IBM Support

Release notes for WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers, V8.4.1.3 - V8.4.1.5

Release Notes


This document provides information about IBM® WebSphere® Transformation Extender for Integration Servers, version These release notes apply to all subsequent fix packs until superseded by new editions.


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© Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2017. All Rights Reserved.


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These release notes provide information about IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers. The following extenders are packaged with WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers:

- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker and IBM Integration Bus
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for IBM Business Process Manager
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Sterling B2B Integrator

Documentation for these products is in the WebSphere Transformation Extender information center that is available on the web.

Where to find the software to download

The WebSphere Transformation Extender software is available for you to download from Passport Advantage Online.

Interim fixes can contain important security fixes. After you install the software for this release, download and install any WebSphere Transformation Extender interim fixes from WebSphere Transformation Extender Support downloads. See the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Support website for details about interim fixes.

Where to find additional information

For information about related products, view the product release notes.

For information about the documentation, including how to access it, view the Documentation release notes.

These release notes describe installation issues and known limitations, problems, and workarounds that are specific to WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers products. See the known problems and workarounds summary for general information about known issues in WebSphere Transformation Extender version 8.4.1.

Supported products
WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers supports the following integrations:

  • WebSphere Transformation Extender for Sterling B2B Integrators
  • WebSphere Transformation Extender for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced

  • Earlier versions of IBM Business Process Manager Advanced were called WebSphere Enterprise Server Bus.
  • WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker and IBM Integration Bus

  • References in the documentation to WebSphere Message Broker apply to both Message Broker and IBM Integration Bus.

See the WebSphere Transformation Extender system requirements for the latest supported versions and platforms.


WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers installs over the following products. See the WebSphere Transformation Extender system requirements for the latest supported versions.

Design time products:
  • IBM Integration Designer
  • WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit
  • IBM Integration Bus Toolkit

Runtime products:
  • Sterling B2B Integrator
  • IBM Business Process Manager Advanced
  • WebSphere Message Broker
  • IBM Integration Bus

The bitness of WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers must match the bitness of the runtime products, even if WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio is installed on the same computer.

When you use WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers with another product, ensure that you satisfy the system requirements of the base product and apply all required fixes to the base product. For information about product fixes, go to

Ensure that you have the latest WebSphere Transformation Extender security fixes by downloading and installing the latest interim fix.

Installing and uninstalling WebSphere Transformation Extender products

For the procedure to install WebSphere Transformation Extender products, go to

For the procedure to uninstall WebSphere Transformation Extender products, go to

Potential issues with glibc component on RHEL V6.7 or RHEL V7.2 systems

As described in Bug 1293976 and Bug 1256285, Red Hat Enterprise Linux V6.7 and V7.2 can include a defective version of the glibc component. The affected versions are glibc-2.12-1.149.el6.x86_64 through glibc-2.12-1.163.el6.x86_64. These versions of glibc can cause unpredictable behavior in Transformation Extender.

Enter the following command to display the version of glibc that is installed on your system:

rpm -qi glibc

If you have an affected version of glibc, correct the issue as described in the bug reports before you run Transformation Extender.

WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers system requirements

By default, the WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers installation program requires 10 MB of free shared memory for shared memory segments and semaphores. You can change this value in the TableSize entry in the [Resource Manager] section of the dtx.ini file. See your operating system documentation for details about how to set the maximum shared memory segment size on your operating system.

WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker system requirements

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker supports IBM WebSphere Message Broker and IBM Integration Bus. The WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers installation process automatically configures settings for existing WebSphere Message Broker or IBM Integration Bus installations. No additional installation steps are required.

To use IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker, install the following products in the order listed:

For the design time environment:
  1. IBM Integration Bus Toolkit or WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit
  2. WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio (Tooling)
  3. WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers

For the runtime environment:
  1. WebSphere Message Broker or IBM Integration Bus
  2. WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers

The WebSphere Transformation Extender products must be installed on the same machine as the required WebSphere Message Broker products.

Enabling the OnSuccess=CreateOnContent setting for wired output cards

By default, the output card OnSuccess=CreateOnContent setting is not enabled for wired output cards in WebSphere Transformation Extender for IBM Integration Bus. You can use the WTX_MQSI_CREATEONCONTENT=1 environment variable to enable the output card OnSuccess=CreateOnContent setting for a wired output card.

