IBM Support

Release notes for IBM PureApplication System W1500 Version

Product Documentation


IBM PureApplication System W1500 Version 1.0 Fix Pack 2 is now available. This release notes document lists issues and fixes for the current release.


This fix pack includes fixes for the following APARs:

The IBM PureApplication System administrative ID is not able to grant user permission
IBM PureApplication System console G8124 configuration cannot be saved
"Unable to launch the application" message displayed when launching IBM PureApplication System monitoring portal
IBM PureApplication System pattern VMS placed on one compute node rather than across multiple compute nodes
IBM PureApplication System virtual system instance delete not handling missing volume placement
Virtual system pattern deployment did not complete successfully with error "JAVA.UTIL.CONCURRENT.EXECUTIONEXCEPTION"
The IBM PureApplication System pattern editor allows actions which may conflict with current actions being performed.
IBM PureApplication System Manager fails to start. Log shows "Error: /ETC/HTTPD/CONF.D/SSL.CONF IS NOT A PERSISTED FILE."
IBM PureApplication System virtual system pattern deployed using IP address fails to deploy
IBM PureApplication System cloud group access permission setting is not being persisted
Virtual system pattern editor does not identify script origin of identical variable names in same part
IBM PureApplication System foundation pattern type upgrade for elastic load balancing shared service failed
IBM PureApplication System virtual image capture fails to load the virtual image in the catalog
IBM PureApplication System create DB2 Data Source script package throws a "CANNOT CREATE OBJECTNAME" exception
An Administrative user cannot click on the PureSystems Manager "Power On" button on the system console
Value out of range message when creating storage volume
IBM PureApplication System missing storage volumes in the virtual image catalog hardware section after image capture
Support for more than one storage volume during extend and capture with IBM PureApplication System
PureSystems Manager 1 status is missing from the PureApplication System console
IBM PureApplication System contains duplicate users and groups which are stored in the internal database
IBM PureApplication System recoverable high availability failures lacks automated recovery mechanism
IBM PureApplication System displays inconsistent storage volume information
IBM PureApplication System virtual system status and snapshot actions display conflicting messages
IBM PureApplication System virtual system pattern editor's visual connection is incorrect between DB2, High Availability and WebSphere Application Server parts
IBM PureApplication System not displaying some critical events that are seen in the Chassis Management Module event log
IBM PureApplication System unable to connect to the system console
IBM PureApplication System unable to load the system monitoring Shared Service

The following topic areas are covered in these release notes:

Administering the System:

Addition of LDAP users fails after successfully configuring LDAP on system console
Problem:The built-in LDAP user group membership search filter and search attributes might not match the customer LDAP group schema. As a result, the addition of LDAP users fails after LDAP configuration has successfully completed on the system console.
Resolution:Complete the following steps:

1. Specify a custom search filter and custom attributes in the properties file:

LDAP membership:

Use this filter to query LDAP groups of which the specified user is a member. You can also use the filter to override the default membership.

Example search filter:
(&(member={0}) (objectclass=groupOfNames))

LDAP membership user identity:

Use this attribute to specify a particular attribute of the user distinguished name (DN) instead of the full user DN, which is used by membership search by default. If you do not specify a value, the full user DN is used.

LDAP group name:

Use this attribute to specify the attribute as a group DN that represents a registered group name. If you do not specify a value, the common name (cn) attribute of the group DN is used. 

2. Contact IBM to request that an IBM service representative arrive at your data center and upload the properties file to each PureSystems Manager. The task of uploading the file to the management nodes can be completed only by an IBM service representative. Enable the IBM service representative account by completing the following steps:
a) In the system console, click System > Troubleshooting and select the Enable IBM service representative account access check box.
b) Click Generate to generate an encrypted key. Save this key, because you must provide it when you contact IBM.
c) Contact IBM. Specify the machine type model (MTM) and the serial number (SN) of the system, rather than those of an individual component.
* In the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378).
* To locate a global IBM support contact, see the Directory of worldwide contacts at

Upgrading an existing Database Performance Monitoring shared service instance to FP2 will break monitoring of existing and new database deployments.
Problem:Upgrading an existing Database Performance Monitoring shared service instance to FP2 will break monitoring of existing and new Database deployments.
Resolution:Existing deployments of the Database Performance Monitoring shared service should not be upgraded, as there has been no runtime fixes included in FP2. If the Database Performance Monitoring shared service has not been deployed to a cloud group, then you can deploy any level and there will not be an issue.

