IBM Support

Version 8.1: Updates for IBM Spectrum Protect for UNIX and Linux Backup-Archive Clients Installation and User's Guide

Product Documentation


This document contains updates for "IBM Spectrum Protect™ for UNIX and Linux Backup-Archive Clients Installation and User's Guide". The updates pertain to the Version 8.1 product information at


Updates that apply to V8.1.8 and earlier versions

Per APAR IT26104

Clients > Configuring backup-archive clients > Configure the IBM Spectrum Protect client > Configuring IBM Spectrum Protect client/server communication with Secure Sockets Layer > Creating a symbolic link to access the latest GSKit library

The following text has been added:

When other applications deliver a GSKit version that is newer than the version delivered with IBM Spectrum Protect API, then it is better to either perform the upgrade of the Client or to perform the following procedure.

The following command in Step 1 of the procedure has been changed to:

cd "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TSM\api64\gsk8"
rename lib64 lib64-api

The following command in Step 2 of the procedure has been changed to:

cd "c:\Program Files\Common Files\Tivoli\TSM\api64\gsk8"
mklink /d lib64 "C:\Program Files\ibm\gsk8\lib64"

Updates that apply to V8.1.4 and earlier versions

Per APAR IT24198
- In the "Include options" topic, item 4 in the Notes in the include.encrypt section is changed to the following text:

4. Encryption is not compatible with the IBM Spectrum Protect™ for Virtual Environments Data Protection for VMware Recovery Agent. If the client is configured for encryption, you can use the client to restore backups that were created with the full or incremental backup modes (MODE=Full and MODE=Incremental) from the Version 7.1 or earlier client. However, you cannot use the Recover Agent to restore the encrypted backups.

- In the Delete Backup command:

The sentence: "When you specify -objtype=VM, this command deletes only virtual machine backups that were created with any of the following modes: FULL, IFINCR, and IFFULL." is replaced by the following sentence:
"When you specify -objtype=VM, this command deletes only virtual machine backups that were created with any of the following modes: IFINCR, and IFFULL."

- In the Expire command:

The sentence: "When objtype=VM is specified, the expire command expires only full virtual machine backups (MODE=FULL or MODE=IFFULL) for the virtual machine that is specified on the vmname parameter." is replaced by the following sentence:
"When objtype=VM is specified, the expire command expires only full VM backups (MODE=IFFULL) for the VM that is specified on the vmname parameter."

Per APAR IT23560
Clients > Configuring backup-archive clients > Configure the IBM Spectrum Protect client > Configuring IBM Spectrum Protect client/server communication with Secure Sockets Layer > Creating a symbolic link to access the latest GSKit library

The following text has been added:

Before you begin
  • • An IBM Spectrum Protect™ client, V8.1.2 and later levels, and V7.1.8 and later V7 levels requires GSKit version
    • An IBM Spectrum Protect client, V8.1.1 and earlier V8 levels, and V7.1.7 and earlier levels requires a version of GSKit earlier than version

Per APAR IT23086
Clients > Configuring backup-archive clients > Configure the IBM Spectrum Protect client > Automated client failover configuration and use > Configuring the client for automated failover

The following text has been added:

If the replication server is V8.1.1 or earlier, and SSL is enabled, you must manually install the SSL certificate on the client with the following command:
  • gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -add -db dsmcert.kdb -stashed -label "TSM server STSM01 self-signed key" -file <certificate_file> -format ascii

Where <certificate_file> is the path to the corresponding certificate.

Per APAR IT23809
In topics "Comparing incremental-by-date, journal-based, and NetApp snapshot difference to full incremental and partial incremental backups" and "Snapdiff":

The following text has been added:

Snapshot differential backup operations are not supported in the IBM Spectrum Protect for Virtual Environments environment. You cannot run snapshot differential backup operations of a file system that resides on a NetApp filer on a host where the Data Protection for VMware or Data Protection for Microsoft Hyper-V data mover is also installed.