The CreateOnContent setting is valid for wired output cards when the message domain is BLOB, or when the message is a type tree (.mtt) regardless of its message domain. Due to the parsing requirements for native schema (.xsd), the CreateOnContent setting is not supported for a native schema unless it specifies the BLOB domain.

To enable the CreateOnContent setting:
1. Stop the broker.
2. Create the environment variable:
  • On Microsoft® Windows® platforms, go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced Settings > Environment variables. In the System variables, add the WTX_MQSI_CREATEONCONTENT variable name with a value of 1.
  • On UNIX® systems, export the environment variable. For example:


3. Restart the broker.

XML4C shell library requirement with IBM Integration Bus V9.0.0.0
Important: To run with WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.4.1.3, IBM Integration Bus V9.0.0.0 requires version 5.8.5 of the XML4C shell library. Contact IBM Integration Bus technical support for details.

Use the unixODBC Driver Manager with WTX-branded drivers on WebSphere Message Broker
The V7.1 WebSphere Transformation Extender-branded DataDirect drivers are compatible with WebSphere Message Broker-branded drivers when you use the unixODBC driver manager. If you use the DataDirect driver manager, compatibility issues might occur between the Message Broker V6 drivers and the WebSphere Transformation Extender V7.1 drivers.

For the latest information about system requirements and prerequisite broker products for WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker, see the IBM Integration Bus system requirements.

Overriding the default UTF-8 encoding of XML documents
UTF-8 is the default encoding when an XML document does not explicitly specify the encoding. Use the DTX_SCHEMA_ENCODING Language Environment variable to override the default encoding. In a WebSphere Message Broker environment, the encoding applies to the XML input and output of all maps in the broker where the variable is set.

Specify the code page and export the DTX_SCHEMA_ENCODING variable. For example:


WebSphere Transformation Extender for IBM Business Process Manager Advanced system requirements

The WebSphere Transformation Extender products must be installed on the same machine as the required IBM Integration Designer and Business Process Manager Advanced products. See the WebSphere Transformation Extender system requirements for the latest supported versions, and the Business Process Manager Advanced system requirements for additional requirements.

Install the following products in the order listed:

For the design time environment:
  1. IBM Integration Designer
  2. WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio (Tooling)
  3. WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers

For the runtime environment:
  1. Business Process Manager Advanced
  2. WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers

Request the OSGi bundle patch for 64-bit System z platforms
To install WebSphere Transformation Extender for Business Process Manager Advanced on a 64-bit System z platform, contact technical support to obtain the required OSGi bundle patch.

Setting required paths and environment variables for Business Process Manager Advanced: All UNIX platforms

On all UNIX® platforms, set the following paths and environment variables to enable WebSphere Transformation Extender to connect with Business Process Manager Advanced.

To set the paths and environment variables:
  1. Go to the wtx_install_directory and run the . ./setup command.
  2. Log in to the WebSphere ESB admin console.
  3. Click Application servers > your_server > Process definition > Environment Entries.
  4. Add the following values:
  • DTX_HOME_DIR wtx_install_directory
  • DTX_TMP_DIR wtx_install_directory/tmp
5. Set the applicable library environment variable to wtx_install_directory/libs. Library environment variables are platform-specific:
  • AIX and z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX): LIBPATH
  • HP-UX and HP Itanium: SHLIB_PATH
  • Linux, Solaris, and zLinux: LD_LIBRARY_PATH
6. On z/OS UNIX System Services (z/OS UNIX) platforms only, click Environment > WebSphere Variables to add the wtx_install_directory/libs path to the WAS_SERVER_ONLY_server_region_libpath variable.
7. Restart the server.

Running the deployment script and augmenting the profile on the Business Process Manager Advanced runtime server

After you install WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers with Business Process Manager Advanced and set the environment variables, run the appropriate deployment script on both Windows and UNIX systems:

wtx_install_directory \OSGi\deploy\wtxDeployOSGI.bat
wtx_install_directory /OSGi/deploy/

If the WAS_HOME environment variable is not set already, add the Business Process Manager installation directory to the deployment script as an argument. For example:

wtx_install_directory \OSGi\deploy\wtxDeployOSGI.bat C:\IBM\BPM
wtx_install_directory /OSGi/deploy/ /IBM/BPM

To include WebSphere Transformation Extender in the runtime environment:
1. Stop the server and create a backup copy of the profile:
a) cd BPM_home\bin
b) manageprofiles -backupProfile -profileName
profile_to_backup -backupFile path_to_backup_file
2. Augment the profile:
manageprofiles -augment -profileName profile_to_augment -templatePath wtx_template_path -DTX_HOME_DIR wtx_install_dir
where wtx_template_path is similar to BPM_home\profileTemplates\WTXAugment  
3. Change to the bpm_install_directory/profiles/your_profile/bin directory.
4. Run the -all command.
5. Run the command.
6. Restart the server.

