Server settings

These tables list the settings for several system-wide settings for the server.
Table 1. General settings
Field Description
External Agent URL* This is the URL that the IBM® UrbanCode™ Deploy server provides to agents as their point of contact. When an agent wants to contact the server, it retrieves this URL and opens a connection on it. This URL must point to the HTTP or HTTPS port of the server.
External User URL* The URL that users enter to connect to the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server. The URL is also used when creating a notification template and when integrating blueprints with IBM UrbanCode Deploy.
Enable Maintenance Mode Maintenance mode stops activity on the server so you can run important tasks that require the server to be idle. See Enabling maintenance mode.  
Validate Agent IP Requires that the agent IP and host name are validated against values that are used the first time that the agent is connected to the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server.
Skip Property Updates for Existing Agents When this toggle button is set to On, when new agents come online, the server does not update their properties. This improves performance, but in this case, agent properties can become out of date.
Enable UI Debugging Facilitates debugging with the user interface. If this setting is enabled, the performance of the user interface might be affected.
Require a Comment For Process Design Changes Requires that the user provides a comment when the user changes processes.
Enforce Deployed Version Integrity When this toggle button is set to On, deployed component version artifacts cannot be changed.
Default Locale The default language for the user interface.
Default Snapshot Lock Type Determines the default lock type when users create snapshots. Lock types are the following values: Only Component Versions, Only Configuration, or Component Versions and Configuration. The initial value is Component Versions and Configuration. Changes are effective after the server is restarted.
Automatic Version Import Check Period (seconds)* The number of seconds between the times that IBM UrbanCode Deploy polls components for new versions. If this value is changed, the server must be restarted before the change becomes effective. Set this value no lower than 15 seconds.
Use Agent Tag For Integration Enables any agent that is identified by a specific tag to import component versions. If this setting is selected, the Agent Tag for version imports field is shown. Otherwise, the Agent for Version Imports field is displayed. For information about tagging objects, see Adding tags to objects
Agent for Version Imports The agent that is used to import component versions. The agent must have access to component artifacts. The agent becomes the default agent for new components. This value can be overridden when a component is created. This field is displayed if the Use Agent Tag for Integration toggle button is set to Off. To import artifacts from the server location, install an agent in the same location and specify that agent.
Agent Tag for version imports Any agent with the specified tag can import component versions. All tagged agents must have access to the artifacts. Tagged agents become the default values for new components. This value can be overridden when a component is created. This field is displayed if the Use Agent Tag for Integration toggle button is set to On.
Table 2. Artifact cleanup settings
Field Description
Hour to Clean Versions* The time when versions are cleaned. The value must be an integer from 0 (midnight) to 23 (11 pm). To preview the component versions that are scheduled for cleaning, click Preview Version Cleanup. See Cleaning up component versions.
Days to Keep Versions* The number of days component versions are kept. A value of -1 means that they are kept indefinitely.
Number of Versions to Keep* The number of component versions to keep. A value of -1 specifies that all are kept.
Archive Path The path where the compressed file that contains the archived component versions is written. If this field is blank, the compressed file is not written, and no archive is kept.
Preview Version Cleanup To see the versions that are archived using the current settings, click Preview Version Cleanup. See Cleaning up component versions.
Table 3. Security settings
Field Description
Minimum Password Length* Determines the minimum length for passwords.
Require Complex Passwords If selected, passwords must contain at least two of the four character classes and must meet the specified minimum length requirement. The 4 classes are uppercase, lowercase, digits, and special characters.
Table 4. WinRS agent installation settings
Field Description
WinRS Agent The agent that is used to run agent installation processes on Windows computers. The WinRS agent is configured to use the Windows winrs command, which enables remote systems to run Windows commands. Typically, the agent that is designated as the WinRS agent is used exclusively for this purpose.
Note: A WinRS agent must be designated before agents can be installed remotely on Windows computers.
WinRS User The user name for Windows Remote Management.
WinRS Password The user password for Windows Remote Management.
Table 5. Mail server settings
Field Description
Mail Server Host The host name of the mail server that is used for notifications. IBM UrbanCode Deploy can send notifications to users based on user-configured trigger events (to set up notifications, see Notifications). IBM UrbanCode Deploy requires an external SMTP mail server to send messages. To disable notifications, leave the field blank.
Mail Server Port The SMTP port that is used by the notifications mail server.
Secure Mail Server Connection Specifies whether the SMTP connection is secure. The default value is Off.
Mail Server Sender Address The sender address for email notifications.
Mail Server Username The user name for sending email notifications. Some email servers and firewalls treat emails with different sender and user names suspiciously. Therefore, consider specifying the same name for both fields.
Mail Server Password The user password for sending email notifications.
Table 6. Configuration settings related to earlier versions of the product
Field Description
Enable "Show Inactive" Links By default, user-created objects that were made inactive in product versions earlier than 6.0, are hidden. If this option is selected, hidden objects are displayed and can be used or deleted.
Enable "Prompt On Use" Controls whether user-entered values can be specified at process run time. If this parameter is inactive (the default setting), values must be entered on the plug-in step during process creation. If this option is selected, process designers have the option of requiring users to enter values during run time.
Enable "Allow Failure" Shows an Allow Failure check box on steps.
Fail Processes With Unresolved Properties Any running process that cannot resolve a property automatically fails. This setting is enabled by default.
Table 7. Licensing settings
Field Description
Automatic Agent Licensing If this toggle button is set to On, the IBM UrbanCode Deploy server automatically attempts to license agents as they connect to the server. See Applying licenses to servers and agents.
Server License Type Contains the license type that is retrieved from the Rational Common Licensing server. See License scenarios.
RCL Server Path In most cases, specify the host name and port of the Rational Common Licensing server. The format is port@hostname. For more information, see Applying licenses to servers and agents.
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