IBM Support

Release notes for WebSphere Transformation Extender, V8.4.1.1

Release Notes


These release notes contain the information required to install and operate IBM® WebSphere® Transformation Extender, version


IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender, version release notes

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2013. All Rights Reserved.


1. About this release
2. Installation and configuration information
3. Upgrade and migration information
4. Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
5. New and changed behavior
6. Resolved Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs)
7. Command Server notes
For the following products:
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio
8. Software Development Kit notes
9. Launcher Studio notes
For IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Studio
10. Contacting customer support
11. Notices and trademarks


This release is a full version of the product. Version can coexist on the same computer with earlier point releases of the product starting from Version 8.1.

Where to find the software to download
To download the software for WebSphere Transformation Extender Version, go to Passport Advantage® Online.

For details about supported hardware and software, see the system requirements.

After you install the software for this release, go to WebSphere Transformation Extender Support downloads to download and install any Interim Fix releases. For details about interim fixes, go to the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Support website.

For an overview of new features in this release, see the What's New information in the information center.

You can link to the latest workarounds for known problems in Version 8.4.1 from the known problems list.

For answers to frequently asked questions and workarounds for known problems in all WebSphere Transformation Extender releases, view the tech notes that are on the IBM Support website.

For information about the documentation and how to access it, see the Documentation release notes.

The sections in this file provide release notes for the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender products listed below. There are also sections for notes that apply to specific products.

- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Studio
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Application Programming

The WebSphere Transformation Extender main release notes page links to the release notes for the following components:

  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher Hypervisor Edition
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Agent
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Secure Adapter Collection
  • IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS

WebSphere DataPower support

WebSphere Transformation Extender support for WebSphere DataPower® aligns with and depends upon specific versions of WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances. Disregard any references to DataPower-specific features in the WebSphere Transformation Extender documentation and in the Design Studio if there is no alignment of your version of WebSphere Transformation Extender with WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances.

See the current alignment of WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances with WebSphere Transformation Extender at: Navigate to the information center for the specific WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance and version, and go to the Software requirements topic under Integration > WebSphere Transformation Extender > Overview.

See the current alignment of WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliances with WebSphere Transformation Extender Enterprise Application Packs and Industry Packs at:

Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE)

WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.4.1.1 installs the IBM version of Java™ 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition, Version 1.6.0 SR14.

Use the installed version of JRE. If you configure WebSphere Transformation Extender to use a different JRE, it must be the same version as the installed JRE version.

The JRE is not included with the WebSphere Transformation Extender for z/OS® product, Version

To do before opening the Design Studio
By default, Eclipse applications cache plug-ins. In certain circumstances, the default Eclipse behavior might prevent Design Studio from opening, cause Design Studio to be unstable or to exhibit the behavior of an earlier release, or cause the run map process to fail.

To avoid these problems, take one of the following steps before you open the Design Studio application:
  • Clear the cached version of the Design Studio plug-ins by running the cleanextenderstudio.bat batch file. The cleanextenderstudio.bat batch file is installed at the root of the install_dir directory.
  • Delete the .metadata folder that is in your workspace, and then reimport the workspace, or switch to a different workspace.

Run the cleanextenderstudio.bat batch file to clear the cached version of the Design Studio plug-ins under the following circumstances:
  • Your workspace got corrupted.

    In this case, the open process fails when Eclipse attempts to open the Design Studio.
  • You installed a patch provided by the WebSphere Transformation Extender customer support team that copied files to the wtxstudio directory.

    In this case, when Eclipse attempts to open the Design Studio, it uses the cached versions of the Design Studio plug-ins from the prior release on which this patch was installed, which causes the open Design Studio process to fail.
  • You installed a fix pack release on top of a WebSphere Transformation Extender 8.4.1 release.

    In this case, when Eclipse attempts to open the Design Studio, it uses the cached versions of the Design Studio plug-ins from the prior release on which this fix pack was installed, which causes the open Design Studio process to fail.

Delete the .metadata folder and reimport the workspace, or switch to a different workspace under the following circumstance:
  • You ran a map that could not be loaded into memory, which caused the map to fail and the Design Studio application to terminate abnormally. When you tried to reopen the application, the open process failed.

Important: WebSphere Transformation Extender Connect:Direct adapter is thread unsafe on UNIX® platforms

The Command Server runtime environment ensures threadsafe processing when using the new Connect:Direct adapter. To ensure threadsafe processing when using the new Connect:Direct adapter in other WebSphere Transformation Extender runtime environments on UNIX platforms, follow these design guidelines for your solution implementation:
  • In a Launcher runtime environment, run only one map that uses the Connect:Direct adapter, and set the Max Concurrent Map Instances setting to 1. You still can deploy multiple launcher processes to achieve parallel execution.
  • In a WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers runtime environment, run only one map that uses the Connect:Direct adapter, and disable concurrent instances. You still can deploy multiple WebSphere Message Broker (or IBM Integration Bus) execution groups to achieve parallel execution.
  • When using WebSphere Transformation Extender APIs, run only one map that uses the Connect:Direct adapter, and run only one map instance at a time from the same process.

ODBC adapter
The ODBC adapter supports both IBM and DataDirect ODBC drivers. ODBC drivers from other vendors might work, but they are not tested for compatibility with WebSphere Transformation Extender. Because of this, the ODBC adapter is usually better suited for use with IBM and DataDirect ODBC drivers.