For additional detail, see the description of the manageprofiles command in the Business Process Manager documentation.

To verify that Business Process Manager Advanced loaded the jar files:
  1. In the bpm_install_directory/profiles/your_profile/bin directory, run the command.
  2. At the OSGi prompt, enter the ss command.
  3. Ensure that the primitive runtime jar files display the ACTIVE state or the RESOLVED state. For example:
411     RESOLVED
412     RESOLVED
4. At the OSGi prompt, enter the close command to terminate the OSGi command.

After you configure Business Process Manager Advanced, the following error might occur when you run a mediation flow:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError ProbeId:1295
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: (initialization failure)

To correct the problem, manually clean the OSGi cache by deleting the contents of the
profile_home/configuration directory.

Installing the examples

The examples that are shipped with WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers are installed in the install_dir\examples directory, where install_dir is the directory where you installed WebSphere Transformation for Integration Servers.

Each WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker example is shipped as a Project Interchange zip file. The example includes a readme file that describes how to run it.

To install the examples in your IBM Integration Designer workspace:
  1. To import the project in your workspace, select File > Import > Project Interchange.
  2. Navigate to the install_dir\examples directory.
  3. Select the Project Interchange zip files and click Import.

WebSphere Transformation Extender for Sterling B2B Integrator system requirements

See the WebSphere Transformation Extender system requirements for the latest supported versions of Sterling B2B Integrator.

Install the following products in the order listed:
  1. IBM Sterling B2B Integrator
  2. WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio (Tooling)
  3. WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers

To configure WebSphere Transformation Extender for Sterling B2B Integrator on a Microsoft Windows system:
  1. Shutdown the Sterling B2B Integrator server if it is running.
  2. Edit the InstallWTXService.bat file in the WebSphere Transformation Extender installation directory:
    • Update the WebSphere Transformation Extender and Sterling B2B Integrator installation paths.
    • Optional: To use WebSphere Transformation Extender Java™-based adapters and third-party .jar files at runtime, update the section labeled "Optional: Install user configurable thirty party .jars to the SI classpath" as described in the InstallWTXService.bat file.
3. Run the InstallWTXService.bat file.
4. To add the WebSphere Transformation Extender installation path to the PATH variable, go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced Settings > Environment variables and add WTX to the PATH variable in the System variables.
5. Start the Sterling B2B Integrator server.
6. Open Design Studio and run the IVT example that is shipped with WTX examples to validate the installation.

To configure WebSphere Transformation Extender for Sterling B2B Integrator on a UNIX system:
  1. Shutdown the Sterling B2B Integrator server if it is running.
  2. Edit the file in the WebSphere Transformation Extender installation directory:
  • Update the WebSphere Transformation Extender and Sterling B2B Integrator installation paths.
  • Optional: If WebSphere Transformation Extender Java-based adapters and third-party .jar files are to be used at runtime, update the section labeled "Optional: Install user configurable thirty party jars to the SI classpath" as described in the file.

  • 1. Run the file.
    2. Start the Sterling B2B Integrator server.
    3. Open Design Studio and run the IVT example that is shipped with WTX examples to validate the installation.

On 64-bit platforms only, make a copy of the wtx_install_dir\dtxjpi64.dll file and rename it to wtx_install_dir\dstxjpi64.dll

See the Sterling B2B Integrator documentation for the latest information about system requirements and prerequisite products.


IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker

Converting message flows that contain version 8.1 WTX nodes

Although both WebSphere Transformation Extender 8.1.x.x and 8.2.x.x, and WebSphere Message Broker 6.0.x.x and 6.1.x.x can exist on the same computer, only one version of the WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker can exist on a specific broker.

When you install WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers 8.4.1 on WebSphere Message Broker 8.0, both the tooling (Windows only) and the runtime components are updated. The broker's runtime environment automatically points to your WebSphere Transformation Extender 8.4.1 installation. The IBM Integration Designer (Windows only) points to the 8.4.1 WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio instead of the 8.1.x.x Design Studio. The WTX node on the palette in the IBM Integration Designer switches from 8.1.x.x to 8.4.1, and displays as WTX Map node.

