What's new in versions 5.2.1 and 5.2.0

IBM® Intelligent Operations Center versions 5.2.1 and 5.2.0 provides a number of new features. The updates and features that are included in the most recent release are listed first.

IBM Intelligent Operations Center V5.2.1

Updated platform and middleware
  • The Linux platform is now Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7.6 or later, and so it is not possible to upgrade an existing installation of IBM Intelligent Operations Center on Linux to version 5.2.1. Instead, you must do a new installation of IBM Intelligent Operations Center V5.2.1 on an environment that is running Red Hat Enterprise Linux V7.6 or later. For more information, see Installing the solution.
  • There are also updated versions for a number of the software products and components that are installed with IBM Intelligent Operations Center V5.2.1. For more information, see Multi-server products and components and Single-server products and components.

IBM Intelligent Operations Center V5.2.0

Enhancements to location maps
As an administrator, you can now assign one or more roles to each location map. Users with an assigned role can view the location map in the Operations view. If no roles are assigned, then only system administrators can view the map in the Operations view. For more information, see Creating, updating, or deleting a location map.
Enhancements to configuring base maps in Device Management Enablement
As an administrator, you can now configure base maps that are provided by a mapping service that is secured by token-based authentication. For more information, see Configuring geospatial base maps.
Extending base map content in Device Management Enablement
You can now extend base map content by overlaying selected geospatial maps on the base map. For example, you might have detailed maps of flood plains that you want to overlay on to the base map. For more information, see Extending base map content.