However, when designing a map to connect to a DB2 data source that is located on a Linux®, UNIX®, Microsoft® Windows® or z/OS system, you might prefer to use the DB2 adapter. The DB2 adapter connects to the DB2 database without using an ODBC driver manager and still provides all the functionality that is present in the ODBC adapter.

Specify the ODBC adapter from either the map command line, for example, -DBTYPE ODBC, or from the Database Interface Designer, for example, in the "Adapter Type" field of the "Database Definition" window.

For more details about using the ODBC adapter, see the related topics in the WebSphere Transformation Extender information center.

DB2 adapter
For the DB2 adapter to connect with a DB2 database from a Linux, UNIX, or Microsoft Windows system, install an IBM Data Server Client Package. An IBM Data Server Client Package is available for you to download from the Internet for free. Select an IBM Data Server Client Package that includes the CLI driver, which the DB2 adapter uses to connect to a DB2 database. When configuring a database connection for a z/OS or IBM i operating system, you also need a DB2 Connect license. For further information about choosing, installing, and configuring an IBM Data Server Client Package, see the "IBM data server client and driver types" topic in the IBM DB2 Database for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Information Center.

Specify the DB2 adapter from either the map command line, for example, -DBTYPE DB2, or from the Database Interface Designer, for example, in the "Adapter Type" field of the "Database Definition" window.

For more details about using the DB2 adapter, see the related topics in the WebSphere Transformation Extender information center.

WebSphere adapters
WebSphere Transformation Extender Version includes Version of the WebSphere FTP adapter and WebSphere Email adapter. See the WebSphere adapter requirements.

Native schema support

Opening maps that reference XML Schemas

The initial map open process fully parses and validates the schema and creates a read-only, intermediary native schema type tree (.mtx) file. Subsequent open processes retrieve the WebSphere Transformation Extender-specific information that is stored in the cached .mtx file, similar to retrieving the information from a type tree (.mtt) file. Retrieving the information from the cached .mtx file is designed to improve the response time for opening maps that reference an XML Schema.

Support of Restart attribute and Reject function

WebSphere Transformation Extender stores information, including Restart information, in temporary, read-only native schema type tree (.mtx) files. A change to a schema that is referenced in an .mtx file can update the .mtx file and remove the Restart information that is stored in it. If this occurs, or if the file is deleted, you must recreate the Restart attribute. In Design Studio, right-click the type in the card and click Restart.

About translations
WebSphere Transformation Extender, version 8.4.1 products are available in the following languages:
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • English (United States)
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Spanish
  • Traditional Chinese
WebSphere Transformation Extender products display in English if the IBM representative of a country did not choose to translate them.

For the latest documentation, see the English documentation in the information center on the web.


When you use WebSphere Transformation Extender with another product, ensure that you satisfy the system requirements of the base product and apply all required fixes to the base product. For information about product fixes, go to

On all Microsoft Windows operating systems, ensure that the WebSphere Transformation Extender installation directory has Write permission for the logged-in user. Write permission is required to run a map.

Installing and uninstalling WebSphere Transformation Extender products and online library

For the procedure to install WebSphere Transformation Extender products, go to

For the procedure to uninstall WebSphere Transformation Extender products, go to

For the procedure to install the WebSphere Transformation Extender online library, go to

Default installation location
WebSphere Transformation Extender products are installed in the default location
C:\IBM\WebSphere Transformation Extender 8.4.1

When you upgrade from an earlier release, you can reuse existing references to the original installation path (for example, references in batch, configuration, or initialization files) if the original installation path did not specify a version number. To reuse existing references when you upgrade the product, install the new release in the same path as the earlier release.

For example, suppose you installed WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.3 in the C:\WebSphere Transformation Extender directory. To reuse existing V8.3 references after you upgrade to V8.4.1, uninstall V8.3 and specify C:\WebSphere Transformation Extender as the installation path when you install V8.4.1.

Installing the example files
The Typical installation of WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio does not install example files. Use the Custom installation option to install the example files.

For example, to install the WebSphere Transformation Extender example files on Windows operating systems:
  1. During installation of the WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio, click Custom installation in the Setup Type window.
  2. Ensure that Example Files is selected in the Select Components window.

WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio installs the example files in the install_dir\examples folder.

64-bit product versions cannot be installed in the same directory as Design Studio
In WebSphere Transformation Extender version 8.4.1, the Design Studio is a 32-bit application. You cannot install a 64-bit version of a WebSphere Transformation Extender product in the same directory as Design Studio.

Design Studio shared library requirements
Design Studio does not support 64-bit libraries. Install a 32-bit version of any product or component that shares a library with Design Studio. If you install both a 32-bit version of the product and a 64-bit version, ensure that the 32-bit version occurs first in the PATH statement.

For example, when you install both the 32-bit version and the 64-bit version of WebSphere MQ Explorer V7.0, ensure that the products occur in the PATH statement in the following order:

C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\bin64;

Changing the JVM heap size in Design Studio
WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio sets a default Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size. You can adjust the heap size of the JVM to meet the needs of your installation. To change the heap size, edit the C:\IBM\WebSphere Transformation Extender 8.4.1\DesignStudio\wtx_eclipse\eclipse\eclipse.ini file and change the value of the -Xmx512m parameter. For example, to set the default heap size to 1 GB, change -Xmx512m to -Xmx1024m.

