IBM Support

z/OS V2R1® Communications Server hardware and software requirements

Product Documentation


z/OS® Communications Server hardware and software requirements on the z/OS V2R1 operating system


This information is also found in the z/OS V2R1 Planning for Installation manual. It is included here for your convenience.

z/OS V2R1 Communications Server hardware requirements:


Communications Server provides direct LAN communication and provides for point-to-point communication over S/390 channels (ESCON or Block Multiplex) to several IBM and equivalent other vendor devices.
  • Direct LAN communication is provided by:
    • IBM Open Systems Adapter - Express
    • IBM Open Systems Adapter
    • IBM 3172 Interconnect Controller
    • IBM 8232 LAN Channel Station
  • Point-to-point communication over System z channels is supported with the following devices:
    • IBM RS/6000
    • IBM Channel-to-Channel Adapter
    • IBM 374X Communications Controller
    • IBM 2216 Multiaccess Connector
    • IBM Netfinity® Server
    • Cisco 7200 and 7500-series Channel Attached Routers
    • NSC Hyperchannel A220
A zEC12, z196, or z114 server is required to use the following functions:
  • Support for z/OS Communications Server for intra ensemble networks
  • OSA-Express4S QDIO IPv6 checksum and segmentation offload

A zEC12,, z196, z114, or System z10 server is required to use the following
  • OSA-Express optimized latency mode
  • OSA-Express inbound workload queueing
  • Support for z/OS Communications Server for intra ensemble networks

A zEC12, z196, z114, System z10, or System z9 server is required to use the
following functions:
  • OSA-Express network traffic analyzer
  • OSA-Express virtual MAC
  • QDIO diagnostic synchronization
  • QDIO support for OSA interface isolation

A zEC12, z196, z114, System z10, or System z9 server is required to use the
following functions:
  • ICSF encryption/decryption instructions, called crypto assist, which provide synchronous clear key support for DES, TDES, and SHA-1 algorithms for IPSEC.
  • The checksum offload of IPv4 packets enhancement. An OSA-Express with a supporting level of microcode is also required.
  • IPv4 Broadcast support for HiperSockets.
  • Segmentation Offload (Large Send). An OSA-Express with a supporting level of microcode is also required.

Network Attachments
To attach TCP/IP to the network you need one of the following network
processors and associated components or their equivalents:

2216 Multiaccess Connector Model 400®:
  • To attach to the 2216 using MPC+ or LCS, an ESCON or parallel channel adapter is required. For details, refer to 2216 ESCON Adapter Setup.

IBM 3172 Interconnect Controller with the Interconnect Controller Program
  • IBM 3172 Interconnect Controller Model 001, 002, or 003
  • Appendix C. Hardware requirements for running z/OS V2R1 151v IBM Interconnect Controller Program (5601-433 or 5621-425)
  • One of the following types of adapters:
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller Token-Ring Adapter (#2215)
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller Ethernet Adapter (#2220)
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller Ethernet Adapter (#2225)
    • Auto LANStreamer MC 32 Adapter (#2235)
    • EtherStreamer MC 32 Adapter (#2245)
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller FDDI A Station Adapter (#2250)
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller Network Baseband Adapter/A (#2270)
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller Network Adapter II/A (#2271)
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller Network Adapter II/A Frequency 2 (#2272)
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller Network Adapter II/A Frequency 3(#2273)
    • 3172 Interconnect Controller FDDI Adapter (#2300)
    • TURBOWAYS 100 ATM Adapter for the 3172 Model 3 (#2310) (LAN emulation for Token-Ring and Ethernet)
  • One of the following channel adapters:
    • PCA adapter (#2501)
    • ESCON adapter (#2800)
  • Standard System/370 I/O Channel Interface Cable

Note: The Pentium P90 Processor is supported.

