
Transposes a two-dimensional array, turning each column into a row and each row into a column.


Transformational function

Argument type and attributes

is an array of any data type, with a rank of two.

Result value

The result is a two-dimensional array of the same data type and type parameters as MATRIX.

The shape of the result is (n,m) where the shape of MATRIX is (m,n). For example, if the shape of MATRIX is (2,3), the shape of the result is (3,2).

Each element (i,j) in the result has the value MATRIX (j,i) for i in the range 1-n and j in the range 1-m.

Result type and attributes

A two-dimensional array of the same data type and type parameters as MATRIX.


! A is the array  | 0 -5  8 -7 |
!                 | 2  4 -1  1 |
!                 | 7  5  6 -6 |
! Transpose the columns and rows of A.
       RES = TRANSPOSE( A )
! The result is   |  0  2  7 |
!                 | -5  4  5 |
!                 |  8 -1  6 |
!                 | -7  1 -6 |