IBM Support

Release Notes for IBM PureApplication System W1500 Version

Release Notes


IBM PureApplication System W1500 Version 1.0 Fix Pack 1 is now available. This release notes document addresses system requirements, limitations, and known problems.


This fix pack includes fixes for the following APARs:

The IBM PureApplication System administrative ID is not able to grant user permissions
Failure to connect to the IBM PureApplication System Workload Console
Corrupted characters on non-English IBM PureApplication System monitoring tool
The IBM PureApplication System environment profile property value is displayed in an unexpected language
IBM PureApplication System reserving high amount of CPU during virtual system deployments
IBM PureApplication System console displays some incorrect values for port speed
Virtual system SCRIPTDEFAULTVALUE does not work while configuring a script package using a JSON object
IBM PureApplication System virtual system deploy uses an IPv6 address      

The following topic areas are covered in these release notes:

Administering the system:

SNMP forwarded traps do not set a value for UpTime
Problem:SNMP forwarded traps always display the value of UpTime as 0.
Resolution:This is a limitation for this release.

SNMP traps from virtualization system manager are displayed twice in the events list
Problem:Duplicate events (and SNMP traps) are received from the virtualization system manager.
Resolution:These duplicate SNMP traps can be ignored.

Temperature warnings are displayed when the storage controller temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius
Problem:A temperature warning indicator is activated on the system console user interface for the IBM Storwize V7000 storage controllers if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius.
Resolution:The temperatures displayed in the system console represent the ambient temperature and exhaust temperature. The system console reports the following events if the storage device is over the temperature threshold:

010060 E A solid-state drive (SSD) exceeded the warning temperature threshold. 1217
010061 E A solid-state drive (SSD) exceeded the offline temperature threshold. 1218
010062 E A drive exceeded the warning temperature threshold. 1217
045012 W The canister temperature is at the warning level. 1098
045013 W The canister temperature is at the critical level. 1095
045070 W The canister temperature sensor cannot be read. 1034
070528 W The ambient temperature is too high while the system is starting. 1182
528 Ambient temperature is too high during system startup.

High temperature warnings are displayed when attributes are not properly configured
Problem:KQ8_Temperature_High_Critical and KQ8_Temperature_High_Warning situations, when they are started, always indicate an error event regardless of the actual temperatures within the rack. This problem occurs when the Maximum Exhaust Temperature and Maximum Ambient Temperature attributes are not set properly, resulting in zero values being supplied for these attributes.
Resolution:The system administrator should set appropriate values for these two attributes, so that these situations can alert you when the exhaust temperature or the ambient temperature is too high. The administrator can verify these attribute settings in the Temperatures workspace.

Compute node physical memory usage seems larger than the amount allocated
Problem:Physical memory usage displayed on the Hardware > Compute Nodes page might seem larger than the sum of all virtual machine memory usage.
Resolution:The compute node memory usage accounts for any hypervisor overhead as well as the virtual machines present.

Black screen is displayed when connecting to VNC on DB2 virtual system deployments
Problem:On some DB2 virtual system deployments, the VNC service is not started correctly. The user sees a black screen when connecting to VNC using the standard Java applet. This problem occurs when deploying the DB2 HA Primary in a separate pattern from the Standby.
Resolution:You can manually reset the VNC service by connecting as root using SSH and issuing the following commands:

su - virtuser -c "vncserver"
su - virtuser -c "vncserver -kill :1"
su - virtuser -c "vncserver -kill :2"
su - virtuser -c "vncserver"

Storage Devices page does not indicate that an IBM Storwize V7000 storage controller is in a degraded state when a storage canister is removed
Problem:In the event that a V7000 storage controller begins operating in a degraded or less than optimal state (such as when a storage canister is removed), there is no notification on the Storage Devices page of the system console to indicate the changed condition.
Resolution:Monitor the System > Events page for errors with storage controllers.

Image name is appended with (2) even though the version is different
Problem:When an image is imported with the same name as a previously imported image, the text string (2)is automatically appended to the name of the new image, even when the version is different.
Resolution:This is a cosmetic issue only and does not affect the usability of the image.

