMware regions, including high-availability (HA) topology. The NSX plug-in is supported on a newly deployed VMware region that is configured with NSX capability.

The NSX plug-in supports the following features:
  • Image discovery. Other discoveries, such as network and virtual machine, are not supported.
  • Network creation and deletion
  • Subnet addition and removal
  • Router and network interface addition and deletion
  • Source network address translation (SNAT) and destination network address translation (DNAT) configuration for external networks
  • Security groups and rules addition and deletion
This procedure includes instructions to install and configure the NSX plug-in. The listed tasks must be completed on the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack deployment server.


  1. Log on to the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack deployment server as a root user.
  2. Create a directory with the name nsxplugin.
  3. Change directory to nsxplugin.
    cd nsxplugin
  4. Copy the NSX plug-in package file from the ICObuild/installer/NSX directory on the IBM® Cloud Orchestrator server to the current location. The package file name is icm-fp10-F20180402-0827-nsx-patch.tgz.
  5. Unpack the icm-fp10-F20180402-0827-nsx-patch.tgz file by running the following command:
    gunzip icm-fp10-F20180402-0827-nsx-patch.tgz
    tar -xvf  icm-fp10-F20180402-0827-nsx-patch.tar
    A directory with the name icm-fp10-F20180402-0827-nsx-patch is created with the following NSX plug-in files and folders:
    • is a script to install the NSX plug-in.
    • product_files is a folder with the NSX plug-in files.
    • tools is a folder with tools to collect vSphere information.
    • md5sum.chk is a tool to check the integrity of the installation files.
  6. Change directory to the NSX plug-in files location.
    cd icm-fp10-F20180402-0827-nsx-patch
  7. Run the following script to install the NSX plug-in:

    If the NSX plug-in script installs successfully, you see the following message displayed:

    SUCCESS: Installation of 'NSX Plugin support patch' on Deployement Server is complete"

    If you do not see the message, see the log files to identify the issues. The log files are stored in the working directory.

  8. Optional: Run the following commands to collect the vSphere Managed Object IDs:
    1. yum install python-requests
    2. cd tools/
    3. ./nsxvcfghelp vcenter_IP nsx_mgr_IP vcenter_user vcenter_password 
  9. Configure the NSX plug-in based on your deployment type.
    For more information about deployment types with VMware compute nodes, see Deploying with VMware compute nodes.
    • Configuring the NSX plug-in for a single or multiple VMware region topology
      Note: A sample configuration is provided at /opt/ibm/cmwo/cli/config/example-controller-vmware-nsx-driver-cloud.yml.

      Prepare the cloud deployment YAML file:

      1. Delete the network section under the VMware driver specific information (vmware) section. If no network section is present, proceed with the next step.
      2. Add the following details under the VMware driver specific information (vmware) section:
        "use_nsx": true,
        "nsx": {
             "version": "version number of the NSX Manager",
             "manager_uri": "URI to access the NSX Manager",
             "user": "NSX Manager admin user name",
             "password": "NSX Manager admin password",
             "datacenter_moid": "Managed Object ID of the target datacenter", 
             "cluster_moid": "Managed Object ID of the cluser", 
             "resource_pool_id": "Managed Object ID of the resource pool", 
             "datastore_id": "Managed Object ID of the datastore", 
             "external_network": "Managed Object ID of the port group on which 
                               the external network will be created",
             "vdn_scope_id": "Managed Object ID of the VDN Scope",
             "dvs_id": "Managed Object ID of the distributed virtual switch that 
                     will be used to provision the Neutron networks"
      3. Deploy the changes by using the knife os manage deploy cloud your-cloud.yml command.

    • Configuring the NSX plug-in for an HA topology

      Prepare the the environment and topology JSON files.

      Edit the environment JSON file:

      1. Locate the "vmware-driver" section under the "ibm-openstack" section.
      2. Replace the "network" section under the "vmware-driver" section with the following details:
        "use_nsx": true,
        "nsx": {
             "version": "version number of the NSX Manager",
             "manager_uri": "URI to access the NSX Manager",
             "user": "NSX Manager admin user name",
             "password": "NSX Manager admin user password",
             "datacenter_moid": "Managed Object ID of the target datacenter",
             "cluster_moid": "Managed Object ID of the cluster",
             "resource_pool_id": "Managed Object ID of the resource pool",
             "datastore_id": "Managed Object ID of the datastore",
             "external_network": "Managed Object ID of the port group on which 
                                  the external network will be created",
             "vdn_scope_id": "Managed Object ID of the VDN scope",
             "dvs_id": "Managed Object ID of the distributed virtual switch that 
                        will be used to provision the Neutron networks"
      3. Upload the environment file by using the command knife environment from file your-environment-name.json.
      4. Deploy the topology by using the command knife os manage deploy topology your-topology-name.json.

What to do next

Complete the installation of IBM Cloud Orchestrator.