Passing arrays between languages

Fortran stores array elements in ascending storage units in column-major order. C stores array elements in row-major order. Fortran array indexes start at 1, while C array indexes start at 0.

The following example shows how a two-dimensional array that is declared by A(3,2) is stored in Fortran and C.

Table 1. Corresponding array layouts for Fortran and C. The Fortran array reference A(X,Y,Z) can be expressed in C as a[Z-1][Y-1][X-1]. Keep in mind that although C passes individual scalar array elements by value, it passes arrays by reference.
  Fortran Element Name C Element Name
Lowest storage unit A(1,1) A[0][0]
  A(2,1) A[0][1]
  A(3,1) A[1][0]
  A(1,2) A[1][1]
  A(2,2) A[2][0]
Highest storage unit A(3,2) A[2][1]
To pass all or part of a Fortran array to another language, you can use Fortran 90/Fortran 95 array notation:
REAL, DIMENSION(4,8) :: A, B(10)

! Pass an entire 4 x 8 array.
! Pass only the upper-left quadrant of the array.
CALL CFUNC( A(1:2,1:4) )
! Pass an array consisting of every third element of A.
CALL CFUNC( A(1:4:3,1:8) )
! Pass a 1-dimensional array consisting of elements 1, 2, and 4 of B.
CALL CFUNC( B( (/1,2,4/) ) )
Where necessary, the Fortran program constructs a temporary array and copies all the elements into contiguous storage. In all cases, the C routine needs to account for the column-major layout of the array.
Any array section or noncontiguous array is passed as the address of a contiguous temporary unless an explicit interface exists where the corresponding dummy argument is declared as an assumed-shape array or a pointer. To avoid the creation of array descriptors (which are not supported for interlanguage calls) when calling non-Fortran procedures with array arguments, either do not give the non-Fortran procedures any explicit interface, or do not declare the corresponding dummy arguments as assumed-shape or pointers in the interface:
! This explicit interface must be changed before the C function
! can be called.
    INTEGER, DIMENSION (:) :: ARRAY          ! Change this : to *.
    INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION (:) :: PTR1  ! Change this : to *
                                             ! and remove the POINTER
                                             ! attribute.
    REAL, POINTER :: PTR2                    ! Remove this POINTER
                                             ! attribute or change to TARGET.