Location of stored configuration parameters

Most OMEGAMON for z/OS configuration parameters and their configured values are stored in the KDSENV, KDSSYSIN, or KM2SYSIN members of the &hilev.&midlev.&rtename.RKANPARU data set for each runtime environment, where &rhilev is the runtime high-level qualifier, &midlev is the mid-level qualifier, and &rtename is the name of the runtime environment.

The parameters that are stored in the KDSENV member are environment variables, which determine the operating characteristics of the runtime environment in which products and components are configured. The parameters stored in the KM5SYSIN or KM2SYSIN members are startup parameters, which determine the default startup values for each product or component. Some environment variables and startup parameters are stored in members other than KDSENV KDSSYSIN, or KM2SYSIN, or in data sets other than RKANPARU.

There are additional parameters that are neither environment variables not startup parameters, but must be included in the runtime libraries for the products and components to operate correctly.