Data Collection Node

Data Collection source nodes import survey data based on the Survey Reporter Developer Kit that is provided with your Data Collection product. This format distinguishes case data—the actual responses to questions gathered during a survey—from the metadata that describes how the case data is collected and organized. Metadata consists of information such as question texts, variable names and descriptions, multiple response variable definitions, translations of the text strings, and the definition of the structure of the case data.

Note: This node requires the Survey Reporter Developer Kit, which is distributed along with yourData Collection product. Aside from installing the Developer Kit, no additional configuration is required.


  • Survey data is read from the flat, tabular VDATA format, or from sources in the hierarchical HDATA format if they include a metadata source.
  • Types are instantiated automatically by using information from the metadata.
  • When survey data is imported into SPSS® Modeler, questions are rendered as fields, with a record for each respondent.