Per APAR IT23865
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Queryschedperiod

The following text has been added:

Tip: If the period set by the queryschedperiod option is much smaller than the randomization window of a schedule that is set by the server administrator, the start of the schedule can be delayed. To avoid such a delay, adjust the following values:
  • The client action duration (with the SET CLIENTACTDURATION server command)
  • The randomization of scheduled start times (with the SET RANDOMIZE server command)
  • The value of the queryschedperiod option

Given the settings for the client action duration and the randomization window of a schedule, the following examples show how to calculate the query schedule period.

Example 1:

  Client Action Duration: 1 Days
 Schedule Randomization Percentage: 25%
 Query Schedule Period: 6 hours

 Client Action Duration of 1 day = 24 hours
   24 hours x .25 = 6 hours
 Use a query schedule period of 6 hours or higher.

Example 2:
  Client Action Duration: 3 Days
 Schedule Randomization Percentage: 10%
 Query Schedule Period: 8 hours

 Client Action Duration of 3 days = 72 hours
   72 x .10 = 7.2
 Use a query schedule period of 8 hours or higher.

Per APAR IT23581
Clients > Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients > Backing up your data > Deleting backup data

The "Results" section has been updated as follows:

  • If you specify Delete Active Objects or Delete Inactive Objects, only the files are considered for removal.
  • If you specify Delete Active Objects or Delete Inactive Objects and select a directory that contains no files for removal, the following message is displayed during the delete backup operation:

    ANS5030E No objects on server match query.

    The last parent inactive directory is removed based on retention policy settings on the server.
  • A directory is deleted only if you select Delete All Objects.
  • To delete file spaces, click Utilities > Delete Filespaces from the main window.
  • To delete backup copies using the command-line client, use the delete backup command.

Per APAR IT23279
Clients > Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients > Backing up your data > Display backup processing status

In Table 1. Client command line informational messages, the descriptions of "Data transfer time", "Network data transfer rate", "Aggregate data transfer rate", and "Total number of bytes transferred" are incorrect. These descriptions have been updated as follows:
Data transfer time: The sum of the times that each backup, archive, restore, or retrieve session takes to send data across the network. This number does not include the time for the client to read the data from disk before the date is sent, nor the time to wait for server transactions to complete.

This number can be greater than the elapsed processing time if the operation uses multiple concurrent sessions to move data, such as multi-session backup and restore operations.

This number includes the time that it takes to send data more than once due to retries, such as when a file changes during a backup operation.
Network data transfer rate: The average rate at which the network transfers data between the client and the server. This statistic is calculated by dividing the total number of bytes transferred by the time to transfer the data over the network. This statistic does not include the time for the client to read the data from disk before the data is sent, nor the time to wait for server transactions to complete.
Aggregate data transfer rate: The total number of bytes transferred during a backup, archive, restore, or retrieve operation, divided by the total elapsed time of the operation.
Total number of bytes transferred: The total number of bytes transferred during the backup, archive, restore, or retrieve operation. This value includes data that is sent more than once due to retries, such as when a file changes during a backup operation.


Updates that apply to V8.1.2 and earlier versions

Per APAR IT22875
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands> Processing options > Client options reference > Domain.vmfull

The following statement is added for the vmname parameter under Domain.vmfull for VMware virtual machines:

"The names are case-sensitive."

Per APAR IT22672
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands> Backup Image

The following statement is added:

"The image backup operation is not supported on any partition that resides on a multipath device."

In addition, the explanation for message ANS1068E has been modified as follows:

"The selected path is not a valid object for image operations. The selected path is either a remote
device or a partition that resides on a multipath device."

Per APAR IT22157
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Snapdiff

The following statement is incorrect:

(Windows) The snapdiff (snapshot difference) option is for backing up NAS/N-Series file server volumes that are NFS or CIFS attached.