New Database as a Service deployment does not connect to Database Performance Monitoring shared service
Problem:The monitoring link is missing from a new database instance because of an existing, pre-generated password entry for the database instance.
Resolution:Update the database instance password to match the one that is retrieved in the OPM registry.

Database instances no longer have an OPM monitoring link on the instance UI
Problem:Monitoring link is not present and / or does not work.
Resolution:The endpoint link on the Database Performance Monitoring shared service instance can be used to access the monitoring UI and navigate to the database instance to monitor it.

Temperature warnings are displayed when the storage controller temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius
Problem:A temperature warning indicator is activated on the system console user interface for the IBM Storwize V7000 storage controllers if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius.
Resolution:The temperatures displayed in the system console represent the ambient temperature and exhaust temperature. The system console reports the following events if the storage device is over the temperature threshold:

010060 E A solid-state drive (SSD) exceeded the warning temperature threshold. 1217
010061 E A solid-state drive (SSD) exceeded the offline temperature threshold. 1218
010062 E A drive exceeded the warning temperature threshold. 1217
045012 W The canister temperature is at the warning level. 1098
045013 W The canister temperature is at the critical level. 1095
045070 W The canister temperature sensor cannot be read. 1034
070528 W The ambient temperature is too high while the system is starting. 1182
528 Ambient temperature is too high during system startup.

Black screen is displayed when connecting to VNC on DB2 virtual system deployments
Problem:On some DB2 virtual system deployments, the VNC service is not started correctly. The user sees a black screen when connecting to VNC using the standard Java applet. This problem occurs when deploying the DB2 HA Primary in a separate pattern from the Standby.
Resolution:You can manually reset the VNC service by connecting as root using SSH and issuing the following commands:

su - virtuser -c "vncserver"
su - virtuser -c "vncserver -kill :1"
su - virtuser -c "vncserver -kill :2"
su - virtuser -c "vncserver"

High Availability:

The Primary PureSystems Manager always pushes workload data to overwrite the secondary PureSystems Manager
Problem:The primary PureSystems Manager always pushes management data out to the secondary PureSystems Manager.

If the primary PureSystems Manager goes down, the secondary PureSystems Manager automatically takes over as the primary PureSystems Manager. When workload changes occur (such as deploying new workloads) during this time, only the secondary PureSystems Manager knows about the new workload changes. 

If the secondary PureSystems Manager goes down, and if the original PureSystems Manager then recovers and resumes its role as the primary, it might then overwrite the secondary PureSystems Manager data with older information. As a result, any workload changes that were made during the outage might be lost.
Resolution:If both PureSystems Managers are down, start the PureSystems Manager that was most recently functional first.

User created artifacts such as user IDs, configurations can return after being deleted
Problem:If one of the dual PureSystems Managers in the rack is unavailable either because of a network outage or because of a crash, the working PureSystems Manager acts as the management server performing user actions for the duration.

If during this time, new artifacts are created, the working PureSystems Manager synchronizes this data to the unavailable PureSystems Manager when it becomes available.

But if during this time, existing artifacts are deleted, the artifacts are re-displayed when the working PureSystems Manager synchronizes again with the unavailable PureSystems Manager.

The PureSystems Managers use Informix to synchronize their databases. With this setup, operations can be performed on either PureSystems Manager, and Informix synchronizes the database between the two PureSystems Managers to provide a consistent view of the database. When connectivity between the two PureSystems Managers is broken, replication setup between the two PureSystems Managers is turned off, so replication queues do not build up and crash Informix. When connectivity is reestablished, Informix synchronizes the databases. Currently, this synchronization works by looking at missing rows on either PureSystems Manager and creating the missing rows on the other PureSystems Manager. If the user deletes any rows when a PureSystems Manager is inactive, the synchronization copies them back from the PureSystems Manager that was inactive.
Resolution:Delete the artifacts that were previously deleted and are re-displayed.