Installing on Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating systems
When you install the WebSphere Transformation Extender products on a Microsoft Windows Vista® or Microsoft Windows 7 operating system, do not specify c:\Program Files in your target installation location because of compatibility issues.

Before using third-party software with WebSphere Transformation Extender installed on your Windows Vista or Windows 7 operating system, check with your vendor to ensure that it is compatible with the operating system.

Overriding the default UTF-8 encoding of XML documents
UTF-8 is the default encoding when an XML document does not explicitly specify the encoding. Use the DTX_SCHEMA_ENCODING Language Environment variable to override the default encoding. The encoding that you specify applies to all input and output cards in a map.
  • In a Launcher environment, the encoding applies to the XML input and output of all maps in the Launcher instance.
  • In a WebSphere Message Broker environment, the encoding applies to the XML input and output of all maps in the broker where the variable is set.

Specify the code page and export the DTX_SCHEMA_ENCODING variable. For example:


Malloc bucket memory allocation is disabled for 64-bit Launcher on AIX systems

On AIX® systems, an AIX APAR can cause memory corruption in processes that use malloc buckets. When malloc buckets are enabled, the memory corruption causes random Launcher process crashes or hangs on 64-bit WebSphere Transformation Extender. To prevent the problem, malloc buckets are disabled by default.

You can take these steps to enable malloc buckets to manage memory allocation:

1. Install the appropriate APAR fix on the computer where Launcher is installed:
2. Edit the $DTX_HOME_DIR/bin/ file and remove the comment characters (#) from the lines shown below:

#  if [ "`uname`" = "AIX" ]
#  then
#    export MALLOCOPTIONS=pool,buckets,bucket_sizing_factor:16,multiheap:8,considersize
#  fi

Specifying a Unicode string as the CodePageFallback substitute value
To specify a Unicode string as the substitute value of the CodePageFallback map setting, install the fix for APAR PM90027. You do not need to install the APAR fix to specify a single character.

Configuring the size and number of the Launcher system_name_timestamp.log file
The dtx.ini configuration file can specify the maximum size of the Launcher system_name_timestamp.log file and the maximum number of log files to keep before the oldest log file is deleted. See the Launcher documentation for details about the CircularLogSize and CircularLogFileNum options.

WebSphere adapter requirements
For WebSphere adapter system requirements, see:
Email adapter:
FTP adapter:

Support for DataDirect ODBC drivers
WebSphere Transformation Extender supports DataDirect ODBC drivers release 7.1 on both UNIX® and Microsoft Windows® systems.

WebSphere Transformation Extender does not support DataDirect ODBC drivers on Linux for System z®.

Prerequisite procedures for running ODBC adapters with DataDirect ODBC drivers

To run the ODBC adapters with DataDirect ODBC drivers on Windows or UNIX operating systems, you must:
  1. Install the IBM-branded ODBC drivers on Windows or UNIX.
  2. Configure the ODBC DSN on Windows or configure the odbc.ini file to define the ODBC DSN on UNIX.
  3. Configure WebSphere Transformation Extender to access the ODBC DSN so that you can run maps on Microsoft Windows or UNIX systems.

ODBC User's Guide:

The ODBC User's Guide is available in HTML format on Microsoft Windows and UNIX systems:

PlatformHelp directory
Microsoft Windowswtx_install\odbc\help\help.htm

Installing and configuring IBM-branded ODBC drivers on Windows

To install the IBM-branded ODBC drivers:
  1. Select Custom installation in the Setup program.
  2. Make sure that the component for the "IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Branded ODBC Drivers" is selected in the Select Components window.
  3. Complete entering the selections in the Setup program.

To configure the ODBC DSN:
  1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).
  2. Select the System DSN tab, and then click Add.
  3. In the Create New Data Source window, select the WebSphere Transformation Extender IBM ODBC driver for this release and click Finish.
  4. Enter the appropriate values in the window that opens for the WebSphere Transformation Extender IBM ODBC driver that you selected.
  5. Select the option that tests the connection from the WebSphere Transformation Extender IBM ODBC driver to the database server that you previously configured. This step is optional.

On 64-bit Windows platforms, the ODBC Administrator defines data-source entries that can be referenced only by 64-bit programs. To define 32-bit data-source entries that are accessible by 32-bit programs (such as the WebSphere Transformation Extender Database Interface Designer), use the ODBC Administrator that is located in %windir%\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.

Installing and configuring IBM-branded ODBC drivers on UNIX

To install IBM-branded ODBC drivers:

Select the appropriate ODBC driver option to install. Specific WebSphere Transformation Extender product installations include IBM-branded ODBC drivers for the following operating systems:

UNIX 32-bit:
  • AIX®
  • Linux®
  • Solaris
  • HP-UX (Itanium™)

UNIX 64-bit:
  • AIX
  • Linux
  • Solaris
  • HP-UX (Itanium)

The IBM-branded ODBC drivers are installed on the UNIX operating systems listed above under the odbc_drivers subdirectory of the WebSphere Transformation Extender installation location. The readme.txt file in the odbc_drivers subdirectory contains details about the contents of the subdirectory, such as the release notes, configuration information, and instructions about how to access the ODBC driver help system.

