lssp command


Lists and displays information about storage pools.


To list all available storage pools:

lssp [ -type PoolType [-field FieldName ] [ -fmt Delimiter ]

To display information about a specific storage pool:

lssp -detail | -bd [-sp StoragePool] [-field FieldName ] [-fmt Delimiter ]

To display the default storage pool:

lssp -default

To display all the VIOS cluster objects in a shared storage pool:

lssp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool -bd [-field FieldName ] [ -fmt Delimiter ]

To display storage pools in a specific cluster:

lssp -clustername ClusterName [-field FieldName ] [ -fmt Delimiter ]


The lssp command displays information about storage pools in the Virtual I/O Server (VIOS). If no flags are specified, a list of all defined storage pools, their total size, free space, minimum allocation size, and number of backing devices that are contained in the pool and the type of pool is displayed. If the -type flag is specified only storage pools of the indicated type are displayed. If the -detail flag is specified, detailed information about the storage pool is displayed. If the -bd flag is specified, a list of all the backing devices in the specified (or default) storage pool is displayed along with their size and associated virtual target device, or None, and virtual host adapter, or None. If the -default flag is specified, the default storage pool is displayed.

This command provides full scripting support by using the -field and -fmt flags.

Note: If the LU is fully written, an additional space including space for metadata is required for a thin-provisioned LU.


Flag name Description
-clustername ClusterName Specifies the cluster name to list the storage pools.
-default Displays the default storage pool.
-field FieldName The following fields are supported if no flags are specified:
Storage pool name
Total size
Free space
Minimum allocation size
The number of backing devices.
Type of pool
The following fields are supported if the -detail flag is specified for a logical volume pool:
Name of the physical volume.
Physical volume identifier
The size of the physical volume.
The following fields are supported if the -detail flag is specified for a file pool:
Name of the parent storage pool.
The following fields are supported if the -bd flag is specified:
Backing device name.
The size of the logical volume.
Virtual target device.
Server virtual SCSI adapter.

The following fields are supported if the -clustername , -spname, and -bd flags are specified:

  • luname - The name of the logical unit.
  • size - The size of the logical volume.
  • provisiontype - The provision type of the logical unit (THIN or THICK).
  • usage - The current used data space of the logical unit.
  • unused - The current free data space of the logical unit.
  • luudid - The unique device ID of the logical unit.
The following fields are supported if the -clustername flag is specified without specifying the -sp flag:
The name of the storage pool.
The total size of the storage pool.
The current free data space of the storage pool.
The total size of the logical unit, which is a sum of the size of all the logical units.
The current overcommit size of the storage pool.
The total number of logical units.
The type of the storage pool.
The ID of the storage pool.
-fmt Delimiter Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields.
-bd Displays information about the backing devices or logical units in the storage pool.
-detail Displays detailed information about the file that is backed up and the logical volume-based storage pool.
-sp StoragePool Specifies which storage pool to display information about.
-type PoolType Specifies the type of pool to list. The following fields are supported:
List only logical volume pools.
List only file pools.


  1. To list all the storage pools, type the following command:

    The system displays the following output:

    Pool             Size(mb) Free(mb) Alloc Size(mb) BDs Type
    PRODClient       30624    28576    32    0        LVPOOL
    rootvg           30656    14208    64    0        LVPOOL
    DEVClient        18352    18352    16    0        LVPOOL
    PRODClient_FBP   1016     985      32    3        FBPOOL
    PRODClient_FBP2  1016     1005     32    1        FBPOOL
  2. To display the default storage pool, type the following command:
    lssp -default
  3. To display detailed information about the logical volume storage pool sp_sp00, type the following command:
    lssp -detail -sp sp_sp00

    The system displays the following output:

    NAME       PVID                  SIZE(megabytes)
    hdisk3     00cdfd8c85bd4b2e      34624
    hdisk2     00cdfd8c525d94a2      34624
  4. To display information about the backing devices in the logical volume storage pool rootvg, type the following command:
    lssp -bd -sp rootvg

    The system displays the following output:

    NAME    SIZE(megabytes)   VTD       SVSA
    lv01    96                vtscsi1   vhost0
    lv02    64                vtscsi2   vhost0 
  5. To list all storage pools within a cluster, type the following command:
    lssp -clustername newcluster

    The system displays the following output:

    POOL_SIZE: 714240
    FREE_SPACE: 702047
    TOTAL_LU_SIZE: 10240
    TOTAL_LUS: 15
    POOL_ID: 000000000903311C000000004F42A526
  6. To list all VIOS cluster objects in a shared storage pool, type the following command:
    lssp -clustername newcluster -sp SP -bd | more
    Note: If the logical unit is fully written, an additional space including space for metadata is required for a thin-provisioned logical unit.

    The system displays the following output:

    Lu Name               Size(mb)   ProvisionType   Used%  Unused(mb)  Lu Udid
    TestLU_bill41_0       5120       THIN            0%     5120        95309cb0eee1697f523e366285557334
    TestLU_bill41_1       5120       THIN            0%     5120        4a579b83aa764ce308467754006d5924
    TestLU_bill41_10      5120       THIN            0%     5120        7f24b3ea9f258039e20a45945c7addb6
    TestLU_bill41_100     5120       THIN            0%     5120        4237161d748b9851d24ee9a9270a7d73
    TestLU_bill41_1000    5120       THIN            0%     5120        4908d065557b18c66dbf26ef2518a460
    TestLU_bill41_1001    5120       THIN            0%     5120        59f8ee1116819f66ebdbb811ee1f6815
    TestLU_bill41_1002    5120       THIN            0%     5120        97de0635ff7aa4cb16a14c0ba95623db

Related Information

The lu command.