User has specified 'SNAPSHOTROOT' option. snapshot provider snapshot backup is not valid in conjunction with this option.
"SNAPSHOTROOT option will take precedence and processing will continue without the use of a snapshot taken internally by Tivoli Storage Manager.


The (-SNAPSHOTROOT) option is incompatible with Tivoli Storage Manager snapshot providers such as Logical Volume Snapshot Agent, VSS snapshot provider, JFS2 snapshot provider etc. which provide a comprehensive snapshot solution withot having to use the (-SNAPSHOTROOT) option. It is strongly recommended that the snapshot capabilities provided by the Tivoli Storage Manager snapshot providers be used instead of using the (-SNAPSHOTROOT) option. Processing will continue without the use of the Tivoli Storage Manager snapshot providers.

System action

Processing continues without the use of the Tivoli Storage Manager snapshot providers.

User response

See the appropriate Using the Backup-Archive Client book for your operating system for correct use of the named option.