Before you open any existing message flows that contain WTX Version 8.1 nodes, you must first run the migration utility.

The WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers installation program installs the convertTxMsgFlow82 migration utility. The convertTxMsgFlow82 utility converts a WebSphere Message Broker message flow that contains 8.1.x WTX nodes so they can work with the 8.4.1 WTX Map node for WebSphere Message Broker. This migration utility does not convert WebSphere Message Broker message subflows that contain a pre-8.2 WTX node, and WebSphere Message Broker-promoted properties.

The migration utility is required only to edit existing message flows or to rebuild existing broker (bar) files in the IBM Integration Designer. Message flows and bar files that were built using 8.1 WTX nodes continue to run without being changed when deployed on a broker that is enabled for WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers Version 8.4.1.

The WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers installation program installs the convertTxMsgFlow82 utility in the location that is specified in the DTXHOME environment variable. The utility runs in console mode from any directory.

The convertTxMsgFlow82 utility searches for WebSphere Message Broker message flows with 8.1.x WTX nodes, saves a copy of the original file with a .orig extension, then converts the flow without changing its functionality. After conversion, the flow can be opened in the WebSphere IBM Integration Designer with the 8.4.1 WTX Map node for WebSphere Message Broker without errors. You can then configure the converted flow with some of the new features for the 8.4.1 WTX Map node.


Displays help for the utility.

convertTxMsgFlow82 flowname.msgflow
Converts any WTX 8.1 nodes in flowname.msgflow and displays the number of converted nodes, or reports that no nodes required conversion.

Migrating from WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker, Version 8.1

The dtxwmqi.ini file is removed from WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker, Version 8.4.1. See the WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker documentation for details about how to set the resource registry for execution groups.

WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker uses the WebSphere Message Broker logging and tracing interfaces:
  • mqsichangetrace command
  • mqsiformatlog command
  • mqsireadlog command
For details about the WebSphere Message Broker command interfaces, see the product documentation.

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Business Process Manager Advanced

After you install WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers, run the script (or the osgiCfgInit.bat script on Windows) from the Business Process Manager Advanced root/bin folder. If you do not run the script, WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers does not start properly and causes failures.


See the known problems and workarounds summary for additional information about known issues in WebSphere Transformation Extender version 8.4.1.

Important: Connect:Direct thread-safety limitations on UNIX platforms
The IBM Sterling Connect:Direct product is not thread-safe on UNIX platforms.

To ensure thread safety when using the new Connect:Direct adapter in a WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers runtime environment, run only one map that uses the Connect:Direct adapter, and disable concurrent instances. You still can deploy multiple WebSphere Message Broker (or IBM Integration Bus) execution groups to achieve parallel execution.

Design time features that are unavailable when Design Studio is invoked from IBM Integration Toolkit
The following features are not available when you invoke Design Studio from within IBM Integration Toolkit V9.0.0.0. To access these adapters and importers, run the stand-alone Design Studio.
  • COBOL Copybook Importer
  • email adapter
  • FTP adapter
  • IMS adapter
  • PL/I importer

Installation issues

Installing IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers on certain computers can fail with the error message "An error occurred during the move data process: -115." Before installing again:
  • Disable write caching on your hard drive
  • Disable Google Desktop
  • Disable your anti-virus software before running the installation

Before you run WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers on a Windows operating system with WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, make sure that the fix for APAR IC57915 has been applied. To determine whether the fix pack has been applied, use the "dspmqver" MQ command. See APAR IC57915 for details.

Without WebSphere MQ Fix Pack V7.0.0.1, when you deploy and remove a message flow that contains WTX Map nodes, then stop the broker, the broker might terminate abnormally. The "Application" error log of the Windows Event Viewer lists the abend file that contains more details about the termination error. The abend file contains a reference to the xcsQueryMTimeFn WebSphere MQ function.

WebSphere Transformation Extender for Business Process Manager Advanced limitation

Multiple unwired cards cannot reference the same schema. This causes the "Could not find type to assign XML data" error during validation, unless the target namespace of the schema is empty.


Changing WTX map node settings in the Toolkit causes the maps to fail with return code 38

A WTX map node fails with return code 38 after you change the map settings by using Message Broker Toolkit or IBM Integration Designer. To fix the problem:
  1. Apply APAR PI22675.
  2. Replace the original WTX node in the message flow with a new WTX node.
  3. Wire the input and output.
  4. Save the message flow and rebuild the BAR file.

