IBM Support

TM1 Web FAQ version 10.2.2

Product Documentation


Frequently Asked Questions about version 10.2.2 of IBM® Cognos® TM1® Web.


IBM Cognos TM1 Web version 10.2.2 FAQ

See FAQ for TM1 Web version 10.2 FP 1 for information that pertains specifically to the 10.2 FP1 version of TM1 Web.

Click the arrow preceding the question to reveal the answer.

  • - What is new to TM1 Web 10.2.2?

    The following lists items that are specifically new to TM1 Web 10.2.2:

    • Browser support changes: IE8 is no longer supported. Added IE 11 and FF ESR 24. See bullet on browser support for full list.
    • TM1 web tier support added on Linux providing full stack support now on Win, AIX, and Linux.
    • Clipboard plug-ins for Firefox and Chrome are available (IE does not prevent use of the clipboard so a plugin is not needed in IE) See technote for more details: Plugins for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome to copy and paste with TM1Web)
    • Localization support for new capability to localize your cube names, dimension names, elements, and attributes.
    • Support for custom metrics diagrams.
    • TM1 Web API (see documentation: TM1 Web API)
      • URL API replacement
      • TM1 Web JavaScript library
    Please review items below for more detailed updates and updated information.

  • - Why did IBM Cognos TM1 Web change the technology from .NET to Java®?

    Changing IBM® Cognos® TM1Web to be a java based application allows the same version of the application to run on multiple platforms.  Cognos TM1 Web version 10.2 is the first version that will be able to run on a non-Microsoft Windows platform.  The initial release supports MS Windows, AIX, and zLinux.  TM1 Web 10.2 has a service-oriented architecture with a number of improvements that increase performance and usability:

    • Ajax technology for client side rendering of formatting. Previously, the entire sheet needed to be rendered on the web server and pushed to the client machines. The improvement here is most noticeable with Websheets, which are generally dense in formatting. Websheets now persist locally in the browser cache.
    • Incremental updates. Instead of re-sending all values to the client machine, only changed values need to be sent to the client. This change significantly limits the amount of data required to be sent back and forth between server and client.
    • No TM1Web Server-based Excel requirement. You no longer need Microsoft Excel on the web server for publishing or exporting.
    • Better affinity between Excel and web rendering. Microsoft Excel sheets provide better fidelity when rendered on the web.

  • - Do I need any additional hardware to run the 10.2 version of TM1 Web?

    No, you should not need any additional hardware.  Note that TM1 10.2 no longer works with IIS, but ships with a version of Apache Tomcat included that can be used as your web server.  Optionally, you can opt to run with IBM Websphere Application Server. 

  • - Do I need any additional software to run the 10.2 version of TM1 Web?

    No additional software is needed to run the new version of TM1 Web.  In fact, there are no longer any additional software pre-requisites required now.  Most importantly, you do not need to install MS Excel on the web server machine.  All MS Excel translation is done with a new embedded component called ASPOSE that handles the MS Excel to web publishing, websheet graph rendering, PDF driver, and exporting.

  • - What do I need to do to upgrade my previous application from .NET to the Java version?

    TM1 Web version 10.2 supports the majority of the functionality found in previous versions of TM1 Web.  However, in order to more closely match the MS Excel functionality, only OpenXML format based spreadsheets are supported (.xlsx, .xlsm type spreadsheets).   While .xlsm sheets can now render on the web, running Excel Macros on TM1Web are still not supported.

    Current .xls documents can be converted manually in MS Excel as .xlsx or .xlsm files or there is a conversion tool provided in IBM Cognos TM1 Architect/Perspectives.  Excel 2007 or higher is required on the machine where the conversion tool runs.  The conversion tool saves a copy of the current .xls file (if it’s an uploaded file), converts it, and then updates it in place.  If you use the file reference option, then the original .xls remains and a new .xlsx or .xlsm version of the file is created in the same directory as the .xls. The display name of the object does not change. For example, if you had .xls in the display name that is still there, however, the underlying document is in a .xlsx or .xlsm format).

