cfgsvc command


Configures an agent or service that is specified by the given name.


cfgsvc AgentName [-attr Attribute=Value... | -ls | -key]


The cfgsvc command configures the agent or service that is specified, by the given name. Use the lssvc command to obtain a list of agents or services. After configuring the agent or service, you can start and stop the agent or service by using the startsvc and stopsvc commands. Each time that you run the command, it overwrites previous configurations.

To find the values for the necessary attributes for an agent or service, use the -ls flag. If you do not specify a necessary attribute when you specify this command, a message is displayed that indicates the missing necessary attribute.

Agents might create ssh keys as part of their configuration. You can display the ssh public key that is generated during configuration by using the -key flag.


Flag name Description
-attr Attribute=Value Identifies an attribute and value that are associated with the configuration of an agent or service.
-ls Lists all the attributes that can be changed for a particular agent or service configuration.
-key Displays the ssh public key that is generated for a particular agent or service configuration.
Note: The -key flag is not valid for the Tivoli® Storage Productivity Center.

Agent or service names

The following agents or services can be managed by the Virtual I/O Server:
Agent or service name Description



Attribute names for the IBM® Tivoli Monitoring agents

The ITM_premium and ITM_cec agents provide system information that includes I/O virtualization mappings and system utilization.

These agents require that you specify the host name attribute for configuration. Also, an ssh public key is generated if one does not exist.

Host name
Provides the monitoring agent with a Tivoli Enterprise Management System host name. This is a necessary attribute.
Valid values are: Host name, IP address
Designates whether the monitoring agent is started if the Virtual I/O Server is rebooted. Because you can run only one monitoring agent on the Virtual I/O Server at any specified time, configuring more than one monitoring agent to restart is only valid for the last agent that is configured to restart. Run the lssvc command by using the IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent name to verify which agent restarts.
Valid values are: True, False
Provides the monitoring agent with a secondary Tivoli Enterprise Management System host name. This is an optional attribute.
Valid values are: Host name, IP address
Provides the monitoring agent with a Hardware Management Console (HMC) host name.
Valid values are: [user_name@]Host name, IP address
Provides the monitoring agent with a secondary Hardware Management Console (HMC) host name. This attribute is available for the ITM_cec agent. This is an optional attribute.
Valid values are: [user_name@]Host name, IP address
Provides the ITM_cec agent with a CEC host name.
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication

Attribute names for the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center agents

The Tivoli Storage Productivity Center for Replication agent is a Tivoli Storage Productivity Center agent. This agent requires that you specify the S, A, devAuth, and caPass attributes for configuration. By default, specifying this agent configures both the TPC_data and TPC_fabric agents.

Provides the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center agent with a Tivoli Storage Productivity Center server host name. This a necessary configuration attribute.
The valid values are: Host name, IP address
Provides the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center agent with an agent manager host name. This is a necessary attribute.
The valid values are: Host name, IP address
Sets the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center device server authentication password. This is a necessary attribute.
The valid value is: Password
Sets the CA authentication password. This is a necessary attribute.
The valid value is: Password
Sets the CA port. This is an optional attribute. The default value is 9510.
The valid value is: Number
Specifies the agent manager registration port. This is an optional attribute. The default value is 9511.
The valid value is: Number
Specifies the agent manager public port. This is an optional attribute. The default value is 9513.
The valid value is: Number
Specifies the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center data server port. This is an optional attribute. The default value is 9549.
The valid value is: Number
Specifies the Tivoli Storage Productivity Center device server port. This is an optional attribute. The default value is 9550.
The valid value is: Number
This is an optional attribute. The default value is true.
The valid values are: True, False
This is an optional attribute. The default value is true.
The valid values are: True, False
This is an optional attribute. The default value is true.
The valid values are: True, False
This is an optional attribute. The default value is true.
The valid values are: True, False
This is an optional attribute. The default value is true.
The valid values are: True, False
This is an optional attribute. The default value is true.
The valid values are: True, False
Specifies to uninstall the agent. This is an optional attribute.
The valid values are: All | data | fabric

Attribute names for the performance management data collector agent: See the postprocesssvc command.


ipsec_tunnel works as a service on the Virtual I/O Server. Configurable parameters are as follows:

The IP address of the source Virtual I/O Server.
The IP address of the destination Virtual I/O Server.
The key value consists of alphanumeric characters only.
IBM License Metric Tool

The IBM License Metric Tool agent helps the License Metric Tool to identify the system on the network to determine which IBM software is installed. It requires the server attribute to be configured with the host name or IP of the IBM License Metric Tool server.

server - The host name or IP address of the message handler server.

security_level - The security level for the agent communication.

port - The port number that is used by the agent if the security_level parameter equals 0.

secure_port - The port number that is used by the agent if the security_level parameter equals 1.

client_auth_secure_port - The port number that is used by the agent if the security_level parameter equals 2.

scan_group - The name of the scan group, which is only used for the initial registration with the server.

use_proxy - Whether the agent is protected by a proxy server. Valid values are y and n.

proxy_port - The port number that is used by the proxy server. The default value is 3128.

proxy - The address of the proxy server.

fips_enabled - Whether the agent uses the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). Valid values are y and n.

trace_size - The maximum size of a single iteration of the agent trace file.

trace_level - The level of trace that is logged during operation of the agent. The default level, MIN, is enough to identify the cause of most problems. MID or MAX trace levels can be enabled if a problem occurs whose cause cannot be immediately identified.

trace_files - The maximum number of iterations of the agent trace file. If the trace file reaches the maximum size that is defined in the trace_size parameter, the remaining messages roll over to another iteration of the file. The trace_files parameter defines how many times it can occur.

msglog_files - The number of message log files.

msglog_size - The maximum size of the message log.

tivoli_common_dir - The path to Tivoli Common Directory.

userdata1 - The custom data about agents.


IBM Tivoli Monitoring
  1. To list all the attributes that are associated with an agent configuration, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc -ls ITM_premium
  2. To configure the ITM_premium agent with several attributes, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc ITM_premium -attr Restart_On_Reboot=TRUE hostname=tems_server
    Note: When the RESTART_ON_REBOOT attribute is set to TRUE, the IBM Tivoli Monitoring agent is restarted when the Virtual I/O Server is being rebooted. The host name attribute specifies the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server IP address, or host name is set to tems_server. The managing_system attribute specifies the HMC IP address, or host name is set to hmc_console.
  3. To display the ITM_premium agent ssh public key, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc -key ITM_premium
Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
  1. To list all Tivoli Storage Productivity Center configurable attributes, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc TPC -ls
  2. To configure Tivoli Storage Productivity Center with mandatory attributes, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc TPC -attr S=tpc_server_hostname
    A=agent_manager_hostname devAuth=password caPass=password
ipsec tunnels
  1. To list all the attributes that are associated with the service configuration, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc -ls ipsec_tunnel
  2. To configure ipsec_tunnel, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc ipsec_tunnel -attr local_ip= remote_ip= key=abcd1234
IBM License Metric Tool
  1. To list all IBM License Metric Tool attributes, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc ILMT -ls
  2. To configure IBM License Metric Tool, type the command as follows:
    cfgsvc ILMT -attr server=