IBM Support

OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2 Fix List

Release Notes


A comprehensive list of defect corrections for major releases, refresh packs and fix packs of OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2.

Details of the APARs listed below can be accessed by clicking the link for the APAR number. If you have questions about a particular defect, please contact Customer Support.


Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2.
The fix for the following APAR was confirmed in this release after the fix list was initially published.

PI36712 - ContentTypeNotFoundException written in the log when adding a File or a Link from Task or Job Detail Page
Number Description
PI11871 OP-12000 error occur when displaying object detail page containing several report Fragments and Computed Fields
PI11880 Associating child object to an unlocked parent and locked parent at same time causes "missing locale" to appear in OP-04050 error message
PI12694 "OpenPages Reports_V6" folder is missing under "Available Component" after selecting functions tab in the "Detail Filter Expression -Query1" box in Report Studio
PI19248 Object types disappear in object type list when adding Entity Type Dimension in Reporting Framework
PI20613 Add / Modify Plan Helper failed
PI21012 Copying self contained objects to same folder will create new folder name ending with .txt in the folder path of the copied object
PI24283 Changing the Object Prefix after reporting schema has been generated does not update the framework model upon next generation
PI24493 Primary Parent Hierarchy and Orphan Fields display incorrect values in past reporting periods for deleted objects
PI24896 ObjectManager load to reset password is inconsistent
PI26534 Unable to unlock inherited locks
PI27059 Date display format is changed from prior OpenPages releases and no longer configurable like old releases
PI27200 getCanWrite() SDK doesn't work as expected with deny ACL
PI28806 Object detail page is not redisplayed during edit session when a controlling field is set to Read Only
PI28829 Single User Selector Field unexpectedly adds $; in the instance as if It were a Multi-Selector field
PI29282 Cannot finalize Active Reporting Period if Reporting Schema was recreated while Active Reporting Period was not finalized
PI29441 Unable to open integrated Cognos report if output format is set for Excel 2007
PI30024 OpenPages page is not checking for an iframe XFS
PI30379 Grid view user selector icons missing when not using the default OpenPages URL
PI30695 Initial size parameter does not apply to all fields in grid views
PI30782 Object View display order not working
PI31151 List view pane "resizer" disappears when hitting next link
PI31284 Policy review helper comments do not preserve carriage returns
PI31293 Embedded reports on homepage do not display data based on reporting period
PI31542 SSO failed login page has old 6.x style
PI31770 ObjectManager exception while processing object profile views for objecttype
PI32060 IRM Bulletin notification reports do not contain complete data
PI32081 Filter on END USER finds subsets of username
PI32459 Loss Event approval submission trigger does not validate loss impact data
PI32890 Grid view does not display previously saved selection
PI33097 Audit Plans helper - issue during Auditor search
PI33877 Grid view does not trigger dependent picklist
PI34165 Standard file upload fails after using optimized file upload
PI34811 FastMap useSystemNames parameter not generating system names in export template
PI35823 Long label text overlaps actual value
PI36108 API QueryService searches on ? and ' are not working
PI36154 After granting read permissions to an object via extend security rule, user is denied access to activity view that includes that object
PI36240 Scrolling thru FLV page very fast results in GRID LOAD ERROR
PI36821 Export configuration has invalid XML output related to the classic homepage
PI37156 Period in the name of the report is replaced with underscore after publishing
PI37325 RCSA Completion helper does not bring completion report to foreground if run from activity view in Internet Explorer 9 or Internet Explorer 10
PI37656 Unable to obtain a 1:1 relationship between 2 objects including the reporting period id using a CQS file
PI37861 Installing OpenPages database fails for Oracle DB on Windows
PI38157 Ensure debug.enabled=false in