IBM Integration Designer incompatibility

IBM Integration Designer version 8.0 does not look for schema in the WebSphere Transformation Extender project.

Unsupported functions

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Message Broker does not support the following functions in your map or component rules if the input card of the map receives its data from the message flow instead of from the card's WebSphere Transformation Extender adapter:

If you attempt to use these functions, they will not return any values.


If the map uses GETFILENAME or GETDIRECTORY to parse the file name for specific values:
  1. Add an input card.
  2. Echo the needed values.
  3. Override this input card on the WTX Map node.

If the map uses GETFILENAME or GETDIRECTORY to pass a file name to another map, then you have to do the following additional steps prior to running this map:
  1. Create a new file that contains the directory and file name that is to be passed to the map.
  2. Use the new file as the input instead of the actual file by that name.
    The revised map uses the contents of the input to correctly pass the file name as the parameter.

Issues when deploying bar files containing large mar files

When you deploy broker archive (bar) files that contain several large map archive (mar) files, you might encounter the error "Could not put a message to the Configuration Manager Queue."

The Event viewer reports an internal WebSphere MQ error with a synopsis written to the WebSphere MQ error log directory. This situation might be encountered during a period of unusually high message traffic. However, if you persistently fill the log, consider enlarging the size of the log. One solution is to increase the number of log files by changing the values in the queue manager configuration file, and then restart the queue manager. Alternatively, to increase the size of log files, delete and recreate the queue manager.

To increase the number of primary and secondary log files:
  1. Use either the Log queue manager properties page in the WebSphere® MQ Explorer, or the Log stanza in the qm.ini file to specify logging information for this queue manager.
  2. Change the number of the secondary and primary files to the maximum amount:


The total number of primary and secondary log files must not be less than 3, and must not exceed 255 on Windows operating systems or 511 on UNIX operating systems.

To delete and recreate the MQ Manager log files:
  1. Stop MQ Queue Manager
  2. Issue the following command:


Running a message flow that deploys to a long path name

On Windows systems, running a message flow that deploys to a path name that is longer than 260 characters can cause a failure when you select Remove Deployed Children.

To remove message flows that deploy to long path names:
  1. Right-click flow name under the execution group name.
  2. Select Stop.
  3. Right-click the stopped message flow and select Remove.
  4. Click OK after the confirmation window appears.
  5. Right-click the execution group name and select Refresh.
This removes the message flow from the execution group.

To remove map archive (mar) files that deploy to long path names:
  1. Right-click on the mar file name under the execution group name.
  2. Select Remove.
  3. Click OK after the confirmation window appears.
This removes the mar file from the execution group.

Domain to use for messages modeled by type trees

Messages that are modeled using WebSphere Transformation Extender type trees should be handled by the broker's BLOB domain. The DTX domain is not supported.

Unsupported xs:duration data type

When you use the WTX Map node with XMLNSC or MRM domains, the xs:duration data type is not supported.

Issue with date-related data types in MRM domain

When a map card receives data from a message flow, and the message body is owned by the MRM domain, any elements in the message that are defined with XML Schema data types xs:gYear, xs:gYearMonth, xs:gMonth, xs:gMonthDay, and xs:gDay, might not be processed correctly. If your message contains those fields, use either XMLNSC domain or BLOB domain as an alternative.

Deploying a map when the message flow or WTX Map node name changes

If you are using the WTX Map node and you specify a source map, if you change the name of the message flow or the name of the WTX Map node, you must select the WTX Map node, and re-select the executable map. Otherwise, the map does not detect the name change, and the map is not be deployed to the correct location on the broker's file system.


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If the configurations deployed for this Software Offering provide you as customer the ability to collect personally identifiable information from end users via cookies and other technologies, you should seek your own legal advice about any laws applicable to such data collection, including any requirements for notice and consent.
For more information about the use of various technologies, including cookies, for these purposes, see IBM’s Privacy Policy at and IBM’s Online Privacy Statement at in the section entitled “Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies,” and the “IBM Software Products and Software-as-a-Service Privacy Statement” at

This product includes software developed by the Eclipse Project

[{"Product":{"code":"SSVSD8-1","label":"WebSphere Transformation Extender"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"WTX for Integration Servers","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":";;","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 October 2022