It is replaced by the following two statements:

(Windows) The snapdiff option is for backing up NAS/N-Series file server volumes that are CIFS attached.
(Linux) The snapdiff option is for backing up NAS/N-Series file server volumes that are NFS attached.

Per APAR IT20791
Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference

In the Enableinstrumentation, Instrlogmax, and Instrologname options, the following statement is removed:

"The option can be set in the client option set on IBM Spectrum Protect server."

Updates that apply to V8.1.0

Per APAR IT20793
Clients > Configuring backup-archive clients > Configure the IBM Spectrum Protect client > Configuring NetApp and IBM Spectrum Protect for snapshot difference incremental backups > Protecting clustered-data ONTAP NetApp file server volumes

In Step 2, the order of the arguments in the set netappsvm command is incorrect:
dsmc set netappsvm management_filer_hostname storage_virtual_machine_hostname storage_virtual_machine_name

The correct order of the arguments is updated to the following text:
dsmc set netappsvm storage_virtual_machine_hostnamemanagement_filer_hostname storage_virtual_machine_name

Per APAR IT19974

Clients > Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients > Backing up your data > Performing an incremental, selective, or incremental-by-date backup
(UNIX and Linux) > Full and partial incremental backup

The last bulleted item in the following passage is inaccurate. The statement only applies to GPFS file systems and backups are triggered by updates to the ctime attribute.
Back up directories
A directory is backed up in any of the following circumstances:
-The directory was not previously backed up
-The directory permissions changed since the last backup
-The directory Access Control List changed since the last backup
-The directory Extended Attributes changed since the last backup
-The directory modification time stamp changed since the last backup

The last bulleted item in this passage is changed to the following text to indicate that directory backups are triggered by updates to the ctime attribute for GPFS file systems:
Back up directories
A directory is backed up in any of the following circumstances:
-The directory was not previously backed up.
-The directory permissions changed since the last backup.
-The directory Access Control List changed since the last backup.
-The directory Extended Attributes changed since the last backup.
-The change time (ctime) attribute is updated since the last backup (for GPFS file systems only). For more details, see the updatectime option.

Per APAR IT19424

Clients > Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients > Backing up your data > Performing an incremental, selective, or incremental-by-date backup
(UNIX and Linux) > Full and partial incremental backup

The following text is updated to indicate that the ctime attribute statement applies only to objects in GPFS file systems in the following client topic:

If only the following attributes change, the attributes are updated on the IBM Spectrum Protect server, but the file is not backed up:
-File owner
-File permissions
-Group ID
-Change time (ctime) attribute (for objects in GPFS file systems only and if the updatectime option is set to yes). For more details, see the updatectime option.

Per APAR IT18953

Clients > Backup-archive client options and commands > Processing options > Client options reference > Updatectime

The following text is updated:

Use the updatectime option to check the change time (ctime) attribute during an incremental backup operation.


The backup-archive client does not check the change time (ctime attribute) during a backup operation. This value is the default.
The backup-archive client checks the change time (ctime attribute) during a backup operation. If the ctime attribute changed since the last backup operation, the ctime attribute is updated on the IBM Spectrum Protect™ server. The object is not backed up unless it has either ACLs or extended attributes. The client checks files and directories."

The following text is removed: "Use this option with the incremental, selective, or archive commands."

Per APAR IT17557

Clients > Back up and restore data with backup-archive clients > Restoring your data > Restore AIX encrypted files

The following paragraph is updated:

"After restoring a file that was backed up in raw format, you might find that the file cannot be decrypted. The encryption key originally used for the file might no longer be available in the keystore of the user. In this case, you must restore the keystore used at the time of backup."

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQVQ","label":"IBM Spectrum Protect"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU058","label":"IBM Infrastructure w\/TPS"},"Component":"Client","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF022","label":"OS X"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"}],"Version":"8.1;8.1.2;8.1.4","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB26","label":"Storage"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
14 May 2019

