Restore from virtual machine backup is not available for item'.


Restore from virtual machine backup is not supported for the following items:
  • Databases with files located on the dynamic disks, GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks, iSCSI disks or other Network Attached Storage devices.
  • Exchange databases in dismounted state during virtual machine backup.
  • Exchange databases in unhealthy state or with unhealthy database copies.
  • Exchange databases in unknown state if is not able to determine database health status during virtual machine backup.

System action

The backup operation of the full VM continues.

User response

Take one or more of the following actions to resolve the issue:
  • Mount the dismounted databases before virtual machine backup.
  • Repair databases in unhealthy states.
  • Use the VMTSMVSS trace flag on data mover to trace database health status processing during virtual machine backup operations.