To configure the odbc.ini file to define the ODBC DSN:

Configure the odbc.ini file, which is located in the odbc_drivers subdirectory, to define the ODBC DSN. For instructions, see "Configuring the Product on UNIX/Linux > Data Source Configuration > Configuration Through the odbc.ini File" in the ODBC User's Guide.

For your maps to use the ODBC settings in the odbc.ini file at run time, you must first run the WebSphere Transformation Extender "setup" script. For details about how to run the "setup" script, see the Configuring UNIX environment variables section. After you run the script, the ODBC library paths are automatically configured.

Configuring access to the ODBC DSN

To configure WebSphere Transformation Extender to access the ODBC DSN so that you can run maps that use ODBC adapters on Windows or UNIX:
  1. Start the Database Interface Designer (DID) and create a new or open an existing database query file. A database query file has a .mdq file extension.
  2. Define a new database. Click Database > New.
  3. For the Database Name setting, enter the name of the database that you are defining.
  4. For the "Adapter > Type" setting, select ODBC.
  5. For the "Data Source > Database Interface Designer" setting, enter or select the ODBC DSN that you specified in the "To configure the ODBC DSN" procedure on Windows.
  6. For the "Data Source > Runtime" setting, enter or select the ODBC DSN that you configured on Windows or UNIX. If the map is run on Windows, enter the ODBC DSN that you configured in the "To configure the ODBC DSN" procedure. If the map is run on UNIX, enter the ODBC DSN that you configured in the "To configure the odbc.ini file to define the ODBC DSN" procedure.
  7. Click OK.
  8. When you define a database card in the Map Designer, reference the WebSphere Transformation Extender ODBC connection with the following parameters:
Database Query FileThis is the name of the file that you used in step 1.
DatabaseThis is the name of the database that you defined in step 3.

When you define a database adapter operation in a map rule through the GET, PUT, or DBLOOKUP functions, you can reference the WebSphere Transformation Extender ODBC connection with the following command-line options:
  • When you use an MDQ file:
Command-line optionsDefinition
-MDQ <mdq file><mdq file> is the name of the file that you used in step 1.
-DBNAME<db name><db name> is the name of the database that you defined in step 2b.

  • When you do not use an MDQ file:
Command-line optionsDefinition
-DBTYPE ODBCSpecifies the ODBC type of database.
-SOURCE <data source><data source> is the DSN that you used in the "To configure the ODBC DSN" procedure on Windows, and the "To configure the odbc.ini file to define the ODBC DSN" procedure on UNIX.

Installation error: uncompress not found
The WebSphere Transformation Extender installation programs for UNIX operating systems rely on the UNIX "uncompress" program. The "uncompress" program might not be available in some Linux installations. If you encounter the installation error "uncompress: not found," install the "uncompress" program.

Configuring UNIX environment variables
The environment variables required to execute a WebSphere Transformation Extender map or system must be set prior to execution.

You can set the environment variables (PATH, DTX_TMP_DIR, DTX_HOME_DIR, and the appropriate library path variable for your platform) by running the setup program.

After you log on to your computer, execute the setup program in the WebSphere Transformation Extender installation directory before executing a map or system file (using the Launcher). This sets the required environment variables for this session only. Modify the .profile script to set the environment variables for all sessions.

Note: The following command procedure assumes that your UNIX command line environment is the Korn (ksh) shell.

Execute the command as follows:

. /install_dir/setup

where install_dir is the directory where you installed the WebSphere Transformation Extender products.

Note: There must be a space between the initial period (.) and the command path.

Soft DATA segment or heap size on UNIX systems
Using the default setting for the Soft DATA segment or heap size parameter can cause problems on UNIX platforms. The root user must reset the Soft DATA Segment value to a value larger than the default.

Note: On AIX platforms, use IBM's smit (System Management Interface Tool) utility to reset the Soft DATA Segment value.

Set this value one time for each user (not for each session). Choosing the correct value depends on the following factors:
  • Amount of memory available on the machine
  • Size of data being processed
  • Type of processing occurring on the respective data
  • Other major applications that run on the machine

If memory permits, start with the default value and increase it as needed. Use the following command to test the value by temporarily setting the value within your own environment:

ulimit -d <value>

Note: When setting the Soft DATA Segment value, the change takes effect only for the current session.

Required IBM XL C/C++ runtime package maintenance level on AIX

If you use the IBM XL C/C++ runtime package on AIX operating systems, you must install the required IBM XL C/C++ runtime package maintenance level or later. To download the PTF, go to

HP-UX product requirements
To run the Launcher on HP-UX platform, use the following settings for max_thread_proc and maxdsiz:

Kernel ParametersDefault ValueIncrease To
max_thread_proc64 processes512 processes
maxdsiz64 MBytes<user dependent>

The value of maxdsiz depends on the amount of available memory and the size of the data used in the maps being run. The default of 64 MBytes is typically not enough. Set maxdsiz to the largest value possible, based on the available memory.

Patch requirement for Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM z systems
On computers that run on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux on IBM z systems, you must install the RHEL 5 Server Update 4. Without this update, the Management Console and Launcher Administration trigger a Java exception error.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 requirement
WebSphere Transformation Extender requires .NET Framework 4.0 to register an assembly such as dtxInterop.dll.
  1. Download and install .NET Framework 4.0 from
  2. To ensure that the current dtxCom.dll is registered:
a. Unregister the current dtxCom.dll:
regsvr32 /u dtxCom.dll

b. Register the V8.4.1 dtxCom.dll:
regsvr32 dtxCom.dll

Now you can use Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 to register assemblies such as dtxInterop.dll. The regasm utility might require you to run the command prompt with administrator privilege.

