IBM Support

Ask the Experts Replay: WebSphere Application Server installation/uninstall/update/modify using Install Manager .



IBM Ask the Experts discussion about WebSphere Application Server installation/uninstall/update/modify using Install Manager on 12 December 2013.
This session covers install / uninstall / update / modify operations using Installation Manager on WebSphere Application Server V8.X This also covers any questions related to Install /Uninstall or applying fixpacks using Update Installer in v7.x


Ask the Experts sessions are conducted in a question and answer format.
The table below provides a time index (minutes:seconds) to the recording and describes the questions or topics discussed.
You can to fast forward to any question using the time index. A table containing the panel of experts is also included.

To play or download the audio of this Ask the Experts session, see the Audio Section of this document (audio not available until after the webcast).

See the Related Information Section of this document for a list of documents referenced during the presentation.

Ask the Experts session
12 December 2013 - 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST

TimeQuestions asked
00:00General introduction
02:40Technical introduction
03:38How can I use command line options to find what is installed and what offerings are available in the repository?
06:05What option can I use to uninstall ifix and fixpack?
07:43IMShared directory is using a lot of space, is there an option to delete files from this directory?
11:27Is it possible to change AppData agent directory from default after WebSphere Application Server and other offerings are installed?
15:24What options do I have to install Liberty 8.5.5?
17:00Open lines for live question and answer period
17:03On a non-administrator install, does it have to be the user_home? Can it be directed to a shared (NFS) space?
17:40What is the difference between WAS installation through IM and Silent mode installation?
19:21How to import license from RAD 7.0 to 8.5.5 (trial version)?
19:51Can you please give an overview of using IM to install ifix?
20:38I have WAS ND 8.5.5 32-bit installed on a 32-bit linux server, and I have a new linux 64bit server that we want only the 64bit 8.5.5 WAS, and use the DMGR on the 32-bit server, how do we do this?
22:14Why is IBM only providing Installation of WebSphere Application Server through Installation Mananger?
23:01When we go for Ifix and when we go for fixpack, what is basic difference between those?
23:50Can you pleasee give information about what is the use of Liberty profile and its advantages?
24:57What do you recommend if there is a need to duplicate the WebSphere environment?
26:54What are the basic pre-req checks for installation of Installation Manager?
28:19Do you have a link for how to federate the 64-bit WAS ND APPSERVER to 32-bit DMGR, instructions/step (jython scripting) so it can be automated?
29:20With WebSphere products changing the method of installation, is there a white paper, or recommended practices, for setting up a central repository?
30:33Is there any way make a WAS back-up through Installation Manager?
30:52Do we have to uninstall previous ifix before installing latest fix pack?
32:09We are planning to migrate from WAS 6.1 to WAS8.5.5, can I install 8.5.5 on top of the existing 6.1 profile? Or does it have to be a fresh installation?
33:10I have an NFS share on 3 servers and IIM is installed there. Can I utilize IIM to install/uninstall with 2 different users without any issues on all 3 servers?
34:44Is there a document for migrating WebSphere 7 to WAS 8.7 entire cell, say node-by-node?
35:11What provisions does WebSphere Application Server provide to prevent denial of service attacks?
35:40If we have 32-bit 8.5.5 DMGR and 1 APPSRVR 32-bit 8.5.5 and a 2nd APPSRVR 64-bit 8.5.5, does the DMGR have to be updated first or can we update the APPServers first? That is, does the order matter for fixes?
36:58Is it a good idea to create any dependency on the dmgr for runtime? For example, Adobe Life Cycle installed on top of WAS uses some cache mechanism called gds, gemfire, etc.
37:42I noticed on IM with 8.5 that when you choose to install the updates, it always goes through your IBM PA account to get the updates and the latest. But with Maximo application for instance, you only want to go to for instance, so the only way I found is run the update pointing to the repository for fix 1, and choose update and keep clicking cancel to look online to continue and install the fix 1. Is this the only way to install a fix on V8 or V8.5?
39:40When migrating WAS from 6.1 to 8.5, do you guys recommend using the migration tool or create configurations using scripts?
40:44To upgrade websphere from 6.1 to 8.5, What path do you suggest: fresh install or migration proces?. If you suggest migration process where can I get the documentation?
42:34To get to WAS 8.0 from WAS 8.1, is this a migration process only?
42:57What is the latest fix pack available on top of base (and location to down load from Passport Advantage)?
43:37Is there a fixed release scheduled for FixPacks? I hear that it's every 3 months or so.
44:24If I have 1000 servers to apply FP, whats the recommended method to apply fixes to large number of servers in minimum time; any tools available?
47:01I have IIM, WASND, WAS installed and configured per application's requirement. Now, I want to install another instance of WAS. Does IIM have an option to take the existing WAS as a template so that I can get the configuration also?
47:49We are planning to upgrade from 6.1 to What's the stable version (already being used by companies)?
48:45Closing remarks
50:05End of Call

Panel of Experts:
Jeanette DalyWebSphere Application Server L2 Support
Mike HillWebSphere Application Server L2 Support
Vishavpal ShergillWebSphere Application Server L2 Support
Vikram ThommandruWebSphere Application Server L2 Support


To replay the recording of this conference call, click on Download Audio (audio in MP3 format). Right-click and select Save As to store the file on your local computer for later playback. Remember that you can fast forward to any question using the time index.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSEQTP","label":"WebSphere Application Server"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Install","Platform":[{"code":"PF002","label":"AIX"},{"code":"PF010","label":"HP-UX"},{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"},{"code":"PF027","label":"Solaris"},{"code":"PF033","label":"Windows"}],"Version":"8.5.5;8.5;8.0;7.0","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB45","label":"Automation"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