    Any admin user running Excel 2007 or 2010, can upgrade all existing documents to the newer format.  To update all existing documents,  click on the file or the TM1 Application folder to initiate the conversion.  To view your applications in TM1 Web 10.2, just install TM1 10.2 and go to the new TM1 Web URL (http://localhost:9510/tm1web/).  As before, all items under your applications folders and all views are available on the web. Be sure to go to your existing web.config file to determine if there are any settings that you need or want to carry over to TM1Web 10.2. Set the applicable setting in the tm1web_config.xml file, which is now located at install_dir\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\configuration.

  • - What Browsers are supported?

    IBM Cognos TM1 Web version 10.2.2 initially released with support for Internet Explorer 9, 10 and 11 (IE8 is no longer supported as browser limitation significantly impact TM1Web performance and rendering); Firefox ESR 24; and Chrome 32.

  • - Can I use iWidgets in Cognos Business Intelligence Workspace with TM1Web 10.2.2?

    TM1 Web 10.2.2 supports IBM Cognos Business Intelligence (BI) versions 10.2.1 FP2 and 10.2.0 FP2 . However, there is a hotfix required to be able to run the Java-based iWidgets. Please see the following tech note for specifics: TM1 iWidgets support for Cognos TM1 10.2.2.

  • - Can I use the older TM1 Portlets within Cognos Business Intelligence with TM1Web 10.2?

    No, portlets are no longer supported as of IBM Cognos TM1 version 10.2.

  • - How can I compare my previous version of TM1Web to the 10.2 TM1Web version?

    While not a supported configuration, if you would like to be able to compare between an older and newer version of TM1Web, do not uninstall the current version of TM1Web that you are running.  You will be able to still connect from the prior version to the new 10.2 TM1 Server which allows you to compare between versions.

  • - What configuration is required to run Apache Tomcat?

    By default, the Apache Tomcat JRE ships with less than a 1 gigabit of memory allocated.  There are 2 ways to increase the memory available:

    1. Using Cognos Configuration, you can set the maximum memory up to something higher. Most systems will require an increase in the default memory. 

    2. To manually increase the memory:
    a. Stop the TM1 Application Server.
    b. Launch a command window as Administrator.
    c. Go to install_dir\tomcat\bin
    d. Type tomcat6w.exe //ES//pmpsvc
    e. Click on the Java tab:

    Here are some sample Java options. You exact options may vary. The bold options (-Xmx4g (max memory) and –Xms4g (initial memory size) have been added.  Xgcpolicy is related to garbage cleanup (gencon is the default). Keep the policy set to gencon.  Xgcpolicies optavgpause and balanced are currently not supported. If you set the properties using the Apache Tomcat administration tab, start the TM1 Application Server using the Component Services option--do not use Cognos Configuration in that case as that Cognos Configuration then resets the properties back to the shipped defaults.

    -Dcatalina.base=C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1_10.2\tomcat
    -Dcatalina.home=C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1_10.2\tomcat
    -Djava.endorsed.dirs=C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1_10.2\tomcat\common\endorsed\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1_10.2\tomcat\temp
    -Djmx.remote.x.server.connection.timeout=1000Start the service via your Services:

  • - How do I set this up to run under IBM Websphere?

    IBM Websphere for TM1 Web version 10.2 works the same way as TM1 Applications. See the documentation for deploying TM1 Applications to Websphere, found in “Deploy Cognos TM1 Application Server with WebSphere Application Server” found in the “IBM Cognos TM1 Applications installation and configuration” chapter of  the IBM Cognos TM1 Installation and Configuration Guide version 10.2.2.

  • - Previously I was told to periodically clean out the tm1webex folder, do I still need to do this?