Invoke the regasm utility from the Microsoft.NET\Framework directory. For example:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\regasm dtxInterop.dll

Allocating additional virtual memory on Microsoft Windows 32-bit systems
In Windows 32-bit systems, maps that process large amounts of data in memory can fail due to heap fragmentation. Edit the Windows boot.ini file and add the /3GB switch to allocate additional Windows virtual address space. See the example and the editing procedure from Microsoft.

Recommended patches for Java-based adapters
To use any of the following Java-based adapters, install the patches recommended for your HP-UX version and Quality Pack:
  • CORBA adapter
  • Java Class adapter
  • Java Message Service (JMS) adapter
  • JNDI adapter

Configuring Java-based adapters
To configure the Java-based adapters, you modify the CLASSPATH environment variable, either directly or by adding the JAR file entries to the [External Jar Files] section of the dtx.ini file. For example:

[External Jar Files]

Note: N represents the next available number if multiple jar entries exist.

For example:

[External Jar Files]

Note: Environment variables cannot be used in these entries.

1. (This step is not required for AIX and HP-UX platforms.) Install Java™ 2 SDK, Enterprise Edition V1.6.0 and set environmental variable J2EE_HOME to point to the installed directory. Update the CLASSPATH environment variable as described below.

PlatformCLASSPATH Environment Variable
Sun Solaris$J2EE_HOME/lib/j2ee.jar

2. The IBM version of the JRE is provided with this release. Make sure the environment variable JAVAHOME points to the installed location of this version of the JRE, and that the CLASSPATH environment variable includes:


3. For Windows platforms only: Set the PATH environment variable to include the following:


Where install_dir is the directory where you installed the WebSphere Transformation Extender products.

4. For UNIX systems only: Ensure that the client-side LIBPATH environment variable contains a reference to the directory where Java 2 JRE is installed. This is the directory where the libjvm.s* and libjava.* files are located. For example:


PlatformLibrary Path Environment Variable
(SHLIB_PATH should point to the hotspot subdirectory instead of classic.)

Follow any provider-specific installation and setup instructions.

SNMP adapter and SNMP Agent software requirements
The SNMP adapter is automatically included with all base editions of WebSphere Transformation Extender version 8.4.1. The SNMP Agent is an optionally installed component of WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher.

To use the SNMP adapter or the SNMP Agent, you must install the Java™ Dynamic Management Kit (JDMK) runtime module available from Project OpenDMK.
1. An existing jdmkrt.jar file from a previous installation of the SNMP Collection prevents the version 8.4.1 SNMP adapter or SNMP Agent from working. Remove any existing jdmkrt.jar file:
  • On Windows systems, from the WebSphere Transformation Extender installation directory.
  • On UNIX systems, from the /libs subdirectory.
2. Download and install the OpenDMK binary runtime components from Project OpenDMK.
3. Add the jdmkrt.jar file to the CLASSPATH as described in the Configuring Java-based adapters topic of the Resource Adapters overview.

To use the SNMP adapter from the Design Studio, add the jdmkrt.jar file to the dtx.ini file, as described in the Configuring Java-based adapters topic.

Installing CICS adapter when WebSphere Transformation Extender for Application Programming is not installed
Use this procedure to install the required CICS server-side components when WebSphere Transformation Extender for Application Programming is not installed on a z/OS system. This procedure is not required on a system where WebSphere Transformation Extender for Application Programming is installed.

The CICS adapter requires the cicssrvr.loadlib file that is shipped with WebSphere Transformation Extender and is located in the installation directory. The cicssrvr.loadlib file includes server-side components required to use the CICS adapter to connect to CICS.

To install the cicssrvr.loadlib file:

1) Transfer the cicssrvr.loadlib file in binary mode from the
installation directory on your computer to a z/OS data set with
80-byte fixed-length records (RECFM=FB, LRECL=80,
system-determined blksize).

This means no ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation and no
elimination of carriage-return or line-feed characters.

2) After you have installed the file on z/OS, issue the TSO
RECEIVE command to create a load library from it. At the
"READY" prompt, type the following:

receive inda(‘my.upload’)

The following messages are displayed:

INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' +

3) Type the name of the load library to be created as follows:


Messages are displayed, indicating that the load library is being created.

4) Define the programs to the CICS region that will be
running the CICS adapter server-side components.

The programs can be defined to CICS by adding the following
statements to the CICS CSD definitions. To update the CSD, use
either the DFHCSDUP CICS batch utility program or use the CEDA
transaction and use the following statements as an example:



5) Add the cicssrvr load library to the DFHRPL concatenation
for the CICS region that will be running the CICS adapter
server-side components.

JNDI adapter
The following indicates the supported JNDI drivers for use with the JNDI adapter:

- COS Naming service provider, 1.2.1 release
- DNS Service Provider, 1.2 release
- File system service provider, 1.2 release
- LDAP service provider, 1.2.4 release
- RMI registry service provider, 1.2.1 release

MIME adapter
The MIME adapter requires the j2ee.jar and mail.jar files, or equivalent jar files that contain the J2EE and "javax.mail" classes. These modules are not shipped with WebSphere Transformation Extender. After installing the jar files from an appropriate Java Platform, Enterprise Edition installation, modify the CLASSPATH to include the modules.