Managing virtual systems and virtual applications:

Advanced Monitoring links fail for database instances under the Workload Console
Problem:If you attempt to deploy a Virtual Application that uses a Virtual Machine with more than 8 processors, an error will occur: "CWZKS1077E: An error occurred during deployment. Please see the server logs for more details". The application will enter a terminated state.
Resolution:This is a known limitation.

Advanced Monitoring links fail for database instances under the Workload Console
Problem:If you follow the Advanced Monitoring link from a Database as a Service deployed database instance console, then it will fail with Server not found error.
Resolution:Administrators can use the endpoint link on the Database Performance Monitoring service to launch the UI and select the database instance to monitor.

Parentheses cannot be specified in a virtual application instance name
Problem:Deploying a virtual application instance with invalid characters "(" or ")" in the instance name is not supported.
Resolution:Delete the failed instance and redeploy with a new instance name that contains valid characters.

The Revert function does not work after IBM Image Construction and Composition tool virtual application upgrade
Problem:After upgrading the IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool virtual application, the Revert function does not work from the virtual application detail web page.
Resolution:Connect to the IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool virtual machine manually and use the IBM Installation Manager silent mode function to complete the rollback of the virtual application.

Virtual Machine Usage report on the Machine Activity page takes too long to generate on Internet Explorer
Problem:When you attempt to generate a Virtual Machine Usage report on the Machine Activity page of the workload console using Internet Explorer, the process takes an excessive amount of time to complete.
Resolution:Continue to wait for the report to be generated.

Deployments might time out and fail while a backup job is running
Problem:Group deployments might time out and fail while a management system backup is running on the system. The backup prevents all other work from running while it backs up the system. As a result a multi-deploy pattern might have a number of deployments held up by the backup job as it runs, and might cause the overall group deployment to time out and fail.
Resolution:Remove the existing failed group deployment and retry the group deployment once the management system backup has completed.

When deleting a virtual system, virtual machines are deleted from the hypervisor, but persist in the node virtual machine list
Problem:If an instance cannot be properly deleted it will be marked as failed.
Resolution:No further action is required. A recurring job periodically checks for instances that are in the failed state and automatically retries deleting the instance.

WebSphere Application Server stops responding to requests if you first deploy a virtual application pattern or virtual system pattern with one CPU and later increase the number of CPUs
Problem:If you deploy a virtual application pattern or virtual system pattern that is configured with one CPU, and later increase the number of CPUs, WebSphere Application Server stops responding to requests.

This problem does not occur if you initially deploy the pattern with more than one CPU and later increase the number of CPUs, or if you do not increase the number of CPUs at a later time, after deployment.
Resolution:When you first deploy the pattern, ensure that it is configured with at least two CPUs, if you anticipate that you might need more than one CPU for the application at a later time.

Networking and Connectivity:

SNMP traps from virtualization system manager are displayed twice in the events list
Problem:Duplicate events (and SNMP traps) are received from the virtualization system manager.
Resolution:These duplicate SNMP traps can be ignored.

To remove a VLAN from the Customer Network Configuration page, you must remove it in two places
Problem:While managing the network configurations of your system, when you choose to remove a VLAN from the system, you might only select the VLAN from the VLAN Information section of the Customer Network Configuration page of the System Console. This action does not fully remove the VLAN.
Resolution:There are two places on the Customer Network Configuration page that show the VLANs that are in use by the system. To fully remove a VLAN from the page, you must remove it from both the VLAN Information section and the Link Configuration section.

See Configuring VLAN information in the Information Center for details on managing VLANs in your network configurations.

Email notifications are not submitted when deployments occur
Problem:Email notifications for instance deployments are not sent.
Resolution:This is a restriction for this release.

Upgrade and Migration:

Upgrading a Database as a Service created database instance fails while creating a backup image.
Problem:If you create a database instance through the Workload Console, then immediately click "Apply DB2 Fixpack", the upgrade will fail.
Resolution:Allow 10 minutes for the backup operation to complete before attempting the upgrade procedure.

Release Notes for IBM PureApplication System W1500

[{"Product":{"code":"SSM8NY","label":"PureApplication System"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"--","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

