Querying for installed packages

To determine the Version.Release.Modification.Fix-Build level of a package, query for it using the rpm command.

About this task

To query for an individual package, enter the following command:

   rpm -q xlf.bg.cmp

The result is:


where V.R.M.F-B is the Version.Release.Modification.Fix-Build level of the compiler that is installed on the system.

If the installation was not successful, you will get a message indicating that the package has not been installed.

To confirm the installation of all compiler packages, enter the following command:

   rpm -qa | grep -e xlf.bg -e xlsmp.bg -e xlmass.bg

The result is a list containing all of the packages as shown in Table 1. If none of the packages was properly installed, there will be no output from the command.