S/MIME adapter
The S/MIME adapter is deprecated. Currently, WebSphere Transformation Extender supports the S/MIME adapter on Windows and 32-bit non-Windows operating systems. It does not support the adapter on HP Itanium operating systems.

If you use the S/MIME adapter on a supported non-Windows operating system, set the SMIMEDIR environment variable and specify a valid path for your environment. For example, set the path as:

CMD: export SMIMEDIR=/sol10t2000home/qalocal/automation/inst32/83SMIME

Oracle and Oracle AQ adapters
See the WebSphere Transformation Extender system requirements for the supported database versions.
Support for Oracle databases does not include support for the Oracle Exadata platform.

Sybase adapter

With the Sybase adapter, you can connect to the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) and Sybase IQ databases. See the WebSphere Transformation Extender system requirements for the supported database versions. See the Sybase adapter documentation for the list of supported data types.

Email adapter configuration

To use any email adapter, you must update the dtx.ini file on the runtime system.

On a Microsoft Windows system:

1. Edit the WTX_INSTALL_DIR\dtx.ini file. WTX_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where WebSphere Transformation Extender is installed.
2. Search for the string [JVM Options], and set option1 as follows:

option1=-Djava.ext.dirs= WTX_INSTALL_DIR\java\lib\ext; WTX_INSTALL_DIR\extjar

On a UNIX system:
1. Edit the WTX_INSTALL_DIR/config/dtx.ini file. WTX_INSTALL_DIR is the directory where WebSphere Transformation Extender is installed.
2. Search for the string [JVM Options], and set option1 as follows:

option1=-Djava.ext.dirs= WTX_INSTALL_DIR/java/lib/ext: WTX_INSTALL_DIR/libs/extjar


Maps cannot reuse work files from earlier releases
WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.4.1 and later work files are not compatible with work files from earlier releases. If a map reuses work files that were created with an earlier release, you must delete the work files and run the map to create new work files that are compatible with version 8.4.1 and later.

Custom function memory allocation on Windows systems

WebSphere Transformation Extender version 8.4 and later releases require custom functions that run on Microsoft Windows systems to use the new mpiMemMalloc and mpiMemRealloc memory management functions to allocate or reallocate the lpDataFromApp buffer.

Zip adapter

The implementation of the ZIP adapter on the 32-bit version of Microsoft Windows is different from the implementation on the 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows. The 64-bit implementation is Java-based. The Java-based ZIP adapter uses the same command line options and error messages as the 32-bit adapter.

The 64-bit does not support the "Imploding" type of compression. A client that uses this older type of compression must select a different type of compression.

Migrating maps, type trees, and systems

Maps, type trees, and systems from versions 5.0 and later can be used with V8.4.1 and later. You must regenerate systems. Although it is not always required for running maps from an earlier version, you should reanalyze and save the type trees, and save and recompile the maps; otherwise, the processes must convert the files each time they load the files.

See additional considerations in Maps cannot reuse work files from earlier releases.

  • If you are migrating from V8.0 to V8.4.1.1, you must run your database triggering scripts in order to successfully run source-triggered database systems. After V8.4.1.1 is installed on the supported Oracle or SQL Server databases, no earlier release of WebSphere Transformation Extender can use triggering on that database, because the client and source reference different names.
  • To use the new code page functionality, you must make new selections for the Data Language and National Language type properties in your type trees.

  • If you previously used a non-international version of WebSphere Transformation Extender (formerly DataStage TX or Mercator), Native has been redefined to be Latin1 instead of ASCII.
  • During installation, if you are prompted to register this version as the default program for opening WebSphere Transformation Extender file types and you choose "Yes," all WebSphere Transformation Extender files, such as *.mtt or *.mms, open with this version (8.4.1).

  • The dsmapconv command (Map Migration utility) converts a map from WebSphere Transformation Extender version 6.7.1 to WebSphere Transformation Extender version After the type tree has converted successfully, some of the input map rules might not convert, and cause the dsmapconv map conversion process to fail. You can view the results in the dsmapconv log file.
    If the dsmapconv map conversion process fails because some map rules were not converted, use Map Designer to complete the conversion process:
    1. Open the map.
    2. Delete the unresolved rules.
    3. Compile and rerun the map.

Opening Files from an earlier version
When you save a source file from an earlier version of a WebSphere Transformation Extender product in the current version, the content and structure of that file is automatically converted to the format for the current version.

After conversion to the current version formats, do not open these files in earlier versions of a WebSphere Transformation Extender product component. After conversion, the format of the map source has changed and there are added features that are not supported in the earlier versions.
  • *.mtt files are converted in memory when the file is opened. The backup *.omt file is created when the file is saved.
  • *.mms files do not need to be converted for the current version.
  • A map created in an earlier version opens in the current version.
  • *.msl files do not need to be regenerated. They are converted dynamically.
  • *.mmc files do not need to be recompiled.
  • *.msd files still work the same way, creating an *.osd when the file is opened.
  • *.mdq files open in the current version.