PI38254 RepositoryService.createResource() method in SDK API is not appending .txt to the object names
PI38984 Actor Picker can not be Launched from Advanced Filter by clicking on entry field
PI40274 UI is not friendly to end user when there are 9 errors displayed in UI
PI40365 Internationalization cache engine is pulling back records for deleted profiles causing performance issues
PI41126 Dependent picklist field that is set to a value, does not display the persisted value in the dropdown while editing the object if it is set to hidden or/and made invalid for that object by changing the picklist rule
PI41452 Unable to use /grc/api/security/users example in GRC_REST_API.DOC
PI41506 File not copied during op 7.1 upgrade
PI42006 Policy status label incorrect in OpenPages 7.1 solutions
PI42274 Bread crumb link not returning to grid view
PI43357 Extra spaces in the folder path will cause FastMap not to load data
PI43435 Dependent picklist field that is set to be non-editable by a field dependency, unexpectedly becomes editable
PI43554 Security rules formatting not preserved during environment migration
PI43647 OP_UTILITIES.CONVERT_ID_TO_NAME function could run into an ORA-06502 if the data results in a 3999 or 4000 character length string
PI43800 Failure to install workflow studio due to install phase error ""
PI44666 Parent object changes cannot be saved after child object edit page is left without clicking save or cancel buttons
PI44712 Some not defined in OpenPages Administrators Guide
PI45914 RQP-DEF-0403 error when running report with Long string field
PI46437 The Compact icon doesn't wok when second click it in Grid View Page
PI46593 Fields that are both dependent and controller and set to readonly in the view do not control correctly
PI46865 Multi-select list not taking up all horizontal space
PI47242 When enumeration field is both the controller field of editable dependency and the dependent field of other dependency, and set to read only, the dependent field was unable to edit
PI47411 Scheduled notifications in Cognos is failing with an error
PI48020 Issue getting Parent Object of a newly created Object in Create Event, Pre Trigger for OP7, new API
PI48204 Loading object filters containing parenthesis via ObjectManager fails
PI48317 Spawn job node filter not working if traverse level is not set to ALL
PI48388 Confusion around auto-naming when being used with the 'Add New' wizard
PI48492 Cognos report output as XML is being truncated
PI48650 Cannot save RLS rules by using a long formula
PI49179 Duplicate views created in profiles
PI49201 Wizard for create from existing doesn’t update the description field
PI49212 7.1 Administrators Guide missing details on changing database references
PI49262 OPAdminConsole probe is blocked when adding horizontal cluster member
PI49273 Developers using the Risk API are having issues with resource object type in QueryService
PI49341 Some proxy server configurations can't handle space in Add New URL
PI50028 Oracle db install scripts fail if reserved name used for administrator user
PI51044 Calendar Widget does not work on 'Audit Add Modify Plans' and other JSP helpers
PI51057 OPAdminConsole has character limit of 53 in GUI mode
PI51303 DuplicateKeyException during ObjectManager load
PI51434 OPAdminConsole forces a 1 app to 1 reporting server mapping
PI51631 ObjectManager throws an error in OpenPages when columnwidth attribute set to 0
PI52362 Child object will not redisplay edit form if save fails
PI52889 Export of Issues object from FLV fails - missing correct UI Message when actual amount of records to export exceed maximum allowed in registry setting
PI66258 Add New Wizard only showing first 20 results in the parent search results
PM54159 Duplicate Navigational / Context Views appearing for a profile
PM57113 When user without correct level of access trys to make changes to object, the error messages appear inconsistantly
PM58162 Unique key violation errors when migrating profiles that have activity views
PM58172 The installer should allow the user to choose where to place the OpenPages datafiles
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform IF1
Number Description
Pending Can't login after upgrading to OpenPages 7.2 due to failure loading reporting menu.
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2.0 FP1
The fix for the following APAR was confirmed in this release after the fix list was initially published.