    Previously, under the \tm1webex folder there was an ExcelSheet and a UserTempDir directory that needed to be cleaned out periodically. There is no UserTempDir folder anymore.  Although an ExcelSheet folder still exists in this location in TM1Web 10.2, the OpenXML format of the Excel documents is now read directly. This change means less information needs to be stored in this folder compared to the amount of information that was stored here in previous versions.  Now this folder contains much smaller formatting information files and static images per report.  Therefore this folder should not need to be cleaned regularly anymore. It can be deleted and it will then get recreated as needed.

  • - How do I install my own SSL Certificates?

    See “Running in Secure Mode Using SSL” topic found in the “Configuring TM1 Web to use SSL” chapter of the  IBM Cognos TM1 Installation and Configuration Guide version 10.2.2.

  • - Can TM1 Web be set up for load balancing?

    It is possible to set up TM1 Web underneath a load balancing product. A load balancing product is not provided by IBM.  To set up TM1Web for load balancing, install TM1Web version 10.2.0 on multiple servers behind a load balancing product.  TM1 Web’s API is not stateless and will require sticky/persistent sessions. See the following tech note for more information: TM1 Web and TM1 Applications Utilizing a Load Balancing Applicance.

  • - What are the known differences with the new web product?

    Excel Related New Support:

    1. Support for Excel's greatly enhanced number of rows and columns.
    2. Sparkline Support. See the tips in this document for how to add Sparklines to an active form.

    3. Additional Conditional Formatting. In addition to any of the Highlight Cell Rules, Top/Bottom Rules are now supported.  You are no longer limited to the 2003 restriction of having only 3 rules per cell and the Stop if True condition also now works.


    1. Better Excel to Websheet affinity:
    2. column data is less likely to come over with #### signs.
    3. Labels fit better in the columns.
    4. Excel Chart support: TM1 Web now uses the Aspose technology for websheet charting. There continues to be differences between Excel and the web because of using different technologies. In general, however, charts are rendered much closer to the Excel version than previously.
    5. Percentage Input: This feature is consistent with Excel’s handling. For example, in the image shown here, if you type the number in the first column into a DBRW cell formatted in Excel as a percent % with 1 decimal place, for example #.0% … the Result column here is what you would see in Excel and also what displays in TM1Web 10.2 (note that numbers less than 1 are multiplied by 100 when formatting as percent, unless they are preceded by a '0.').


    3. SUBNM drop downs in the context area of a cubeview, or on a websheet, display the find dialog on the initial drop down. The drop down also no longer renders in a separate window.  Clicking on the subset editor button then takes you directly to the Advanced dialog of the Subset Editor.

    4. Break back in websheets (the ability to directly type a value in a consolidated cells), which was previously only available in web cubeviews, is now available. If the consolidated cell’s leaves are all null, data entry performs an equal leaves spread.  If any of the consolidated cell’s leaves have a value, data entry performs a proportional spread.
    5. Exporting is generally faster and no longer relies on Excel or the ExcelService.  Exporting is no longer single threaded, and a single user can even have multiple exports running at the same time.  A cancel option displays for longer exports.
    6. Export from cube views to Excel includes the data formatting.
    7. For relational drills, there is now an option to export the results to Excel.
    8. TM1 Web Cube Views support Scorecarding Visualizations: Impact Diagrams and Strategy Maps.

    Changed Features:

    1. The Administration Pane is no longer available in TM1 Web.
    2. The password change dialog for customers using native TM1 Authentication is now available on the login screen.
    3. The “New View” option in TM1 Cube Views has been replaced by standard double clicking on the cube name.  Double-clicking launches a standard view.
    4. Auto Recalc Mode in Cube Views. Manual mode affects only pivoting, which is consistent currently with TM1 Application web.  Changes to dimension drop downs change the view immediately. Previously the view went blank after any change until a recalc was done.
    5. There is no auto recalc/manual mode button on websheets.  SUBNM changes are essentially always in auto-recalc. This change keeps you from mistakenly thinking the data you are looking at is tied to an element, even if the data has not been refreshed.
    a. Validation and Picklists can be set to manual or auto-recalc using the following config settings:
    i. RecalcOnDataValidationChange
    ii. RecalcOnPicklistChange
    6. The Review and Save Data changes toolbar option has been removed.
    7. Hidden button on the bottom of a websheet is not currently supported.
    8. The Web queuing dialog is not available.
    9. Cube View chart technology has been replaced.  Rave is used across the Cognos product suite. The most commonly used charts are still available, but there are fewer options and configuration properties at this time.
    10. NTLM security is not currently supported. Per Microsoft this is not a recommended setting.
    11. Windows Authentication. Windows Authentication (mode 3) is still available.  However, with the move to a Java webserver, single signon is not currently available. You need to input your user id and password to login to the web.  For more help with setting up integrated security see the following document: IBM Business Analytics Proven Practices: Configuring Integrated Security for Cognos TM1 Web 10.2
    Single sign on is possible by setting up Cognos BI security with single signon and then setting TM1 to use Cognos security (see doc section: Using Cognos security with Cognos TM1). Cognos BI is included with TM1 with restricted usage. Customers are licensed to use it for security.
    12. Excel ActiveX controls are not currently supported. The web publishing tool does not currently offer support for them.   To work around this issue you can use Excel’s Form Controls instead. 
    13. URL API does not support the navigation tree control.

  • - Where is TM1 Web Logging information found?

    TM1 Web still outputs a log file. The location of this log file has changed to install_dir\\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF\logs. If you are having problems with TM1 Web, check this log to find out more about the errors that may have been generated.

  • - I think I found a bug, how best to report it?

    As the web code has been completely re-written, there may still be discrepancies found between .NET and JAVA particularly around web sheet formatting. If the issue is strictly around formatting, you can do a Save As values, changing any sensitive data, and submit the report via a PMR to support.  If it is a functional issue and you are able to provide a working test case that is always very useful.  If you cannot get a working test case, a small video capture showing the problem is helpful.

  • - What if important previously used functionality is not available?
    If you determine that some important functionality has been lost in this transition, report that information to support.

  • - Tips/Known Issues workarounds

    1. The TM1Web timeout setting now exists in the web.xml file found under the install_dir\webapps\tm1web\WEB-INF directory. This setting is initially set to 20 minutes: 

    2. Setting up Cognos Security:  In most cases, you need to change the configuration of TM1 Web in order to work with the security mode you have selected.  See Configuring Cognos TM1 Web to use Cognos security in the the IBM Cognos TM1 Installation and Configuration Guide version 10.2.2.for more information.

    3. For Sparklines to render properly in an active form websheet, include them in the formatting area of the report.  Sparklines are copied through the rows as part of the formatting. We do not currently support setting the axis to a custom value.

    4. DBR/DBRW issue: It was possible in prior versions of TM1 Web to not use DBRs if another DBRW was dependent on it.  TM1 Web was doing an extra calculation that masked the issue, though the report would not render correctly in TM1 Perspectives.  If you have a report that is not rendering fully on the web which was rendering correctly previously, first confirm that it is working properly in Microsoft Excel.  If it is not, and you have DBRWs which reference another DBRW, change the inner DBRW to a DBR.

    5. Extra scroll lines in web reports: We have found and reported an issue to the component vendor about an incorrect rendering of scroll lines.  To workaround this issue, open the problem reports in Excel, ensure that both the horizontal and vertical scroll bars are at the very top and left hand side, then re-upload the report. 

    6. In Microsoft Internet Explorer, a spinning cursor sometimes continues to spin even after the current action has completed.  Any slight movement of the mouse will correct this problem.

    7. In general, it is better to use Unicode characters whenever possible, as some browsers (such as Mozilla Firefox) disable the use of Wingding-like font families by default, as described here:

    8. In Excel, if text extends into an adjacent cell, those cells are still treated as separate cells. In TM1Web, if the text extends to the next cell, those cells merge. The formatting is taken from the first cell. If you merge the cells in Excel, then the web formatting will more likely match Excels.