Unable to load resource message displayed when launching IBM PureApplication System Monitoring Portal
Problem:When you launch the IBM PureApplication System Monitoring Portal by using the Advanced Monitoring, Monitor, or Endpoint links, the following message is displayed:
Unable to load resource

This problem occurs when the client workstation is unable to resolve the fully-qualified host name of the monitoring server virtual machine.
Resolution:On the client workstation, edit the following file:
- For UNIX or Linux systems: /etc/hosts
- For Windows systems: Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
Change or add an entry with the long host name followed by the short host name, similar to the following format:

<IP address> <long_host_name> <short_host_name>

Using this format:
- <IP address> is the IP address of the monitoring server virtual machine.
- <long_host_name> is its fully-qualified long host name.
- <short_host_name> is its short host name.

Example: myhost

To determine long and short host names, select Shared Service under Workload Console -> Instances. Names can be found in the list of virtual machines.

Virtual Application Builder does not load when using Internet Explorer Version 8
Problem:When you attempt to open the Virtual Application Builder using Windows Internet Explorer 8 as your web browser, the new window opens but does not load the application builder.
Resolution:Refresh the newly opened Virtual Application Builder window.

The deploy number fields on the Compute Nodes page always display a value of zero
Problem:When viewing compute nodes in the Compute Nodes page, the Successful deploy number and Deploy number fields under the Health statistics section are not incremented during deploys and will always contain the value 0.
Resolution:This is a restriction for this release.

Virtual Machine Usage report on the Machine Activity page takes too long to generate on Internet Explorer
Problem:When you attempt to generate a Virtual Machine Usage report on the Machine Activity page of the workload console using Internet Explorer, the process takes an excessive amount of time to complete.
Resolution:Continue to wait for the report to be generated.

The Revert function does not work after IBM Image Construction and Composition tool virtual application upgrade
Problem:After upgrading the IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool virtual application, the Revert function does not work from the virtual application detail web page.
Resolution:Connect to the IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool virtual machine manually and use the IBM Installation Manager silent mode function to complete the rollback of the virtual application.

Changing the current network configuration causes a short network outage
Problem:When the network administrator reconfigures the network, the connectivity to various components on the network becomes temporarily unavailable.
Resolution:The connectivity is usually unavailable for only a few minutes and returns without any problems. This is expected behavior while changing network configurations. Do not use the system during this time period.

Cannot have more than one network administrators modify network settings at the same time
Problem:Concurrent modifications of the customer network at the same time is not supported. If one network administrator is modifying the customer network configuration, problems can occur if another network administrator attempts to run a reconfiguration of the network at the same time.
Resolution:Be aware of this limitation and network behavior.

Deployments might time out and fail while a backup job is running
Problem:Group deployments might time out and fail while a management system backup is running on the system. The backup prevents all other work from running while it backs up the system. As a result a multi-deploy pattern might have a number of deployments held up by the backup job as it runs, and might cause the overall group deployment to time out and fail.
Resolution:Remove the existing failed group deployment and retry the group deployment once the management system backup has completed.

The deployer.wizard in the Command Line Interface lists Environment Profiles that are defined but not completely configured
Problem:The deployer.wizard in the Command Line Interface lists Environment Profiles that are defined but not completely configured. If one of those profiles is chosen, the task fails without indicating that the Environment Profile is not completely configured.
Resolution:Ensure that all Environment Profiles defined in IBM PureApplication System are in the state marked with Environment profile can now be used for deployments.

Shared services in the IBM PureApplication System Workload Console are not visible to users with read-only access
Problem:When a user is given the View all workload resources (Read-only) permission for the Workload resources administration role, the user can not see the shared services instances.
Resolution:Users with this permission must be added to the Access granted to list for the shared service in order to see the instances.

Unable to change customer's data trunk ports connections tag-pvid value
Problem:The customer is unable to change the data trunk ports connections tag-pvid (VLAN tag persistence) value on top of rack switches.

As a result, all customer's data trunk ports default to the switch default tag-pvid value, which is disabled. When disabled, the VLAN tag is removed from packets whose VLAN tag matches the port PVID.
Resolution:An IBM CE will assist with fixing the top of rack switch to enter the correct tag-pvid.

User created artifacts such as user IDs, configurations can return after being deleted
Problem:If one of the dual PureApplication System Managers (PSMs) in the rack is unavailable either because of a network outage or because of a crash, the working PSM acts as the management server performing user actions for the duration.

