(C3xx, C5xx, C6xx) IPL status progress codes

A server that stalls during an initial program load (IPL) of the operating system indicates a problem with the operating system code or hardware configuration.

In this case, your only service action is to call your next level of support. If the problem is in the operating system code or hardware configuration, exchanging any hardware FRU will not fix the problem.

  • The following table contains the C3xxxxxx, C5xxxxxx, and C6xxxxxx IPL status progress codes. Some of these codes can appear on your control panel or management console display. Depending on the system activity and disk configuration the duration of time that each code is displayed can vary. Eventually the system will continue to the next progress code until the IPL status is complete, or if an error is detected an SRC other than a C3xxxxxx, C5xxxxxx, or C6xxxxxx will be displayed.
  • There are instances when multiple tasks might be happening at the same time, so the progress code on the panel may not reflect the code module having problems.

The mode of the IPL (A, B, or D) determines, in part, which status SRCs are displayed. The different types of IPL use different progress codes, so you will not see all of the progress codes in the table below when you perform an IPL.

The list of IPL status progress codes uses the following format:
  • The message number contains characters that represent a particular action your server performs during initialization of the supported operating system.
  • The description identifies the action or procedure that produced the progress code.