PI49213 - Dependent field cleared when editing the object and original value has become invalid
Number Description
PI22700 Moving multiple objects via Filtered List View (FLV) randomly produces errors
PI25291 Homepage PDF Report tab covers other tabs
PI28647 Parent/Child Associations pane shows incorrect Object Types based on configuration
PI33191 Audit Plans helper does not display translated drop-down values
PI33322 Grid View does not display columns of child objects before name field
PI34798 RCSA Process Alignment helper sends emails containing empty column
PI34803 RCSA Process Alignment helper sends emails to risk owner even though the risk was removed
PI34993 Sorting a Grid View using currency field column does not work
PI36835 The checked out files list displays files that have been checked out in OPX, as well as normal attachments
PI37199 Switching between detail view and activity view causes a confusing dialog box to appear
PI38737 On DB2, OP_ACTOR_MGR.GET_DISPLAY_NAME throws errors when input list contains many userids
PI41313 When performing a new policy review cycle, the out of the box registry settings are missing entries.
PI42020 Field setting description for task-oriented hyperlinks is inaccurate.
PI43538 PCM Attestation Creation Report helper throwing error from NotificationManager
PI43599 Audit Close helper locking workpapers on other audits
PI45037 Navigation Menu Items are missing when clicking on a link from emails
PI48505 Exporting profiles via ObjectManager raises error op-05060
PI48546 Disabled field dependencies causes FLV to not display
PI48593 Security rules don't restrict copy of child objects
PI51929 Create Resource Links helper won't work if any resource name contains apostrophe
PI52706 List view returning no results
PI52749 Attestation Creation report does not create attestation object
PI52779 Custom field with same name as a system field cannot be updated in a profile to not be read-only
PI52886 Internet Explorer tab doesn't indicate any progress when using Export to Excel
PI53512 FLV performance issues if a record level security rule expression involves checking a user in a user group
PI53595 Review Policy helper falsely reports success if Internet Explorer not set to refresh page on every visit
PI54112 Error message persists after clicking cancel
PI54226 TimeSheet entry jsp doesn't have cacheBusting on js and css files.
PI54814 Applied filter name not cleared when SSO user logs out.
PI55402 Global Search menu item not visible for OpenPagesAdministrator on upgraded system
PI55690 REST API Authentication can fail with FFDC
PI56216 Order of fields in profile filter definitions cannot be reordered
PI56282 Hard-coded "openpages" in URL for 2 Add New launch points
PI57011 Dependent picklist fields update the selected value automatically when the controlling field is updated.
PI57452 Using REST API , Outer Join throws Null pointer exception
PI57917 Reporting Fragments not using the correct property value in the configuration files
PI58317 CSRF token is not attached when a POST request happens before the page has completely loaded
PI58689 Timesheet entry creating duplicate rows when plans have the same names when saving in a prepopulated page
PI59029 Navigating between the options available under the reporting or administration menu causes flickering of the GUI
PI59175 Global Search indexing is slow on initial run
PI59177 DB2 environments: opdb2udf.jar is missing from INSTALL_SCRIPTS and UPGRADE_SCRIPTS directories
PI59838 Required field dependency on currency field not honored
PI60350 Add New auto-naming doesn't work with standard SiteMinder character blocklist
PM54205 Poor UI performance while performing large FastMap loads
PM56129 Exporting of fields is inconsistent with the application text.
PM56717 FastMap performance issues after loading ITG module
PM71864 Cognos email window freezes from Classic Home tabs
PI31405 Solutions module trigger for new Action Item assigned emails missing content
PI60505 Documentation is incomplete regarding Java installation on a standalone Search Server
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2.0 FP2
Number Description
PI47037 Add new wizard does not wrap text in Internet Explorer 11
PI52930 Clicking on a completed workflow email task link results in blank page displayed in openpages UI
PI56160 Scope Wizard cannot expand down when subentities contain an apostrophe
PI56379 FastMap "ignoreemptyfields = false" setting will clear out system fields if field is not included in import file
PI56557 Inconsistent result between filter run from advanced screen and from saved dropdown.
PI56653 Update Cognos start and stop check based on the available status file.
PI57865 Query API and SDK calls are not honoring Security rules.
PI58510 Potential NullPointerException in XSSFilterImpl.validate()
PI58912 In some cases CognosReportsUtil.getReportPort() throws Nullpointer exception
PI59081 Copy appears not to copy all objects from multiple heirarchies if names are the same.
PI60339 Prepopulate timesheet throwing null pointer exception when going to next week when current week has a locked timesheet
PI60350 Add New auto-naming doesn't work with standard SiteMinder character blocklist
PI60352 Problem running large report from custom code in OP7.2
PI62007 Add New wizard allows space for mandatory fields
PI62008 Add New wizard properties tab moved to wrong tab order
PI62045 Add New wizard "Create from existing" to use autonaming
PI62397 Administration guide is incorrect when invoking update-storage script in DB2
PI62441 Clicking on add new risk assessment object displays a blank pop-up page with no fields present
PI62577 Currency conversion is rounding off to 3 decimal places
PI62758 Configuring batch notification helper missing from documentation
PI63938 OpenPages knowledge center post installation section needs to be fixed
PI63941 Reporting fragments not workng
PI63942 Can not display related selected items when choose items to export in IE11
PI64308 Post Upgrade OP 7.2---> OP7.2.0.1 the report menu shifted and FastMap is shifted all the way to the right
PM58437 The Reporting Period screen takes a very long time to refresh
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform IF1
Number Description
PI62698 Embedded reports not showing on classic homepage
PI60276 ACLs will not load in OPX interface using IE Compatibility View Settings
PI56119 When the locale of the logged in user is changed to German, the description field content overflows into the field label
PI64338 System does not respect ACL defined on Channels folder
PI61181 Cannot copy objects from library (entity) where user has read only access to objects
PI63157 CognosPort cache accumulating lots of memory and OutofMemory errors to occur
PI66717 LDAP Authentication not working after applying 7.2 FP2
  Application error when answering questionnaire assessment with high scoring values.
  Loss Event Entry: Pre-filling parent BE in URL creates LE object with no parent.
  Loss Event Entry: Deleted “Primary Caused Entity” still shown in entity selector
  Loss Event Entry: Loss Event name still starts with deleted Primary Caused Entity name.
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2 FP3.