If during this time, new artifacts are created, the working PSM synchronizes this data to the unavailable PSM when it becomes available.

But if during this time, existing artifacts are deleted, the artifacts are re-displayed when the working PSM synchronizes again with the unavailable PSM.

The PSMs use Informix to synchronize their databases. With this setup, operations can be performed on either PSM, and Informix synchronizes the database between the two PSMs to provide a consistent view of the database. When connectivity between the two PSMs is broken, replication setup between the two PSMs is turned off, so replication queues do not build up and crash Informix. When connectivity is reestablished, Informix synchronizes the databases. Currently, this synchronization works by looking at missing rows on either PSM and creating the missing rows on the other PSM. If the user deletes any rows when a PSM is inactive, the synchronization copies them back from the PSM that was inactive.
Resolution:Delete the artifacts that were previously deleted and are re-displayed.

To remove a VLAN from the Customer Network Configuration page, you must remove it in two places
Problem:While managing the network configurations of your system, when you choose to remove a VLAN from the system, you might only select the VLAN from the VLAN Information section of the Customer Network Configuration page of the System Console. This action does not fully remove the VLAN.
Resolution:There are two places on the Customer Network Configuration page that show the VLANs that are in use by the system. To fully remove a VLAN from the page, you must remove it from both the VLAN Information section and the Link Configuration section.

See Configuring VLAN information in the Information Center for details on managing VLANs in your network configurations.

Additional monitoring port for monitoring console to open successfully
Problem:The Ports topic in the IBM PureApplication Information Center lists the ports that are used for inbound and outbound traffic. In the Monitoring ports table, the list of Inbound ports should include port 15001, and read as follows:

TCP 443, 10001, 11080, 11081, 11086, 11087, 15001, 15200, 15211
Resolution:Review your port configuration settings and ensure that you have all the necessary ports configured for inbound and outbound traffic.

Security audit record package files are no longer displayed, or have problems when a download is attempted
Problem:After generating one or more security audit record package files on the Security and Administrative Event Auditing page, the package files might no longer be displayed in the Audit Record Packages table, or attempts to download a selected package might not complete successfully.
Resolution:Regenerate the package, and wait for the operation to complete before proceeding with other activity on the system.

Managing users and passwords:

The incorrect status of a deployed System Monitoring service instance might be caused by a password containing characters that are not valid
Problem:The status of a deployed System Monitoring service instance is incorrect, displaying a red exclamation mark beside the instance in the navigator. This problem might be caused by passwords entered during deployment that contain characters that are not valid.
Resolution:Complete the following steps:
1. Stop the System Monitoring service instance.
2. Delete the System Monitoring service instance.
3. Deploy a new System Monitoring service instance. When prompted to enter a password, ensure that only valid characters (A-Z, a-z, and 0-9) are specified.

Addition of LDAP users fails after successfully configuring LDAP on system console
Problem:The built-in LDAP user group membership search filter and search attributes might not match the customer LDAP group schema. As a result, the addition of LDAP users fails after LDAP configuration has successfully completed on the system console.
Resolution:Complete the following steps:

1. Specify a custom search filter and custom attributes in the properties file:

LDAP membership:
Use this filter to query LDAP groups of which the specified user is a member. You can also use the filter to override the default membership.

Example search filter:
(&(member={0}) (objectclass=groupOfNames))

LDAP membership user identity:
Use this attribute to specify a particular attribute of the user distinguished name (DN) instead of the full user DN, which is used by membership search by default. If you do not specify a value, the full user DN is used.

LDAP group name:
Use this attribute to specify the attribute as a group DN that represents a registered group name. If you do not specify a value, the common name (cn) attribute of the group DN is used.

2. Contact IBM to request that an IBM Certified Engineer (CE) arrive at your data center and upload the properties file to each PureSystems Manager. The task of uploading the file to the management nodes can be completed only by an IBM CE.

Enable the IBM CE account by completing the following steps:

a) In the system console, click System > Troubleshooting and select the Enable IBM Customer Engineer (CE) account access check box.

b) Click Generate to generate an encrypted key.
Save this key, because you must provide it when you contact IBM.

c) Contact IBM. Specify the machine type model (MTM) and the serial number (SN) of the system, rather than those of an individual component.

