A duplicate device UUID has been found during the LVM activation phase of mount operation. The 'vgimportclone' command was not able to generate a new UUID for the LVM device "LVMdeviceName" resulting in a duplicated UUID with the device "LVMdeviceName2" of the mount proxy machine. The device "LVMdeviceName3" has been excluded from the list of volumes to be mounted on the mount proxy.


The 'vgimportclone' command was not able to generate a new UUID for this LVM device, resulting in a duplicated UUID.

System action

The device of the target VM is skipped and not mounted. The operation continues.

User response

This problem has been observed on some Linux distributions where the 'vgimportclone' command was not able to generate a new UUID. It can also happen if the target VM was cloned from same template as the mount proxy. To resolve this problem, check the block devices of the target VM by using the 'blkid' command and make sure that no duplicate UUIDs are present with the mount proxy machines. If a duplicate device belongs to the target VM and it is used, then assign to it a new UUID, otherwise remove such device.