IBM Support

Social Media Analytics 1.3 Fix Lists

Release Notes


A comprehensive list of defect corrections for Social Media Analytics 1.3. Details of the fixes are listed below. If you have questions about a particular defect, please contact Customer Support.


Social Media Analytics 1.3 fix lists

Issues corrected with Social Media Analytics 1.3 release.
PI11643Microblogs (Twitter) and Facebook posts timestamps are off by 5 hours
PI05350SMA slow data load
PI08202Users cannot delete their own projects, the Sys Admin must do this through the CLI
PM99776Database keeps on activating and de-activating repeatedly
Issues corrected with Social Media Analytics 1.3 IF3 release.
PI16729Content processing fails in SMA project
PI16821SMA data integration document requires updating
PI12295Not all valid SMA queries are supported by Gnip
PI15883Generated Twitter queries need to meet the GNIP syntax restrictions for Twitter auto-generated queries to succeed
PI12246Configuration UI Status Page displays crawler errors although data was fetched
PI14651Database permissions lost after data export
PI15527The Reporting UI "Influence Categories" reports indicates wrong x-label after selecting Twitter drop down
PI16484Include Terms missing when reopening the Theme window in the Configuration UI
Issues corrected with Social Media Analytics 1.3 IF7 release.
PI17225Random 2032 errors in the analysis UI
PI17382Percentage of author location known decreased significantly from 1.2 and 1.3
PI17406Unable to view snippets if browser language is not English
PI17471Analysis fails when include term is missing from concept
PI17553Unable to view report because of failed SMA job
PI18590Correct error message when deleting user
PI19054Positive comment identified as negative sentiment
PI19440Previewing documents with autogenerated queries returns documents with no context terms
PI19682Differences in document counts between GNIP/BR & SMA caused by language parameter not used in Twitter configuration
PI19890Punctuation mark in Chinese sentiment analysis
PI19893Sentiment terms with Comma
PI19895Welcome Page and Reporting UI in Chinese
PI20089Error message for DIM_SNIPPET_TEXT after installation of IF3
PI20278Short words in Evolving topics
PI20786FlowManager runtime exception
PI21129DB2 error when setting value for Parameter_Timezone_Offset
PI21330Sentiment blocker cannot be added for deleted default sentiment terms
PI21639Brand comparison is not working as expected in English sentiment analysis
PI21711Snippet View as CSV not exported correctly
PI21869Very slow log creation facility creating very large archives.
PI22520Facebook data collection not behaving as expected when queries to Boards source are issued
PI23056Corrupted query terms saved in configuration after upgrade
PI23198Welcome Page link missing in Reporting UI
PI23211Underlining of sentiment is not interrupted for sentiment enumeration
PI23338Consolidate failed for customer
PI23799Document count estimation shows 0 with proxy setup
PI24059SMA HTTPS protocol
PI24549Chinese, Japanese or Korean queries failing with "Too many requests from one API key" (Query length exceeded for queries against Twitter)
PI24910PowerTrack rule cannot be generated as expected by BoardReader (":" needs to be handled in terms used in queries)
PI25111Query length exceeded for queries against Twitter
Issues corrected with Social Media Analytics 1.3 IF11 release.
PI16821SMA data integration document requires updating
PI20315Invalid sentiment syntax in sentiment library causes Analysis failure
PI25841Clicking on Topic Evolution chart in Analysis UI shows zero snippets on parts of the river where its supposed to have snippets
PI26140Role does not get assigned when creating a theme
PI26141In Reporting, when a child object of Media Sets is unchecked the Media Sets root node remains checked
PI27074Scrollbar missing in Configuration project dropdown with large number of projects
PI27075Terms cannot be deleted from the project configuration when the terms area is full
PI27094Analysis fails during first phase of Topic Evolution when resumed after update to 1.3 IF7
PI27716Update fails after an uncompleted project deletion
PI27790In Configuration, pressing backspace in the theme terms editor causes browser to go to previous page
PI29704Content processing fails on a particular document
PI29999Help video for configuring themes and concepts has incorrect information
PI30185Error during Data Fetch: Too many BoardReader requests from one API key
Issues corrected with Social Media Analytics 1.3 IF16 release.
PI35235While an ongoing job is in progress in export phase and an upgrade to IF11 is attempted, the upgrade fails
PI34385Documents missed in SMA ongoing job due to the delay between documents inserted/being searchable on BoardReader
PI46686Missing snippets / gaps in data when viewing share the voices trend reports
Issues corrected with Social Media Analytics 1.3 IF17 release.
PI48705Export fails with FK violation due to document with mediaset_id not set missing in DIM_DOCUMENT table
Issues corrected in the Social Media Analytics 1.3 IF18 release.
PI71212Project failing with error "Paused due to unresolved problems"
PI71555Snippets missing from analysis

[{"Product":{"code":"SSJHE9","label":"Social Media Analytics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU059","label":"IBM Software w\/o TPS"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"1.3","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