Preparing maps to run in this version
  • Analyze each type tree file for logic and structure and then save it in the current version of the Type Designer.
  • Regenerate type trees for queries, tables, and stored procedures.
  • For maps that will be executed using a current version of the Command Server or Launcher, build all maps using the equivalent (current) version of the Map Designer.
  • Build and generate the Launcher system (.msl) file or the command file for all systems defined in the current version of the Integration Flow Designer.
  • If you have designed maps that could produce 0 bytes of data to an adapter (this is especially critical for R/3 adapters), you must change the OnSuccess setting to CreateOnContent or use the -XO adapter option.
  • When you open a map that references a custom adapter or an adapter that is no longer supported in version, the Source or Target in the Edit Card window is blank. The map builds successfully, but returns a "Source not available" or "Target not available" message when it executes. The solution is to select an adapter from the list in the Edit Card window.

Converting type trees generated in earlier versions
You can invoke the dtxxmlconv utility command from the command line to convert type trees that were generated in WebSphere Transformation Extender versions earlier than V8.0.

Performance of maps
If you are migrating from an earlier version, you should be aware of the relative performance of running maps in this version.

The maxdata script
The maxdata script is not supported for WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.4 and later releases because the script applies only to 32-bit AIX platforms. Version 8.4 and later releases support only 64-bit AIX platforms.


For the latest information, see the list of known problems and workarounds in version 8.4.1.


For an overview of new features in this release, see the What's New information in the information center.

WebSphere Transformation Extender V8.4.1.1 supports the Standards Processing Engine (SPE) and associated Pack solutions.

Change to zLinux references
References to "zLinux" in the product interfaces are changed to "Linux for System z."

Deprecated components and functions
The following components and functions are deprecated in V8.4.1 and later:
  • The S/MIME adapter is deprecated and supported only on Windows platforms.
  • The legacy COBOL Copybook importer is available but deprecated. Use the new COBOL Copybook importer instead.

Removed components and functions

The following components and functions were deprecated in earlier releases and are not included in Version 8.4.1 and later:

  • The platform API is not supported on distributed platforms.

Disregard any references to these components in the documentation.


Review the list of APARs that are resolved in Version


These notes are for the Command Server component of the following products:
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher
- IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio

Installation information
Because procedures for Command Servers for Windows, HP-UX, RS/6000 AIX, and Solaris platforms might differ slightly, the installation program provides specific instructions to guide you.

The Command Servers for Microsoft Windows are components of the client installation and are installed with the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server and IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher. These Command Servers are also available as components of the Command Server installation for Windows-based platforms to be installed on your server for runtime purposes.

With IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Design Studio, you can use the Map Designer to run maps at design time.

The HP-UX, RS/6000 AIX, and Solaris Command Servers are components of each platform-specific Command Server server installation for runtime purposes.

The additional Command Servers for z/OS (Batch and CICS) are available on platform-specific media. For system requirements and installation procedures for these Command Servers, see the platform-specific readme, release notes, and the Program Directory.

Additional UNIX runtime information
You must manually set the shared library path according to your platform.

Do not execute the setup program if you want to configure the environment variables manually. Instead, use the DTX_TMP_DIR environment variable to set the location of temporary files, as described in the following procedure.

Set location for temporary files (DTX_TMP_DIR)
During map execution, the Command Server creates temporary files for resource handling and for retaining debug information. The default directory for these temporary files is /tmp. To specify a different directory for temporary files, set the DTX_TMP_DIR environment variable. For example:

export DTX_TMP_DIR

If multiple users or groups are to access the Command Server engine, define DTX_TMP_DIR instead of using the default /tmp directory. Define and export the DTX_TMP_DIR variable manually or with the setup script. The directory specified for DTX_TMP_DIR must have permission 777 to provide permission to the user, the group, and all others. Define and export the DTX_TMP_DIR variable before you set the directory permission. To set the permission, run the chmod command:

chmod 777 $DTX_TMP_DIR

Enabling environmental debug information (DTX_DEBUG)
When the DTX_DEBUG environment variable is defined, the Command Server can produce environmental diagnostic information that can be helpful when a problem is encountered during map execution. By default, the DTX_DEBUG environment variable is not defined and environmental debug information is not recorded.

When you define the DTX_DEBUG environment variable, environmental debug information is recorded in a file named dtxinfo.log located in the directory defined by the DTX_TMP_DIR environment variable (or in the /tmp directory, if DTX_TMP_DIR is not defined).

To enable the environmental debug facility, set the DTX_DEBUG environment variable to TRUE. For example:

export DTX_DEBUG

To disable the environmental debug facility, set the DTX_DEBUG environment variable to FALSE. For example:

export DTX_DEBUG

The following is a sample of the information contained in the environmental debug file:

Date/Time: Fri Jul 25 14:30:09.279783 2012
FILE: mercmain.c, line: 714
info: [IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Product
Version: 0.0]

Date/Time: Fri Jul 25 14:30:09.280252 2012
FILE: mercmain.c, line: 744
info: [IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender RUNNING:
Fri Jul 25 14:30:09 2012]

Date/Time: Fri Jul 25 14:30:09.470357 2012
FILE: mercrun.c, line: 1951
New Map File - Fri Jul 25 14:30:09 2012

Tracing I/O problems (DebugName and DebugAppend)
You can enable the DebugName and DebugAppend options in the [Connections Manager] section of the dtx.ini file to enable the Command Server to trace I/O-related problems.

