Querying affinity scores of a logical partition

On POWER7® or POWER9™ processor-based servers with firmware at level FW780, or later, the HMC provides an additional flag with the lsmemopt command for querying the current affinity score and the potential affinity score of a logical partition.

About this task


  1. From the HMC command line, type the following command to query the current and potential logical partition affinity scores:
    lsmemopt -m managed system -r lpar -o currscore | calcscore [-p partition-names | --id partition-IDs] 
    [-x partition-names | --xid partition-IDs]
    • currscore queries the current affinity scores.
    • calcscore queries the current and potential affinity scores.
    • -x partition-names or --xid partition-IDs specifies the list of logical partitions or logical partition IDs that must not be affected by the optimization operation.
    • -p partition-names or --id partition-IDs specifies the list of logical partitions or logical partition IDs that must be optimized.
    The following example shows a sample output of the lsmemopt command when the -o currscore parameter is specified:
    The following example shows a sample output of the lsmemopt command when the -o calcscore parameter is specified:
  2. From the HMC command line, type the following command to query the system-wide affinity scores:
    lsmemopt -m managed system -o currscore | calcscore [-p partition-names | --id partition-IDs] 
    [-x partition-names | --xid partition-IDs]
    • currscore queries the current affinity scores.
    • calcscore queries the current and potential affinity scores.
    • -x partition-names or --xid partition-IDs specifies the list of logical partitions or logical partition IDs that must not be affected by the optimization operation.
    • -p partition-names or --id partition-IDs specifies the list of logical partitions or logical partition IDs that must be optimized.