IBM Cloud Orchestrator, Version

Copying the IBM Cloud Orchestrator scripts to the OpenStack servers

IBM® Cloud Orchestrator scripts must be run on each IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack controller and compute node.

Before you begin

Before copying the scripts, you must extract the contents of the IBM Cloud Orchestrator image file, as described in Downloading the required image files.

In this procedure, the installation directory on the IBM Cloud Orchestrator Server is /opt/ico_install/2.5.0-CSI-ICO-FP0006, and the scripts directory on the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack servers is /opt/ico_scripts.


  1. Identify the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack master controller server where the Keystone service is running. This is normally the OpenStack Controller of the first region that was installed.
    1. Log on as root to the controller server of the active controller and run the following command:
      cat ~/openrc | grep OS_AUTH_URL | cut -d "/" -f3 | cut -d ":" -f1
    2. For high-availability OpenStack, identify which node is active by running the following command:
      pcs status
      Cluster name: KVM_RegionOne
      Last updated: Mon Apr 11 14:08:31 2016
      Last change: Mon Apr 11 12:46:40 2016
      Stack: corosync
      Current DC: (1) - partition with quorum
      In this cluster, the host is the active node because it has quorum.
  2. Identify all other IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack controller and compute nodes. These servers are the OpenStack Controllers in a multiregion installation.
    1. Log on to the master controller as root and run the following commands to find the controller servers:
      source ~/openrc; keystone endpoint-list | grep $(keystone service-list \
          | awk '/nova/ {print $2}') | cut -d "/" -f3 | cut -d ":" -f1
    2. If you already converted your environment to the Keystone V3 API, then you must run a different command:
      source ~/v3rc; openstack endpoint list | grep nova \
          | awk '/admin/ {print $14}' | cut -d "/" -f3 | cut -d ":" -f1
      Then run the following command to find the compute nodes:
      nova service-list | awk '/nova-compute/ {print $6}'
  3. Copy the scripts by completing the following steps for each OpenStack server that you identified in steps 1 and 2:
    1. Log on to the server as a root user.
    2. Create a directory to store the scripts:
      mkdir /opt/ico_scripts
    3. Copy all the files from the /opt/ico_install/2.5.0-CSI-ICO-FP0006/utils/scripts directory on the IBM Cloud Orchestrator Server to the /opt/ico_scripts directory on the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack servers.
      For example:
      scp root@[ICO server]:/opt/ico_install/2.5.0-CSI-ICO-FP0006/utils/scripts/* /opt/ico_scripts
    4. Copy the file from the /opt/ico_install/2.5.0-CSI-ICO-FP0006/data/orchestrator-chef-repo/packages/sco_horizon directory on the IBM Cloud Orchestrator Server to the /opt/ico_scripts directory on the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack servers.
      For example:
      scp root@[ICO server]:/opt/ico_install/2.5.0-CSI-ICO-FP0006/data/orchestrator-chef-repo\
      /packages/sco_horizon/ /opt/ico_scripts


Scripts are available on all the IBM Cloud Manager with OpenStack servers to be run.