excelimportnode Properties

The Excel Import node imports data from Microsoft Excel in the .xlsx file format. An ODBC data source is not required.


#To use a named range:
node = stream.create("excelimport", "My node")
node.setPropertyValue("excel_file_type", "Excel2007")
node.setPropertyValue("full_filename", "C:/drug.xlsx")
node.setPropertyValue("use_named_range", True)
node.setPropertyValue("named_range", "DRUG")
node.setPropertyValue("read_field_names", True)

#To use an explicit range:
node = stream.create("excelimport", "My node")
node.setPropertyValue("excel_file_type", "Excel2007")
node.setPropertyValue("full_filename", "C:/drug.xlsx")
node.setPropertyValue("worksheet_mode", "Name")
node.setPropertyValue("worksheet_name", "Drug")
node.setPropertyValue("explicit_range_start", "A1")
node.setPropertyValue("explicit_range_end", "F300")
Table 1. excelimportnode properties
excelimportnode properties Data type Property description
excel_file_type Excel2007  
full_filename string The complete filename, including path.
use_named_range Boolean Whether to use a named range. If true, the named_range property is used to specify the range to read, and other worksheet and data range settings are ignored.
named_range string  
worksheet_mode Index Name Specifies whether the worksheet is defined by index or name.
worksheet_index integer Index of the worksheet to be read, beginning with 0 for the first worksheet, 1 for the second, and so on.
worksheet_name string Name of the worksheet to be read.
data_range_mode FirstNonBlank ExplicitRange Specifies how the range should be determined.
blank_rows StopReading ReturnBlankRows When data_range_mode is FirstNonBlank, specifies how blank rows should be treated.
explicit_range_start string When data_range_mode is ExplicitRange, specifies the starting point of the range to read.
explicit_range_end string  
read_field_names Boolean Specifies whether the first row in the specified range should be used as field (column) names.