IBM 8232 LAN Channel Station for LANs:
  • IBM 8232 LAN Channel Station Model 001 or 002
  • One or more adapters for Token Ring, PC Network, or Ethernet
  • Standard System/370 I/O Interface cable

IBM RISC System/6000 Channel Attachment:
  • To attach to the RISC System/6000 using CLAW, the following items are required:
    • IBM RISC System/6000 with the Block Multiplexer Channel Adapter (#2755)
    • AIX V3R2.3 (5756-030), or later, with feature (#5056)
    • Standard ESCON Adapter
  • To attach to the RISC System/6000 using MPCPTP, the following items are required:
    • AIX 4.3 (or later)
    • PCI ESCON Control Unit Connectivity Version 2.1

IBM Open Systems Adapter (OSA) Feature:
  • OSA-2 Feature supporting FDDI, Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Token Ring, and ATM connections
  • OSA-Express supporting Gigabit Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Token Ring connections
  • OSA-Express2 supporting Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, and 1000Base-T Ethernet connections on zEC12, z196, z114,, z10 EC, z10 BC, z9 EC, or z9 BC
  • OSA-Express3 supporting Gigabit Ethernet and 10 Gigabit Ethernet, and 1000Base-T connections on zEC12, z196, z114, z10 EC and z10 BC servers

OSA Direct SNMP subagent support requires a server with the OSA-Express feature running in QDIO mode (OSD) or non-QDIO mode (OSE). It is available on all servers supported by z/OS. For information about the level of each server that is required for this support, see zEnterprise System and System z10 OSA-Express Customer's Guide and Reference.

For additional information about OSA, see the following publication:
  • OSA-Express: zEnterprise System and System z10 OSA-Express Customer's Guide and Reference

IBM 37xx family of communication controllers for X.25, Systems Network Architecture, and IP over Channel Data Link Control:
  • IBM 3745 Communication Controller for:
    • X.25
    • Ethernet
    • Token Ring
    • Frame Relay
  • A microcode engineering change (EC) is required for the IP Dynamics (with Ethernet) capabilities:
    • C38006 for models 130, 150, 160, 170, and 17A
    • C37967 for models 210, 310, 410, and 610
    • C39888 for models 21A, 31A 41A, and 61A
  • IBM 3746 or 3746–900 Communication Controller for:
    • X.25
    • ATM
    • Token Ring
    • Frame Relay
  • A microcode engineering change (EC) is required for the IP-over-Channel (CDLC) for the 3746.
    The 3746-900 requires microcode EC number D22510 at microcode change level ECA 142 for communication across an ESCON channel. The microcode level is shipped automatically with new 3746-900s. For installed machines running an earlier level of microcode, microcode ECA 142 can be ordered by the service representative.
  • Standard System/370 I/O Channel Interface Cable

HYPERchannel A220 Processor Adapter 42990007:
  • HYPERchannel Series A devices
  • HYPERchannel Series DX devices, provided they function as Series A devices (For additional information, refer to the appropriate Network Systems Corporation documentation.)
  • Standard System/370 I/O Interface cable

The ATTENTION+BUSY and unit check conditions are normally handled in the background and can affect performance without any visible evidence. The recommendations on HYPERchannel A222 and A223 Mode Switch Settings follow:
  • The Disable Attentions setting on the HYPERchannel box eliminates the ATTENTION+BUSY status in response to read commands. This setting reduces overhead.
  • The Enable Command Retry setting reduces the number of unit checks needed because of a trunk connection. This setting improves performance because it eliminates the need to perform sense operations and retry commands.

Miscellaneous IP hardware requirements
IPv6 support requires any of the following:
  • Any OSA-Express, OSA-Express2, or OSA-Express3 feature defined for QDIO mode (OSD)
  • Multipath channel Point-to-Point (MPCPTP) Data Link Control (DLC), which may carry IPv6 traffic over ESCON/FICON, XCF links, and IUTSAMEH

IP over native ATM requires:
  • v OSA-2 adapter
  • v ATM external private or public equipment, for example, IBM 8260 NWays Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub

Use of HiperSockets IPv6 support requires at a minimum a zEnterprise, System
z10, or a System z9 server.

