Scheduling Dynamic Platform Optimizer operations

Scheduled operation of the Dynamic Platform Optimizer (DPO) function is supported on POWER7® or POWER9™ processor-based servers with firmware at level 7.6, or later. The Hardware Management Console (HMC) must be at Version 7.8.0 or later.

About this task

To schedule DPO operations by using the HMC, complete the following steps:


  1. In the navigation pane, click the Resources icon The icon represents the Resources function of the HMC.
  2. Click All Systems. The All Systems page is displayed.
  3. In the work pane, select the system and click Actions > Schedule Operations.
  4. On the Options tab, click New.
  5. Click Monitor/Perform Dynamic Platform Optimize.
  6. Click OK.
  7. On the Setup a Scheduled Operation page, click the Date and Time tab.
    You can specify the date and time when the scheduled operation must start.
  8. Click Save.
  9. On the Setup a Scheduled Operation page, click the Repeat tab.
    You can specify whether the scheduled operation is a single scheduled operation or a repeated scheduled operation. You can also specify the days of the week the operation must be performed, the interval and the number of repetitions. Click Repeat Indefinitely to perform the operation repeatedly for an indefinite period.
  10. Click Save.
  11. Setup a Scheduled Operation page, click the Options tab.
    1. In the Target of Operation area, the system name and potential and current affinity scores are displayed.
      The potential affinity score is a value in the range 0 -100 and it is queried from the HMC when the schedule operations option is selected. You can also use the lsmemopt command to get this value from the HMC command line. The current affinity score is a value in the range 0 -100 and it is queried from the HMC when the schedule operations option is selected. You can also use the lsmemopt command to get this value from the HMC command line.
    2. In the Affinity Thresholds area, you can specify a value in the range 0 -100 for the Server Affinity Threshold field.
    3. In the Server Affinity Delta Threshold (Potential - Current) field, enter a value.
    4. In the Alert/Actions area, when the email notification is not configured on the HMC, a message is displayed that informs you to configure the email notification. Click Configure Management Console Notifications to configure the email notifications.
    5. In the Alert/Actions area, when the email notification is configured on the HMC, click Notify via an email of Server Affinity Alerts to receive email notification alerts about DPO events.
    6. In the Perform Dynamic Platform Optimization area, click Automatically Perform a Dynamic Platform Optimization (DPO) to enable automatic DPO.
      Attention: The DPO operation might automatically run constantly if the DPO does not cause the affinity to drop below either of the user-defined threshold values. This might impact system performance and block various virtualization functions. You can avoid setting the user-defined threshold values with a small interval when the auto-DPO option is enabled.
  12. Click Save.