Setting shared libraries environment variables
After you install mapping components on UNIX platforms, set the appropriate shared object path environment variable to access the shared libraries. This procedure varies slightly depending on the platform being used.

For example, to set this variable for an IBM RS/6000 AIX platform, enter:

LIBPATH=$LIBPATH: install_dir/libs
export LIBPATH

Note: Because the RS/6000 AIX platform caches shared libraries, if you update a shared library on the disk, you will not be able to see the update. Use the slibclean command as the root user to remove the old shared library from system memory.

To set this variable for an HP-UX platform, enter:

SHLIB_PATH=$SHLIB_PATH: install_dir/libs

To set this variable for Solaris platform, enter:


Note: In these examples, install_dir/libs is the directory where the shared libraries are located.

The following Software Development Kit components are automatically included when you install the Design Studio. Any base version of WebSphere Transformation Extender can be used as the runtime environment with the Software Development Kit:
  • WebSphere Transformation Extender for Application Programming
  • WebSphere Transformation Extender with Command Server
  • WebSphere Transformation Extender for Integration Servers
  • WebSphere Transformation Extender with Launcher

Online library installation
Software Development Kit documentation links to the Online Library and the Resource Adapters Library are dependent on the installation of the Online Library.

IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender for Application Programming Interface requirements

The IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Programming Interface consists of C, COM, CORBA, Java, and RMI APIs.

The required header files, library files, and IDLs for these APIs are located in the following directories:

FilesWindows DirectoryUNIX Directory
Library install_dir$install_dir/libs
IDLs install_dir\idl$install_dir/idl

Linking an application to an alternate ICU library version

This release of WebSphere Transformation Extender uses ICU version

A WebSphere Transformation Extender Application Programming Interface (API) user can link an application to a version of ICU other than ICU V4.8.1.1 by including the ICU version's lib names in the link line.

For example, to link your application to ICU V3.4.1, use the following link line:

-licuuc341 licuuc18n341 licudata341

If you do not want to specify the version numbers in the link line, the ICU team recommends that you start the icu-config script from the $(ICU_INSTALL)/bin/ directory.

To start the icu-config script, include the following code in your makefile:

ICU_LDFLAGS=`$(ICU_INSTALL)/bin/icu-config --ldflags-libsonly`

If you are using ICU V3.4.1, the icu-config script returns the following required link lines:

-licui18n341 -licuuc341 -licudata341


These notes are for the Launcher Administration, Management Console, and Resource Registry components of the IBM WebSphere Transformation Extender Launcher Studio product.

Resource Registry trace file
To create a Resource Registry trace file, you must set the DTX_LOG_RES_ALIAS environment variable to an absolute path and file name.

Non-Windows environments

This section contains the following topics:
- Configuration requirements
- Display Errors

Configuration requirements
To use these products in a non-Windows environments, the X Window server must be running on the local host machine or system. You must set the DISPLAY environment variable and export it.

The DISPLAY environment variable identifies the X Window server that is to display the X Window WebSphere Transformation Extender GUI client. The syntax might vary depending on the shell version that you are using. To set the DISPLAY environment variable:

export DISPLAY=<display_name>:<server_display[.screen_number]>

  • The DISPLAY environment variable name must be in uppercase letters.
  • The display_name is the IP address or domain name of the local host machine that is to display the X Window WebSphere Transformation Extender GUI client application.
  • server_display is the number assigned to the X Window server that is to display on the host machine.

Because most local host machines have a maximum of one display monitor, keyboard, and mouse, in most cases, you specify the server_display as :0, and omit the screen_number .

If your system has more than one monitor (display screen) as in multi-headed systems, each monitor is identified by a unique screen number. You specify the screen_number by appending it to the end of the X server_display specification, for example, :0.1. The default screen_number is 0, which refers to the primary screen, and when it is 0, you do not need to specify it; for example, you can specify only the server_display simply as :0.

Example 1:


  • is the domain name of the local host that is to display the X Window WebSphere Transformation Extender GUI client application.
  • 0 is the value for the server_display that is assigned to the DISPLAY environment variable.

The host system exports the value to the X Window client so that it will display the X Window WebSphere Transformation Extender GUI client application on the primary screen of the computer with the domain name through the X server assigned as 0.

Example 2:

export DISPLAY=

  • is the IP address of the local host that is to display the X Window WebSphere Transformation Extender GUI client application.
  • 0 is the value for the server_display that is assigned to the DISPLAY environment variable.

The host system exports the value to the X Window client so that it will display the X Window WebSphere Transformation Extender GUI client application on the primary screen of the computer with the IP address through the X server assigned as 0.

Display errors
To avoid display errors related to when starting the Launcher Administration, Management Console, or Resource Registry, ensure that the display X server has access to all fonts used in the of the Java installation.

On Solaris JVMs, the consistently refer to fonts that are not included with Exceed. This can sometimes cause problems such as distortions when displaying GUIs. To resolve this problem, a customized can be placed in your $HOME/lib directory, which will remove references to the problem fonts.


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This product includes software developed by the Eclipse Project

[{"Product":{"code":"SSVSD8-1","label":"WebSphere Transformation Extender"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"},{"code":"PF035","label":"z\/OS"}],"Version":"","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB59","label":"Sustainability Software"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
05 October 2022

