IBM Support

Release notes for IBM Transformation Extender Pack for Supply Chain EDI, V9.0.2

Release Notes


This document provides information about the release of the IBM® Transformation Extender Pack for Supply Chain EDI, V.9.0.2. The pack is supported by both IBM Transformation Extender and IBM Transformation Extender Advanced.


IBM Transformation Extender Pack for EDI, V.9.0.2 release notes

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2016. All Rights Reserved.


  1. About this release
  2. Installation and configuration information
  3. Known limitations, problems and workarounds
  4. Resolved Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs)
  5. Contacting customer support
  6. Notices and trademarks


Where to find the software to download

To download the software for this version of the WebSphere Transformation Extender Pack for EDI, go to Passport Advantage® Online.

What's new in this release

Support is added for the following standards:
  • X12 7030
  • EDIFACT 15A, 15B, and 16A

A new example is added to the pack in support of the new EDIFACT VERMAS message. The examples\vermas directory contains the following files:

Files of EDIFACT VERMAS D16A (Verified Gross Mass document)
edifd16a_VERMAS.mttType tree representing the VERMAS D16a message
Test_Validation_VERMAS.mmsA validation map that confirms the proper structure of the EDIFACT D16A VERMAS message

To use these files: The type tree for both the input card and the output card in the edifd16a_VERMAS map is edifd16a_VERMAS.mtt. The map will pass successfully using the valid VERMAS files provided. Additional VERMAS files can be tested for validity using the included map.

Documentation notes

See the online documentation for the latest documentation for this product. The installed information center and PDF documentation are deprecated.

For detailed information about WebSphere Transformation Extender product documentation, see the Documentation release notes.

Translated documentation

Documentation for this release is provided in English (United States) only.


Installation prerequisites

Before you install this version of the pack, you must install IBM Transformation Extender (ITX) V8.4.0.5,, or or IBM Transformation Extender Advanced V9.0.0.4.

Deployment to other operating systems

See the individual component documentation for information on deploying to other operating systems.

Installing the pack

The pack components are installed to the following directory, depending on the selected standard(s):

Installation directories

The pack components are installed to the following directories:
  • IBM Transformation Extender - itx_install_dir\packs\Supplychain_EDI_v9.0.2
  • IBM Transformation Extender Advanced - itxa_install_dir\Supplychain_EDI_v9.0.2

Installing the pack on Windows systems

To install the IBM Transformation Extender Pack for Supply Chain EDI, perform the following procedures:
  1. Obtain the image from Passport Advantage Online.
  2. Run the .exe command for the application and accept the license agreement.
  3. At the prompt, select either a "Complete" or a 'Selected' installation.

    The "Complete" installation installs the X12, EDIFACT, and TRADACOMS components to all installed versions of ITX (versions, and, with no ability to choose individual core ITX versions or individual pack components.

    The "Selected" installation displays a screen for each of the available versions of ITX. Each of these screens allows you to choose which pack components you want to install.
  4. If you are performing a "Selected" installation, choose the components for each of your core ITX versions. After each version selection, select Next.

    The "Start Copying Files"' screen displays all of the available versions of ITX, and also shows which components are selected for installation.
  5. Click Next to initiate the installation.

    When the installation completes, you are prompted to view the readme file.

Modifying and uninstalling the pack components

If additional pack components are needed after the install completes, or if removal of select components is desired, you can modify your installation. You can also remove all components.
  1. Begin the installation process again.
  2. When prompted, choose to modify your installation, remove on or more selected components, or remove all components:
  • To modify your current installation, select Modify.

    When selected, this choice displays the same dialog as the initial installation. Refer to the "Installing the pack" section.
  • To remove an installed component for a specific core version of ITX, select Modify and deselect (uncheck the box for) the component name(s) and version(s) that you want to remove.

    The component is removed for the ITX core version that is selected

  • 1.
  • To remove all components from all versions of ITX, select Remove all components.

    Use this option only if you want to remove all components for all versions of the pack. You are prompted with a warning that all pack components for all versions will be removed.

Uninstalling the pack

Follow these steps to uninstall the pack from Windows systems:
  1. Click Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
  2. Select the pack that you want to remove.
  3. Click Change/Remove and follow the prompts.


Possible M202 warning when building source maps

Building some of the source maps might trigger M202 warnings similar to the following:
M202    WARNING:
    Map: FormatContrl   Output: TestIndicator Element Good UNB Envelope
    Control EnvelopedContrl
   Parm 2 of EITHER doesn't match required type.

These warnings can be ignored.

EDIFACT version 1 - 3 using syntax level B delimiters

EDIFACT versions prior to version 4 used different non-printable default delimiters for syntax level B (Syntax Id = UNOB), or higher. The EDIFACT type trees do not support these alternate delimiters. If you need to process data that uses these, create modified versions of the EDIFACT type trees that use these alternate delimiters, instead of the default delimiters used by version 4 and by syntax level A in the older standards.

To create modified type trees, follow these instructions:
  1. Copy the type tree from the pack to create a separate tree to be used for syntax UNOB interchanges. For example, copy edifd08b.mtt to edifd08b-unob.mtt.
  2. Edit the new type tree, to update the following categories. For each change, propagate the change to the item's subtree:

    Composite Control EDIFACT EDI
    - Change: Group Subclass ->Format->Component Syntax->Delimiter->Default to <US>

    Envelope Control EDIFACT EDI
    - Change: Group Subclass->Format->Component Syntax->Delimiter->Default to <GS>
    - Change: Type Syntax ->Terminator->Default to <FS>

    Composite Vxxxx EDIFACT EDI (NOTE: this category must be updated to be Format Explicit, to match its subtypes.)
    - Change: Group Subclass->Format->Component Syntax->Delimiter->Default to <US>

    Segment Vxxxx EDIFACT EDI
    - Change: Group Subclass->Format->Component Syntax->Delimiter->Default to <GS>
    - Change: Type Syntax->Terminator->Default to <FS>
  3. Analyze and save the new type tree, and use the updated tree in your map, or maps.

Type trees warnings

The following type trees have warnings when analyzed:
  • ccx12.mtt (Pack for X12)
  • ccedf.mtt (Pack for EDIFACT)

Pack for EDIFACT support for batch messages

The Pack for EDIFACT supports batch messages, but it does not support interactive messages.

WebSphere Transformation Extender Trading Manager support

This version of IBM Transformation Extender Pack for EDI is supported on WebSphere Transformation Extender Trading Manager, V.


For information on the resolved APAR for this release, see APAR PI61582.


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This product includes software developed by the Eclipse Project (

[{"Product":{"code":"SSQLUP","label":"Transformation Extender Pack for Supply Chain EDI"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Pack for EDI","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"9.0.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 October 2022

