Tivoli Monitoring, Version 6.2.2

Agent troubleshooting

This section lists problems that might occur with agents.

This appendix provides agent-specific troubleshooting information. See the IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring Troubleshooting Guide for general troubleshooting information.

Table 14. Agent problems and solutions
Problem Solution
A configured and running instance of the monitoring agent is not displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal, but other instances of the monitoring agent on the same system do appear in the portal. Tivoli Monitoring products use Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to define and control product behavior. RPC is the mechanism that allows a client process to make a subroutine call (such as GetTimeOfDay or ShutdownServer) to a server process somewhere in the network. Tivoli processes can be configured to use TCP/UDP, TCP/IP, SNA, and SSL as the desired protocol (or delivery mechanism) for RPCs.

"IP.PIPE" is the name given to Tivoli TCP/IP protocol for RPCs. The RPCs are socket-based operations that use TCP/IP ports to form socket addresses. IP.PIPE implements virtual sockets and multiplexes all virtual socket traffic across a single physical TCP/IP port (visible from the netstat command).

A Tivoli process derives the physical port for IP.PIPE communications based on the configured, well-known port for the HUB Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. (This well-known port or BASE_PORT is configured using the 'PORT:' keyword on the KDC_FAMILIES / KDE_TRANSPORT environment variable and defaults to '1918'.)

The physical port allocation method is defined as (BASE_PORT + 4096*N) where N=0 for a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server process and N={1, 2, ..., 15} for a non-Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. Two architectural limits result as a consequence of the physical port allocation method:

  • No more than one Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server reporting to a specific Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server HUB can be active on a system image.
  • No more that 15 IP.PIPE processes can be active on a single system image.

A single system image can support any number of Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server processes (address spaces) provided that each Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on that image reports to a different HUB. By definition, there is one Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server HUB per monitoring Enterprise, so this architecture limit has been simplified to one Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server per system image.

No more that 15 IP.PIPE processes or address spaces can be active on a single system image. With the first limit expressed above, this second limitation refers specifically to Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent processes: no more that 15 agents per system image.

This limitation can be circumvented (at current maintenance levels, IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.1 Fix Pack 4 and later) if the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent process is configured to use EPHEMERAL IP.PIPE. (This is IP.PIPE configured with the 'EPHEMERAL:Y' keyword in the KDC_FAMILIES / KDE_TRANSPORT environment variable). There is no limitation to the number of ephemeral IP.PIPE connections per system image. If ephemeral endpoints are used, the Warehouse Proxy Agent is accessible from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server associated with the agents using ephemeral connections either by running the Warehouse Proxy Agent on the same computer or by using the Firewall Gateway feature. (The Firewall Gateway feature relays the Warehouse Proxy Agent connection from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server computer to the Warehouse Proxy Agent computer if the Warehouse Proxy Agent cannot coexist on the same computer.)

The Long Queue Name is not matched with the row data collected from perfmon. To allow the Long Queue Name to be matched with the row data collected from perfmon (all the remaining attributes for each MSMQ Queue) the first 63 bytes (characters) of the Queue Name must be unique. This is the only way that the queue name can be matched with the additional metrics that come back from perfmon (the source for the remaining attributes of the queue instance).
When you edit the configuration for an existing monitoring agent, the values displayed are not correct. The original configuration settings might include non-ASCII characters. These values were stored incorrectly and result in the incorrect display. Enter new values using only ASCII characters.
Attributes do not allow non-ASCII input in the situation editor. None. Any attribute that does not include "(Unicode)" might support only ASCII characters. For example "Attribute (Unicode)" will support unicode but "Attribute" without "(Unicode)" might only support ASCII characters.
The Windows® Agent accesses the root\cimv2 WMI namespace to collect its WMI data. The Security (Access Permissions) for allowing the agent to access these namespaces need to have Enable, Execute Methods, and Provider Write permissions for the Everyone account.
  1. Click Start -> Run.
  2. Type Wmimgmt.msc and click OK.
  3. Right-click Wmi Control and choose properties.
  4. Ensure that it says successfully connected in the General tab and then choose the Security tab.
  5. Select Root folder and then click Security at the bottom of the screen.
  6. Highlight Everyone and then ensure that the 'Enable Account', 'Execute Methods', 'Provider Write' option is Allowed. If it is not, then choose this option.
  7. Highlight Local Service and then ensure that the 'Provider Write' option is Allowed. If it is not, then choose this option.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Reboot the server once.
No performance data is displayed in workspace views, no data is available for situations, and no data is available for historical logging. When the Windows operating system detects a problem in one of its extensible performance monitoring DLL files, it marks the DLL as "disabled." Any DLL that is disabled cannot provide performance data through the Windows Performance Monitor interfaces (Perfmon or Performance Monitor APIs). This prevents IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents from gathering data supplied by the disabled DLL. For more information, see Microsoft® Support Knowledge Base article 248993 at the following Web address: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;248993

Follow the Resolution instructions provided in this article (248993) to re-enable any performance monitoring extension DLL files disabled by Windows. Then, restart the monitoring agent.

Log data accumulates too rapidly. Check the RAS trace option settings, which are described in Setting RAS trace parameters. The trace options settings that you can set on the KBB_RAS1= and KDC_DEBUG= lines potentially generate large amounts of data.
The system runs out of memory while the agent is collecting data. Ensure that you have installed the newest Service Packs for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Depending on the level of the Windows operating system that you are using, the required Service Pack is as follows:
  • .NET Framework 1.0 SP3


  • .NET Framework 1.1 SP1
Attributes Date Time Last Modified and Date Time Created in the File Change attribute group seem to have their positions switched in the situation editor when specifying a time comparison between these attributes, using the Compare time to a + or - delta function.

This can occur when creating a new situation that uses the attributes of Date Time Last Modified and Date Time Created in the File Change attribute group. If you then select the function Compare time to a + or - delta, it does not show the time attribute that is currently selected.

This is working as designed. 'Compare time to a + or - delta' is to compare the current selected time attribute with other available time attributes with a delta, not with the selected time attribute itself. When you select Date Time Last Modified and Date Time Created, the "Time Attribute for Comparison" shows the available time attributes and it seemed as if the attribute names were switched.


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