Use of HiperSockets multiple write facility requires a zEnterprise server or a
System z10 server.
SNAFor communication with remote resources, one or more of the following products, or their equivalent, is required:
  • Channel-to-channel adapter
  • FICON channel-to-channel adapter
  • IBM 2216 NWays Multiaccess Connector
  • IBM 3088 Multisystem Channel Communication Unit
  • IBM 3172 Nways® Interconnect Controller
  • IBM 3174 Establishment Controller
  • IBM 3720, 3725, or 3745 Communication Controller
  • IBM 3746 Nways Multiprotocol Controller
  • IBM Cross-System Coupling Facility (XCF)
  • IBM Enterprise System Connection (ESCON) channel
  • IBM Open Systems Adapter-Express
  • IBM Open Systems Adapter

APPN over native ATM requires:
  • OSA-2 adapter
  • ATM external private or public equipment, for example, IBM 8260 NWays Multiprotocol Intelligent Switching Hub

VTAM cryptographic enhancements, when used with the extended recovery facility (XRF) and Transaction Security System (TSS) family of products (4755), require 4755 Model 23 and later.

SNA triple DES (TDES) session level encryption requires a Cryptographic Coprocessor on the server.

Top of Page

z/OS V2R1 Communications Server software requirements:

For NCPROUTE server: SNALINK LU0 and ACF/NCP V7 (5648-063) or later

For X.25 interface support: X.25 NPSI V3R4 (5688-035) or later for 3745 or 3720, or X.25 NPSI V2R1 (5668-719) for 3725, and the corresponding level of NCP that supports NPSI

For SNMP NetView client support:
  • Tivoli NetView for OS/390 V1 (5697-B82). R4 requires the PTFs for APARs OA13616 and OA15907.
  • Tivoli NetView for z/OS V5 (5697-ENV) R3 or later.

For file access protection for FTP: z/OS Security Server feature

For FTP DB2 query: DB2 V9 (5635-DB2) or later

For user-written programs in Pascal that interface to a TCP, UDP, or IP boundary: IBM VS Pascal Compiler and Library (5668-767)

For IMS sockets on z/OS: IMS V11 (5635-A02) or later

For user-written programs in C that interface to an X Window System client, Remote Procedure Call, TCP or UDP protocol boundary, DPI, IP, or z/OS UNIX feature (Rcommands, RPC, or X Window System): z/OS C/C++ without Debug Tool feature

For TCP/IP functions written in C (C sample programs, Network Database System client and server, Network Computing System, Remote Procedure Call, non-z/OS UNIX X Window System) or z/OS UNIX features (ONC/RPC, X Window System): z/OS C/C++ without Debug Tool feature
SNAFor High Performance Routing (HPR) Border Node and HPR network management:
  • Tivoli NetView for z/OS V5.3 (5697-B82) or later.

For HPR, automatic network routing in composite network node: NCP V7R3 (5648-063).

To use Spare SDLC lines: NCP V7 (5648-063) and NTuneMON V2 (5648-141).

If running z/OS as a guest under z/VM, the PTF for VM APAR VM64789 is required.

Top of Page

z/OS V2R1 Communications Server Related Information:

z/OS Communications Server detailed system requirements

z/OS V2R1 Planning for Installation

z/OS V2R1 Migration

Preventive Service Planning (PSP) bucket (use search: (upgrade zosV2R1 subset csip) OR (upgrade zosV2R1 subset cssna))

z/OS Communications Server support

z/OS Communications Server Troubleshooting Information Center

[{"Product":{"code":"SSSN3L","label":"z\/OS Communications Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU054","label":"Systems w\/TPS"},"Component":"All","Platform":[{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"2.1","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB35","label":"Mainframe SW"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