  In the U.S. and Canada, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (1-800-426-7378).
  To locate a global IBM support contact, see the Directory of worldwide
contacts at

Managing virtual systems and virtual applications:

Parentheses cannot be specified in a virtual application instance name

Problem:Deploying a virtual application instance with invalid characters "(" or ")" in the instance name is not supported.
Resolution:Delete the failed instance and redeploy with a new instance name that contains valid characters.

Volumes cannot be deleted if they are still attached to an instance
Problem:If you attempt to delete a volume when it is still attached to an instance, no action is taken. There is no notification that the operation failed.
Resolution:Detach the volume from the instance before deleting the volume.

When deleting a virtual system, virtual machines are deleted from the hypervisor, but persist in the Node virtual machine list
Problem:If an instance cannot be properly deleted it will be marked as failed.
Resolution:No further action is required. A recurring job periodically checks for instances that are in the failed state and automatically retries deleting the instance.

Email notifications are not submitted when deployments occur
Problem:There are no email notifications for instance deployments.
Resolution:This is a restriction for this release.

Virtual system deployments consume more memory than expected
Problem:Virtual system patterns created with exact memory requirements based on past observations are now consuming more memory, which might cause high utilization warnings. This problem is a result of the integrated system monitoring, which adds the workload execution environment and operating system monitoring to all virtual system deployment, along with some deployments, such as WebSphere Application Server, including additional middleware monitoring.
Resolution:When creating your virtual system patterns and determining the memory resources required for each node, include an additional 250 MB for the integrated system monitoring components, and another 100-250MB for any optional middleware monitoring that is enabled.

Importing an image fails, unable to locate the file
Problem:When using the command-line interface to import virtual images, you might encounter an error indicating that the file cannot be located. This problem might occur when using the format:

deployer.virtualimages.import(open('/path/to/OVA_file_name.ova', 'rb'))
Resolution:Use the following format instead:

deployer.virtualimages.import({'url': 'http://...' })

See the IBM PureApplication System W1500 Information Center for more information about the virtual images command-line interface reference.

Recommended interim fixes for the Intelligent Management component of WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition Version
Problem:Known limitations in the Intelligent Management component exist.
Resolution:If you are using the Intelligent Management component, download and apply the base cumulative fix for the Intelligent Management component of WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition Version before using the virtual image with virtual systems.

When cloning a custom node that is a member of a dynamic cluster, the custom node is not added to the membership policy of the dynamic cluster.
Problem:This problem occurs when you have a custom node in a node group that is being used as the membership policy of a dynamic cluster.  If you clone the custom node using the PureApplication System console, the new custom node is not added to the existing node group.
Resolution:Complete the following steps to add the new custom node to the membership policy of the dynamic cluster:

1. From the WebSphere Application Server administrative console, navigate to System Administration > Node Groups > node_group_name > Node group members.
2. Click Add.
3. Select the new custom node, and click Add.
4. Save your changes.

When using a translated VNC Desktop with WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition, the correct language is not displayed in the administrative console
Problem:For WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition, when you start the administrative console by using the desktop icon, the console is displayed in English even though the pattern is deployed in a language other than English.
Resolution:Manually stop and restart the VNC server instance to access the translated operating system menus, or use a different browser set to your preferred language setting to use the administrative console.

To restart the VNC server instance, complete the following steps:

1) Log in as the root user ID.

2) Verify that the VNC server is not running, by issuing the following command from the command line:

ps -ef | grep Xvnc

3) If the Xvnc instance is running, issue the following command:

su - virtuser -c "vncserver -kill :1"

4) Start the VNC server by issuing the following command:

su - virtuser -c "vncserver"

When you stop and restart a WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5 virtual machine, the VNC server does not restart
Problem:If you stop and restart a virtual system pattern that has been deployed in single byte languages, the VNC Server does not restart.
Resolution:Manually restart the VNC server.

To restart the VNC server, complete the following steps:

1) Log in as the root user ID.

2) Verify that the VNC server is not running, by issuing the following command from the command line:

ps -ef | grep Xvnc

3) If the Xvnc instance is running, issue the following command:

su - virtuser -c "vncserver -kill :1"

4) Start the VNC server by issuing the following command:

su - virtuser -c "vncserver"

No choice for Platform Type in Advanced Middleware Configuration virtual system pattern generator
Problem:In the Advanced Middleware Configuration Environment Generation wizard, in the virtual system pattern generator section, in the Platform Type field, you might see Any available as the only value.
Resolution:This problem can occur due to an incorrectly formed WebSphere Application Server pattern in IBM PureApplication System. The virtual system pattern generator defaults to the first available platform.