(*) Updated since the fix list was initially published.
Number Description
PI15544* Bulk update on the Grid View having 1000s of grand children caused an error
PI49201 Wizard for Create from existing doesn’t update the Description field
PI57712 Export to Excel of previous reporting periods exports incorrect Parent Object Type
PI59990 Record-level security with or condition creates incorrect SQL Logic
PI60457 Security rules are corrupted when multiple users are working on it simultaneously
PI61351 Clicking view file while in edit/upload screen breaks upload
PI63080 Cognos session not renewing after OpenPages session is renewed
PI63516 Required field in profile not showing red asterisk if field dependency for required on that field not activated
PI63939 Create Solr index showing database error
PI64470* Save action on multiple tab edits on Detail or Activity view may display data changes from other tabs
PI65652* Adding required comments on multiple questions in a Questionnaire causes errors
PI65817* Performance issue when running a filter that queries on multi-user fields
PI65823 Global search returns results with missing object icons when "OpenPages" is removed in the app url
PI66952 SaveResource fails if user does not have access to the Parent Object
PI67010* When labels are changed for the choices in a field dependency's controlling field and that controlling field is set to be read-only in the profile, then the field dependency will not behave as expected
PI67184* Dependent picklist value cleared if page save fails
PI67495 Dependent Rich Text Field (RTF) within a fastmap imported object gains unwanted escape characters around
PI67546* Addresses a performance issue when RLS or FLS is enabled on Oracle database
PI68248 Add JVM memory parameter to StartSearchServers and StopSearchServers scripts
PI68429 Intermittent OpenPages and Cognos authentication failures
PI68498 Rejecting KRI value shows an unknown error on save
PI68869 Security rule to restrict read on object does not remove object from parent search in add new wizard
PI68943* Detail Page of an issue object takes longer to render
PI69367 Answering Questions in questionnaire causes screen to jump back to previous question
PI69435 Information text on the questionnaire template page should be better formatted
PI69768 Application text for "" has an ambiguous variable
PI69858 Configuring SAML SSO integration steps is not completely accurate
PI70256 Reporting Framework does not work for Questionnaires on Custom Namespace
PI70319 Static resources (i.e. js, css) are re-sent from server when user hits refresh button
PI70975 idx template files being individually requested and are not getting cache headers
PI71033 Export to Excel from Filtered List View populates parent columns for Orphan Objects
PI71595 Homepage filters using End User not returning Data
PI72360 KRI/KPI Lifecycle trigger performance issue when you have large number of child value objects
PI72990 If you have 2 or more extend read access security rules on object types, issuing a global search will result with error
PI74562* Controlling fields do not work in detail and activity views when they also have an editable dependency and are initially in a read-only state
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2 FP4.

