Migration and PPT ratio

Learn about the migration and PPT ratio considerations of mobile partitions.

About this task

When the mobile partition is migrated from a server that is managed by an Hardware Management Console (HMC) that is at a version earlier than 9.1.0, and the destination server is managed by an HMC that is at version 9.1.0, or later, the default value of the PPT ratio is assigned to the mobile partition.

The value of the PPT ratio on the destination server depends on the version of the HMC that manages the source server, whether the source server supports the PPT ratio, the version of the HMC that manages the destination server, and whether the destination server supports the PPT ratio. The table lists the various scenarios for the value of the PPT ratio on the destination server after a partition mobility operation.
Table 1. Scenarios for the value of the PPT ratio
HMC at the source server Source server HMC at the destination server Destination server Value of the PPT ratio
Supports PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Maintain same PPT ratio from source server on the destination server.
Supports PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio PPT ratio is lost on the destination server.
Supports PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Maintain same PPT ratio from source server on the destination server.
Supports PPT Supports PPT Does not support PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio PPT ratio is lost on the destination server.
Supports PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio The default PPT ratio is assigned on the destination server.
Supports PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio No impact because both the source and destination servers do not support PPT ratio.
Supports PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio Supports PPT ratio Maintain same PPT ratio from source server on the destination server.
Supports PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio Does not support PPT ratio No impact because both the source and destination servers do not support PPT ratio.