Advanced Middleware Configuration virtual system pattern generator fails to create the on demand router node
Problem:When you use the Advanced Middleware Configuration Environment Generation wizard to capture configuration information about an existing WebSphere Application Server version 8.5 cell that includes an on demand router (ODR) cluster, the virtual system pattern generator fails to include the ODR cluster in the pattern.
Resolution:Manually include the ODR node in the pattern using the Workload Console. See Editing virtual system patterns in the Information Center for more information.

Missing values in Advanced Middleware Configuration file
Problem:When you upgrade from an earlier installation of Advanced Middleware Configuration, the file is missing key values needed to support the integration with Rational Team Concert.
Resolution:Edit the file, located in the RAFW_HOME directory, and replace the following line:


with this expanded line:


Advanced Middleware Configuration was_common_configure_all action fails with on demand router server
Problem:When the action runs, the following exception is returned:

[exec] WASX7017E: Exception received while running file
exception information:
ADMG0007E: The configuration data type CustomProperty is not valid.
Resolution:Manually configure on demand router servers using WebSphere Application Server tools. See the WebSphere Application Server, Hypervisor Edition Information Center for more information about configuring on demand routers.

WebSphere Application Server stops responding to requests if you first deploy a virtual application pattern or virtual system pattern with one CPU and later increase the number of CPUs
Problem:If you deploy a virtual application pattern or virtual system pattern that is configured with one CPU, and later increase the number of CPUs, WebSphere Application Server stops responding to requests.

This problem does not occur if you initially deploy the pattern with more than one CPU and later increase the number of CPUs, or if you do not increase the number of CPUs at a later time after deployment.
Resolution:When you first deploy the pattern, ensure that it is configured with at least two CPUs, if you anticipate that you might need more than one CPU for the application at a later time.

When importing a virtual appliance, HTTP return code 201 is returned instead of expected return code 202
Problem:Importing a virtual appliance returns HTTP return code 201 instead of 202 when the job is launched.
Resolution:If there is no automation checking for return code 201 this can be safely ignored. Modify any automation routines that include an import of a virtual appliance, and ensure that any check for return codes accepts both HTTP return codes 201 and 202.

The Primary PureApplication System Manager always pushes workload data to overwrite the secondary PureApplication System Manager
Problem:The primary PureApplication System Manager (PSM1) always pushes management data out to the secondary PureApplication System Manager (PSM2).

If the primary PSM1 goes down, the secondary PSM2 automatically takes over as the primary PureApplication System Manager. When workload changes occur (such as deploying new workloads) during this time, only the secondary PSM2 knows about the new workload changes. 

If the secondary PSM2 goes down, and if the original PSM1 then recovers and resumes its role as the primary, it might then overwrite the secondary PSM2 data with older information. As a result, any workload changes that were made during the outage might be lost.
Resolution:If both PureApplication System Managers are down, start the PureApplication System Manager that was most recently functional first.

Virtual application or virtual system nodes view does not detect changes in virtual machine status correctly
Problem:In certain circumstances, some internal components fail to detect state changes or force state changes (for example, start or stop) on virtual machines from the workload console. The user, or the automation in a virtual application is unable to start or stop a virtual machine while those state changes are not detected.
Resolution:Restart the primary management node to cause the system to recover internal state changes.

Unable to deploy images that have been capture after attaching new volumes
Problem:When a user performs an image extension and adds a new disk to the deployed virtual machine, the image can be captured, the disks are added to the virtual machine, and provided in the internal metadata. However, there are some missing updates in the metadata that cause the redeployment to fail.  The virtual system or virtual application deployment indicates the following error:

Could not contact virtual machine.
Resolution:This problem occurs because the system cannot redeploy the captured image after new volumes (disks) are added. Contact IBM Support to assist with changes in the OVA metadata to correct this problem.

[{"Product":{"code":"SSM8NY","label":"PureApplication System"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF016","label":"Linux"}],"Version":"1.0","Edition":"All Editions","Line of Business":{"code":"","label":""}}]

Document Information

Modified date:
17 June 2018