(*) Updated since the fix list was initially published.
Number Description
PI59719 Child Objects are created under incorrect Folder name in Application UI
PI66402 The Clear Filter function in the FLV clears the results but does not clear the Filter name from the Filter field
PI67274 Add New and Grid issues with field called "Name" that is not system field
PI70906 Add New Wizard not showing carriage returns for text area fields when Internet Explorer (IE) is used
PI71283 Public API does not return the object type of a role template permission.
New Public API method getPermissionType added to IObjectPermission interface.
PI71614 Rest API is not fetching the latest users added to the system.
Getting list of users from grc/api/security/groups/OpenPages/users will correctly return all users.
PI72896 Applied filter from Copy Page not cleared when changing to Filter List View
PI73645 Particular Errors are returning HTTP 401 instead of 403 causing integration issues
PI74442 Large inverted group security structures may result in slow performance dissociating groups
PI74562 Controlling fields do not work in detail and activity views when they also have an editable dependency and are initially in a read-only state
PI74629 REST API does not currently have a way to support a mixed-mode authentication
PI74632 RLS rules based on END_USER_PROFILE slows UI processing
PI74640* The notificationmanager util fails with a login error when configured to run on a SSL environment
PI74806 Slow response when changing lifecycle from Detail view
Other Fixes
New records meet the existing filter criteria do not return after changing Single user to Multi user/group display type
The row value will be lost after clicking 'Add Answer ' icon on Questionnaire Authoring UI, when Internet Explorer (IE) is used
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2 FP5.
Number Description
PI61181 Cannot copy objects from library (entity) where user has read only access to objects
PI61418 DB2 SQL statement compile time issue when using REOPT ONCE
PI67546 Performance issues with report (Oracle optimizer is generating a poor execution plan when the FLS rule on this object type is enabled)
PI74440 Updated the documentation with instructions for configuring the Approval app and Loss Event Entry for upgrading clients who start with a version prior to 7.2
PI74563 New Objects are able to be created when a required field is empty
PI75144 Unable to open date picker in Grid View in Google Chrome only
PI75183 Viewing Past Period Audit Trail of object deleted in current period gives OP-03100 Object not found error
PI75923 IBM HTTP Server (IHS) Load Balancer fails with invalid last-modified Header
PI76642 Mandatory text fields are not being enforced in the detail view
PI77052 Slow performance of database query when processing any FLS rule
PI77552 User not able to create Orphan objects in the Folder view if they do not have access to the root folder for the Object Type
PI77777 Oracle Result Cache performs poorly under concurrent load when in a full condition or after block invalidation
PI78790 Single Sign On(SSO) does not work correctly with the Questionnaire and other /APP URLS
PI80656 Oracle Result cache flush during a FastMap load impacts system performance until the FastMap load completes
PI82118 Fixpack Post Install instructions are not clear
PI82159 Incremental search engine will continually fail when a resource is inserted or updated and then deleted in the same second
PI82204 Grid View summary screen of Bulk update shows incorrect values
PI82768 StackOverflowError is thrown when CSRF attack happens on SingleSignOn environment
Issues corrected in IBM OpenPages GRC Platform 7.2 FP6.
Number Description
PI82568 Single-group selection field value corrupted as a result of a FastMap load
PI83683 Public API to check for User permission is not working as expected.
- Public API method: IResourceService.getEffectivePermissions() or the REST API resource: /contents/{id}/permissions/effective?user={user} did not properly honor any security rules present, it only returned the role-based security permissions that the user has.
- Change in behavior for SDK method: com.openpages.sdk.repository.RepositoryService.getEffectiveResourceAc l(ActorId, ResourceId) Previously the ActorId argument was ignored if Security Rules were enabled, and the ResourceId was a GRC Object's id, the method would evaluate for the user whose session was executing this method call.
PI84059  Reporting Framework Generation Fails with error Invalid Property Handler ID
PI85925 Poor performance of bundlelist query when an FLS rule is enabled in DB2
PI86166 OpenPages threads lockup when Cognos report server is overloaded
PI87335 Currency field set to Turkish Lira (TRY currency code) was not allowing decimal values
PI92533  FastMap import fails with an error when using  XLSX file
PI92683 The status of the Process Object is not changed when the RCSA Utility is launched second time against the same Entity
PI96692 If exportActorDisplayName is set to TRUE, empty user fields are incorrectly populated
PI98109  Performance issue with Timesheet helper

[{"Product":{"code":"SSFUEU","label":"IBM OpenPages with Watson"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":";;;;;7.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
20 July 2018

