Viewing virtual storage diagrams

Two types of virtual storage diagrams are available - systems storage and partition storage. You can view the virtual storage configuration for the selected system, including the physical and virtual components of system storage, by using the HMC. You can also view the virtual storage configuration for a single partition in a particular system, including the physical and virtual components of storage assigned to that particular partition, by using the HMC.

About this task

This diagram displays a high-level overview of the contents of the system or a single partition, and not specific component relationships. You can click a resource and drag to pan across the diagram. You can also double-click a resource to highlight that resource and the relationship between its various virtual and physical components in the network. To remove the highlighting, double-click in an empty area of the storage diagram. To view more detailed information about a resource, you can right-click a resource and additional information is displayed in a click card. Alternatively, you can hover over the label of a resource area to display the name of the resource as a tooltip.

To view the virtual storage configuration for the selected system or a single partition by using the HMC, complete the following steps:


  1. In the navigation pane, click the Resources icon The icon represents the Resources function of the HMC.
  2. Click All Systems.
    The All Systems page is displayed.
  3. In the work pane, select the system in which the partition is located and click Actions > View System Partitions. The configuration page opens. You can view the configuration details of the system you selected.
  4. In the navigation pane, click Topology > Virtual Storage Diagram to view the virtual storage configuration for the selected system.
    Note: To view the virtual storage diagrams of a single partition in a particular system, select the partition of your choice and then click Topology > Partition Virtual Storage Diagram.
  5. Right-click a resource for the selected system to view more detailed information in a click card. You can also hover over the label of a resource area to display the name of the resource as a tooltip.
  6. In the upper-right corner of the work pane, click the zoom in and zoom out icons to achieve the required level of magnification.
    Note: You can also zoom in and zoom out by using the scroll wheel on the mouse from within the diagram.
  7. In the upper-right corner of the work pane, click the Legend icon to view an explanation of the symbols used in the virtual storage diagram.