Adding comments to a data item

You can add either public or private comments to a data item on the map or in the list. A public comment is visible to all users, and a private comment is visible only to the user that created the comment. Only you can edit any comments that you create.

Before you begin

An administrator must enable comments for the data source that contains the data item, through the Basics tab in the data sources tool.

This information applies to version administrator must use the component customization tool to configure the data source to use full properties windows that include a comments tab.

About this task

To add a comment to a data item, or to delete a comment from a data item, you must have write access to the associated data source. To view the public comments that are associated with a data item, you must have read access to the data source that is associated with the data item.


  1. Either on the map, or in the list, select the data item for which you want to add, delete, or edit a comment.
    • This information applies to version the preview card, click More details, and then in the Full Properties window, click the Comments tab.
  2. According to your permissions, add or delete a comment, or edit the comments that are displayed. If the Scope value of a comment is Public, the comment is visible to all users. If the Scope value of a comment is Private, the comment is visible only to the user that created the comments.