    9. For non-Windows web servers, please check what fonts you have available and choose a default font for Excel that matches an available font for creating any documents that you will be using on TM1 Web. Typically a windows web server will have the matching fonts but this may not be the case for non-Windows web servers. If you are noticing differences between the size of your columns in Excel to what you see on the web, this is likely a result of not having the matching font available on the web server.

    For AIX we look for the fonts in the following location: /usr/lpp/X11/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType

    For LINUX we look for the fonts in the following location: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType

    In order to get the column widths correct, the width measurement is done based off the default font which is set in Excel (Look under Option, General, When creating new Workbooks Use this font: xxxx). If you see Body Font, this is typically the default font which is Calibri. You can verify this by unzipping the workbook and under the 'xl' folder looking for the following fonts section in the styles.xml file: <fonts count="2" x14ac:knownFonts="1"><font><sz val="11"/><color theme="1"/><name val="Calibri"/><family val="2"/><scheme val="minor"/></font>

    For AIX, unless you can find a Calibri true type font for AIX, you may want to change your default font in Excel to Lucida Sans or some other font which you have available for AIX.

    10. Threshhold and Buffersize parameters in the Tm1web_config.xml - These parameters can be used to improve the performance and experience of TM1 Web users. The Threshhold parameters should define a small to average sized sheet that will be fully load on open. Keep in mind that these rows will reload on recalc. You do not want these set too high. Be aware that when scrolling in a large sheet (one above the threshhold limits), we are fetching new data to the browser in addition to scrolling. For sheets that are above the threshhold, we will fetch the visible screen area plus a buffer each time a user scrolls beyond the information currently available at the browser. The Buffersize refers to the amount of data outside the visible area that is fetched when new data is needed. Keep the buffer size low (try even lower than the defaults) to minimize the amount of data that needs to be transferred with each fetch of new data.

  • - How does the TM1Web_config.xml compare to the Web.config file?

    The following parameters existed previously and have the same syntax:

    <!-- CubeViewerRowPageSize: Number of rows to fetch in a page of cubeviewer -->
                   <add key="CubeViewerRowPageSize" value="100" />

    <!-- CubeViewerColumnPageSize: Number of columns to fetch in a page of cubeviewer -->
             <add key="CubeViewerColumnPageSize" value="20" />

    <!-- NavTreeDisplayServerView: Y/N - Whether to display "Server View" node in navigation tree>
                   <add key="NavTreeDisplayServerView" value="Y" />

    <!-- NavTreeHidden: Determines if the navigation panel will be displayed upon user's login -->
        <add key="NavTreeHidden" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true" />

    <!--NavTreeCollapsedOnStart: Determines if the navigation panel will be collapsed or expanded upon user's login -->
        <add key="NavTreeCollapsedOnStart" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true" />

    <!--HideTabBar: If set to true, multiple tabs will not be displayed -->
        <add key="HideTabBar" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true" />

    <!-- HideWebsheetToolBar: If set to true, all websheet toolbars will not be displayed -->
        <add key="HideWebsheetToolBar" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true" />

    <!--HideCubeviewerToolBar: If set to true, all Cubeviewer toolbars will not be displayed -->
    <add key="HideCubeviewerToolBar" value="false;AllowOverwrite=true" />

    <!-- HideCubeviewerToolBar: If set, the object of type of Websheet, Cubeviewer or Url will be displayed upon user's login. -->
    <add key="HomePageObject" value=";Type=;Description=;AllowOverwrite=true" />

    <!-- MaximumSheetsForExport: Maximum number of sheets allowed to Export -->
    <add key="MaximumSheetsForExport" value="100" />

    <!--AdminHostName: If set, users will not be asked to enter Admin Host during login. -->
    <add key="AdminHostName" value="" />

    <!--AdminHostPort: If set, the client will try to use this port instead of the default Admin Host port. -->
    <add key="AdminHostPort" value="" />

    <!--AdminHostSSLPort: If set, the client will try to use this port instead of the default Admin SSL Host port. -->
    <add key="AdminHostSSLPort" value="" />

    <!-- TM1ServerName: If set, users will not be asked to select a TM1 Server to connect to during login. -->
    <add key="TM1ServerName" value="" />

    <!-- Cubeviewer String Cell Wrapping Settings -->
    <add key="CubeviewerStringWrap" value="Enabled=true;MinCharactersToWrap=50;MaxDisplayCharacters=200;WidthOfWrapCell=240"/>

    <!--RecalcOnDataValidationChange: If specified, the default recalculation behavior will be overridden when changing the value of a data validation list.
    If set to true, a recalculation will be triggered when a data validation list's value is changed.
    If set to false, a recalculation will not be triggered when a data validation list's value is changed. -->

    <add key="RecalcOnDataValidationChange" value="" />
        <!-- If specified, the default recalculation behavior will be overridden when changing the value of a picklist.
             If set to true, a recalculation will be triggered when a picklist's value is changed.
             If set to false, a recalculation will not be triggered when a picklist's value is changed. -->
        <add key="RecalcOnPicklistChange" value="" />

    <!-UseBookRecalcSetting -- If true, recalc setting of each book will be used. If false, recalc setting applies to all books. -->
    key=”UseBookRecalcSetting” value=”false”

    The following parameters are new:
    <!-- If true, a recalculate will be performed each time a websheet or cubeview is activated in TM1 Web (e.g switching tabs). -->
    <add key="RecalcOnActivate" value="true" />
    Note this replaces: key=”RecalcWebsheetOnActivate” value=”false”

    <!-- The threshold used to fully load all rows in a Websheet on initial load - used to define a small Websheet. -->
    <add key="WebsheetRowThreshold" value="150" />

    <!-- The threshold used to fully load all columns in a Websheet on initial load - used to define a small Websheet. -->
    <add key="WebsheetColumnThreshold" value="50" />

    <!-- The number of extra rows to be loaded in both top and bottom buffers of a Websheet's scrollable non-viewable area. -->
    <add key="WebsheetRowBufferSize" value="0" />

    <!-- The number of extra columns to be loaded in both left and right buffers of a Websheet's scrollable non-viewable area. -->
    <add key="WebsheetColumnBufferSize" value="0" />

    <!-- GzipCompressionEnabled: true/false - Determines if web server responses will be compressed  -->
       <add key="GzipCompressionEnabled" value="true" />

     <!-- IntegratedSecurModuleName: name of login module in file pointed to by login configuration file -->
         <add key="IntegratedSecurityModuleName" value="TM1SignedOnUserLoginContext"/>

    <!-- UseLocalTM1TrustStore/>
    <!-- Warning: Setting this to true changes the entire JVM trust store ( to point to a local copy of tm1store -->
           <add key="UseLocalTM1TrustStore" value="false" />

    The following parameters are no longer applicable to TM1 Web version 10.2:

    key="NavTreeDisplayAdministration" value="Y"


    key="TM1ExcelServicePortNumber" value="4785"

    key="IntegratedLogin" value="false"

    key="DisplayCustomToolbar" value="N;Url=;Height=28"

    key="CustomLoginPage" value=""

    key="AdminSvrSSLCertID" value="tm1adminserver"

    key="CustomLink" value=";Description=;Url=;"

    key="UseSeparateVirtualCache" value="Y;Url=;AbsolutePath="

    key="SmartAxisEnabled" value="true"


    key="BlockFetchCellSize" value="0"

    key="SyncFusionPDFExportFont" value=""

    key="StringMeasurement" value="3"

    key="SuppressPleaseSaveDialog" value="0" (No dialog will prompt and will always save)

    key="ForceXLSXSupportCheck" value="false"

    key="ForceAutoCompleteOffInLoginDialog" value="0"

    key=”RecalcWebsheetOnActivate” value=”false”

    key="PasteEnforcement" value="Mode=0"

  • - How do you display cubeviews and websheets by invoking a URL?

    See documentation: Cognos TM1 Web API.

[{"Product":{"code":"SS9RXT","label":"Cognos TM1"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"TM1","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"}],"Version":"10.2.2","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

